Louise Archambault

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Discovering William Greaves
A documentary on the career of William Greaves, featuring Greaves, his wife and co-producer Louise Archambault, actor Ruby Dee, filmmaker St. Clair Bourne, and film scholar Scott MacDonald. Released within Criterion's Symbiopsychotaxiplasm set.
C'est assez noir pour vous ?!?
Un récit définitif de la révolution noire dans le cinéma des années 1970, des films de genre au réalisme social, de la création de nouvelles superstars au métier d'auteurs émergents.
The National Parks Project
In an increasingly urban nation, Canada’s national parks are a treasured escape into extraordinary beauty and rugged wilderness. If the Group of Seven were an introduction to the landscape’s majesty, National Parks Project is the next logical chapter. Fifty-two contemporary artists from across the country, whose talents are as diverse as the parks they set out to explore, used their surroundings as a source of inspiration to blend musical and cinematic skills into collaboratively crafted vignettes. Epic in its ambition to celebrate these locales during Parks Canada’s centennial year, this omnibus film resonates with the knowledge that our unprotected land is more vulnerable than ever. Including films by Zacharius Kunuk, Peter Lynch, Sturla Gunnarsson and John Walker, and music by Sarah Harmer, Sam Roberts, Cadence Weapon and The Besnard Lakes, among many others, National Parks Project is a one-of-a-kind documentary experience.


Sep 20, 2013
In an increasingly urban nation, Canada’s national parks are a treasured escape into extraordinary beauty and rugged wilderness. If the Group of Seven were an introduction to the landscape’s majesty, National Parks Project is the next logical chapter. Fifty-two contemporary artists from across the country, whose talents are as diverse as the parks they set out to explore, used their surroundings as a source of inspiration to blend musical and cinematic skills into collaboratively crafted vignettes. Epic in its ambition to celebrate these locales during Parks Canada’s centennial year, this omnibus film resonates with the knowledge that our unprotected land is more vulnerable than ever. Including films by Zacharius Kunuk, Peter Lynch, Sturla Gunnarsson and John Walker, and music by Sarah Harmer, Sam Roberts, Cadence Weapon and The Besnard Lakes, among many others, National Parks Project is a one-of-a-kind documentary experience.


Sep 20, 2013
In an increasingly urban nation, Canada’s national parks are a treasured escape into extraordinary beauty and rugged wilderness. If the Group of Seven were an introduction to the landscape’s majesty, National Parks Project is the next logical chapter. Fifty-two contemporary artists from across the country, whose talents are as diverse as the parks they set out to explore, used their surroundings as a source of inspiration to blend musical and cinematic skills into collaboratively crafted vignettes. Epic in its ambition to celebrate these locales during Parks Canada’s centennial year, this omnibus film resonates with the knowledge that our unprotected land is more vulnerable than ever. Including films by Zacharius Kunuk, Peter Lynch, Sturla Gunnarsson and John Walker, and music by Sarah Harmer, Sam Roberts, Cadence Weapon and The Besnard Lakes, among many others, National Parks Project is a one-of-a-kind documentary experience.


