Francesca Romana Bergamo

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La cura

La cura

Oct 13, 2022
During the Covid-19 lockdown, a film crew is shooting an adaptation of Camus' La Peste. Reality and fiction start to blur between each other.
L'arte della felicità
Sergio driving a taxi in a white Naples overflowing sadness and garbage. Pouring rain leads her clients through the city trying to process the death of his brother, who started ten years earlier for Tibet and never returned. A pop singer, a recycler of fragments of life, a radio announcer, an old uncle, alternate seats on its bearing, each in its own way, a trace of his brother loved. Stubborn not to go over and get lost in an endless race, Sergio is overwhelmed by memories and the music produced in pairs with Alfredo, which in Buddhism and in its foundations had found the strength to cope with the disease. Those notes that he believed buried and laid to always return overbearing and demanding a soundboard that resonate and express his being sound. Putting his hand on the piano, Sergio Alfredo feel again, giving the past with the present and realizing itself in the feeling.


Oct 19, 2024
La vie de Parthénope de sa naissance dans les années 1950 à nos jours. Une épopée féminine dépourvue d’héroïsme mais éprise de liberté, de Naples, et d’amour. Les amours vraies, indicibles ou sans lendemain qui vous condamnent à la douleur mais qui vous font recommencer. Le parfait été à Capri d’une jeunesse insouciante malgré un horizon sans issue. Autour de Parthénope, les napolitains.
La buona uscita

La buona uscita

May 19, 2016
The plan of a rich criminal to avoid a trial by expatriating involves many characters.
Gatta Cenerentola

Gatta Cenerentola

Sep 14, 2017
Naples en décadence, dans le futur. Cendrillon tente d'échapper aux complots machiavéliques de sa belle-mère et de ses six belles-sœurs, qui vivent à bord du Megaride, un bateau ancré dans le port.
Rosa Pietra Stella

Rosa Pietra Stella

Aug 27, 2020
Lasse de tous ses petits boulots, dont le négoce de faux visas pour migrants, Carmela tente de prendre un nouveau départ et de sauver sa relation avec sa fille.
L'arte della felicità
Sergio driving a taxi in a white Naples overflowing sadness and garbage. Pouring rain leads her clients through the city trying to process the death of his brother, who started ten years earlier for Tibet and never returned. A pop singer, a recycler of fragments of life, a radio announcer, an old uncle, alternate seats on its bearing, each in its own way, a trace of his brother loved. Stubborn not to go over and get lost in an endless race, Sergio is overwhelmed by memories and the music produced in pairs with Alfredo, which in Buddhism and in its foundations had found the strength to cope with the disease. Those notes that he believed buried and laid to always return overbearing and demanding a soundboard that resonate and express his being sound. Putting his hand on the piano, Sergio Alfredo feel again, giving the past with the present and realizing itself in the feeling.


Apr 04, 2024
Un escroc découvre un monde de luxe et de privilège après avoir accepté un job en Italie. Mais pour s'offrir cette vie de rêve, il va devoir inventer une série de mensonges.