Max Whitaker

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Praise to the Man

Praise to the Man

Jan 01, 2005
With a divine answer to a humble prayer at age 14, Joseph Smith began to fulfill his inspired mission. He translated the ancient Book of Mormon and restored the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ. Many flocked to the American frontier to worship with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, led by the Prophet Joseph's dynamic and courageous example. Unstopped by his martyrdom at age 38, Joseph's legacy continues today in the dedicated lives of Saints throughout the world who still sing; "Praise to the Man who Communed with Jehovah!"
Le lapin de velours

Le lapin de velours

Feb 27, 2009
Après le décès de sa mère, Toby est envoyé chez sa grand-mère. Dans le grenier de sa nouvelle maison, le jeune garçon découvre un lapin en peluche magique. En effet, ce dernier prend vie grâce à l'amour de son propriétaire. Toby se retrouve alors transporté dans un monde imaginaire où il va vivre d'incroyables aventures...
The Book of Mormon Movie, Volume 1: The Journey
The story of Lehi and his wife Sariah and their four sons: Laman, Lemuel, Sam, and Nephi. Lehi leaves Jerusalem because he prophesied unto the people concerning the destruction of Jerusalem, and they sought his life. He journeys into the wilderness with his family. He sends Nephi and his brethren back to Jerusalem after the brass plates and the family of Ishmael. The sons and daughters of Lehi marry the sons and daughters of Ishmael. They take their families and continue into the wilderness. Ishmael dies in the wilderness. They come to the sea. Nephi's brethren rebel against him. He confounds them, and builds a ship. They cross the sea to the promised land in the Americas. Lehi dies in the promised land. Nephi's brethren rebel against him again. Nephi departs again into the wilderness.