Sep 15, 2005
In an increasingly urban nation, Canada’s national parks are a treasured escape into extraordinary beauty and rugged wilderness. If the Group of Seven were an introduction to the landscape’s majesty, National Parks Project is the next logical chapter. Fifty-two contemporary artists from across the country, whose talents are as diverse as the parks they set out to explore, used their surroundings as a source of inspiration to blend musical and cinematic skills into collaboratively crafted vignettes. Epic in its ambition to celebrate these locales during Parks Canada’s centennial year, this omnibus film resonates with the knowledge that our unprotected land is more vulnerable than ever. Including films by Zacharius Kunuk, Peter Lynch, Sturla Gunnarsson and John Walker, and music by Sarah Harmer, Sam Roberts, Cadence Weapon and The Besnard Lakes, among many others, National Parks Project is a one-of-a-kind documentary experience.
L'amour triomphe toujours
In an increasingly urban nation, Canada’s national parks are a treasured escape into extraordinary beauty and rugged wilderness. If the Group of Seven were an introduction to the landscape’s majesty, National Parks Project is the next logical chapter. Fifty-two contemporary artists from across the country, whose talents are as diverse as the parks they set out to explore, used their surroundings as a source of inspiration to blend musical and cinematic skills into collaboratively crafted vignettes. Epic in its ambition to celebrate these locales during Parks Canada’s centennial year, this omnibus film resonates with the knowledge that our unprotected land is more vulnerable than ever. Including films by Zacharius Kunuk, Peter Lynch, Sturla Gunnarsson and John Walker, and music by Sarah Harmer, Sam Roberts, Cadence Weapon and The Besnard Lakes, among many others, National Parks Project is a one-of-a-kind documentary experience.
TV Movie
The Bad Seed Returns

The Bad Seed Returns

Sep 05, 2022
Several years after the murderous events of the first movie left her father dead, Emma is now living with her aunt Angela and navigating high school. Angela’s husband begins to suspect that Emma may not be as innocent as she appears and suggests sending her off to boarding school. Meanwhile, a new girl at school seems to know Emma’s secrets, leaving Emma no choice but to slip back to her old ways and take care of her enemies by any means necessary.
Irena's Vow

Irena's Vow

Apr 15, 2024
Several years after the murderous events of the first movie left her father dead, Emma is now living with her aunt Angela and navigating high school. Angela’s husband begins to suspect that Emma may not be as innocent as she appears and suggests sending her off to boarding school. Meanwhile, a new girl at school seems to know Emma’s secrets, leaving Emma no choice but to slip back to her old ways and take care of her enemies by any means necessary.
Petite Mort

Petite Mort

Jan 01, 1970
The solitude of a mime in fall. Classical and pornographic.
Petite Mort

Petite Mort

Jan 01, 1970
The solitude of a mime in fall. Classical and pornographic.


May 10, 2010
Poetic portrait of choreographer Edouard Lock, founder of the dance company LaLaLa Human Steps.
Ralph Bunche: An American Odyssey
Few remember the name, much less the historical achievements, of Dr. Ralph Johnson Bunche. Yet, this African American mediator and United Nations diplomat was the first person of color anywhere in the world to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace.
2 Secondes

2 Secondes

Sep 12, 1998
Few remember the name, much less the historical achievements, of Dr. Ralph Johnson Bunche. Yet, this African American mediator and United Nations diplomat was the first person of color anywhere in the world to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace.
Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Few remember the name, much less the historical achievements, of Dr. Ralph Johnson Bunche. Yet, this African American mediator and United Nations diplomat was the first person of color anywhere in the world to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace.
Il pleuvait des oiseaux
Few remember the name, much less the historical achievements, of Dr. Ralph Johnson Bunche. Yet, this African American mediator and United Nations diplomat was the first person of color anywhere in the world to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace.
Merci pour tout

Merci pour tout

Dec 25, 2019
Few remember the name, much less the historical achievements, of Dr. Ralph Johnson Bunche. Yet, this African American mediator and United Nations diplomat was the first person of color anywhere in the world to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace.
Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take 2½
A movie about making movies about making movies. In 1968, William Greaves shot several pairs of actors in a scene in which a woman confronts her husband and ends their relationship. In "Take 2 1/2," Greaves starts with 1968 takes of one of these pairs of actors plus footage of the crew discussing the film's progress. Then, 35 years later, Greaves brings back to Central Park those actors and some of the original crew (plus others) to film a reunion of the characters Alice and Freddie. We watch scenes of these characters and discussions among the actors and crew. Greaves explores and dramatizes the dialectic in the creative process.
Atomic Saké

