Takes us deep into the intimate world of a man and his relationships with his family and friends. It is a journey deep into images and experiences so personal as to be, perhaps, completely universal.
"Influence" is a story about the key events of the Wielkopolska Uprising - a dramatic arrival of Ignacy Jan Paderewski in Poznań, and the people who prepared the uprising, fought in it and won. "Influence" uses the characteristics of action and thriller movies. Refers to the cinema era - German expressionism, and the atmosphere of the era - the pervasive sense of the end of old world and the birth of the new one, fear of change and at the same time striving for it.
La série des Tatort, créé en 1970, est la plus ancienne et la plus appréciée des séries télévisées policières diffusées actuellement dans les pays germanophones. Au cours de l'année 2010, elle a été regardée chaque semaine par près de 8,5 millions de personnes en moyenne, d'après l'ARD.