Atomic Saké

Dec 07, 2001
A movie about making movies about making movies. In 1968, William Greaves shot several pairs of actors in a scene in which a woman confronts her husband and ends their relationship. In "Take 2 1/2," Greaves starts with 1968 takes of one of these pairs of actors plus footage of the crew discussing the film's progress. Then, 35 years later, Greaves brings back to Central Park those actors and some of the original crew (plus others) to film a reunion of the characters Alice and Freddie. We watch scenes of these characters and discussions among the actors and crew. Greaves explores and dramatizes the dialectic in the creative process.
Atomic Saké

Atomic Saké

Dec 07, 2001
A movie about making movies about making movies. In 1968, William Greaves shot several pairs of actors in a scene in which a woman confronts her husband and ends their relationship. In "Take 2 1/2," Greaves starts with 1968 takes of one of these pairs of actors plus footage of the crew discussing the film's progress. Then, 35 years later, Greaves brings back to Central Park those actors and some of the original crew (plus others) to film a reunion of the characters Alice and Freddie. We watch scenes of these characters and discussions among the actors and crew. Greaves explores and dramatizes the dialectic in the creative process.
Black Power in America: Myth or Reality?
The film questions whether the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s effectively changed the Black community, and American society more widely, and examines the notion of Black power itself. Greaves interviewed major Black leaders, such as Franklin Thomas, Clifton Wharton Jr., Eleanor Holmes Norton, and Lerone Bennett Jr. to present a candid take on issues within the African American community, revealing wider societal problems in America at large.
La semaine des 4 Julie
Julie Snyder et ses collaborateurs sont fidèles au poste pour égayer nos fins de soirées avec des entrevues de fond, des sujets d’actualité et le meilleur du divertissement.
Esprit critique

Esprit critique

Mar 19, 2021
Tous les dimanches à partir de 17h00 sur la chaine TV canadienne ICI ARTV, Rebecca Makonnen et Marc Cassivi dirigent des discussions franches et enlevantes avec des invités et des collaborateurs aux opinions tranchées. Autour de la table ceux-ci alimenteront de leurs propos les divers enjeux de l’actualité culturelle d’ici et d’ailleurs. Jean-Sébastien Girard aura le loisir d’interviewer avec son style unique les personnalités les plus en vue du milieu culturel. Rebecca et Marc, quant à eux, critiqueront chaque semaine les œuvres les plus attendues du moment. Pour rythmer l’émission et s’assurer d’une bonne dose d’autodérision, nos analystes-humoristes poseront, à tour de rôle, leur propre regard critique sur le contenu de l’émission, et ce, sans ménager les animateurs !
Esprit critique

Esprit critique

Feb 11, 2018
Audrey, une Québécoise, et Frank, un Américain francophile, vivent les six jours les plus intenses de leur vie. Quelques semaines plus tard, Frank reçoit un appel téléphonique d’Audrey : il apprend qu’elle est enceinte. Le couple décide de tenter l’expérience d’être parents ensemble, même s’ils se connaissent peu.
Esprit critique

Esprit critique

Sep 30, 2019
Trop raconte l’histoire de deux sœurs dont l’existence est bousculée lorsque la plus jeune, Anaïs, vient rejoindre son aînée, Isabelle, à Montréal. Ce qui semble d’abord être d’heureuses retrouvailles s’avère un peu moins drôle lorsqu’Isabelle découvre que sa petite sœur vit avec un trouble bipolaire. Trop est une comédie dramatique réaliste de Marie-Andrée Labbé qui célèbre l’amitié, l’amour fraternel et les failles de la nature humaine. La série est aussi une incursion dans la vie de l’entourage d’Isabelle, une galerie de personnages qui sont tous, de près ou de loin, touchés par l’arrivée d’Anaïs.
Esprit critique

Esprit critique

Jun 22, 2021
L’amitié qui unit Nadine, Kamyar, Annie, Philippe et Josée ne s’est pas effritée avec la parentalité. Elle leur a plutôt permis de… survivre à leurs enfants! Leurs rencontres sont exutoires et permettent de désamorcer les situations absurdes dans lesquelles les plongent leur progéniture.