Paweł Ciołkosz

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Śmierć Zygielbojma

Śmierć Zygielbojma

Sep 21, 2021
A story about the tragic fate of a Jewish political activist who committed suicide on 12th May 1943 in London. What he did was supposed to be a sign of protest against the world’s passive attitude towards the tragedy of Holocaust. The story is told from the point of view of a young British journalist who, as most of the people living in the West back then, was unaware of the extent of the crime taking place in the east of Europe at that time.


Sep 10, 2021
Is a party after a canceled wedding a recipe for disaster? It is. And what a disaster it is! Two families differ in everything - origin, status, wallet content, taste. The parents of the groom and bride are initially shocked. What did such a thing happen? Who was at fault? What about the wedding party? Should they welcome the guests? Play music? Pour the vodka? Who will cut the cake? From word to word, polite smiles turn into public washing of dirt. And finally a real bomb goes off... And in the meantime, the wedding party turns into a wild party. And no one is bothered by the absence of the newlyweds.
L'Homme du peuple

L'Homme du peuple

Sep 23, 2013
Lech Walesa est un travailleur ordinaire, un électricien qui doit composer avec une vie de famille, et sa femme Danuta. Alors que les manifestations ouvrières sont durement réprimées par le régime communiste, il est porté par ses camarades à la table des négociations. Son franc-parler et son charisme le conduisent vite à endosser un rôle national. Il ne se doute pas encore que sa vie va basculer, en même temps que la grande Histoire.
Dans l'abîme de Gibraltar
À Gibraltar, où il fait escale au retour d'une mission au Proche-Orient, le général Sikorski est reçu au palais du gouverneur britannique, Mason MacFarlane. Celui-ci doit convaincre Sikorski de lui remettre des documents confidentiels révélant l'implication des Soviétiques dans le meurtre de 22 000 officiers polonais à Katyn. Le refus du général déclenche une opération planifiée depuis quelques mois sous le nom de The Wall.


Oct 18, 2013
Young couple living in the old house suddenly discover an elevator which takes them directly to year 1939.
Mały Zgon

Mały Zgon

Apr 05, 2020
Mały Zgon may seem like a quiet town - but just below the surface lies a twisted web of crooked cops, drug kingpins and high-stakes poker games.


May 24, 2008
Kryminalni was a Polish crime drama television series that aired on TVN network from September 18, 2004 until May 24, 2008. It ran for 8 seasons and 101 episodes were broadcast in total. It was created by Polish director and screenwriter Piotr Wereśniak and produced by MTL Maxfilm studio. The series followed life and work of police officers from the elite Criminal Terror and Murders Division of the Warsaw Metropolitan Police; the title refers to police officers in the crime section. The three main characters were Adam Zawada, an experienced, tough cup, his younger colleague Marek Brodecki and Barbara Storosz, an ambitious female officer who in the first season joins the team just after graduating. Although none of the main actors had had star status before the series debuted, all three of them rose to prominence and popularity during the 5-year-long run. Many of Poland's best known actors guest starred, usually playing roles of people involved in just one particular investigation. The serial was one of the most popular in Poland: each week it had an audience of 4 million.
Zatoka szpiegów

Zatoka szpiegów

Feb 25, 2024
Based on true events, "The Bay of Spies" follows Franz Neumann, a young Nazi Abwehr officer, who discovers that his real father was Polish. Using this information to his advantage Franz becomes a spy for the Allies with the code name Got’ His task is to obtain information about the activities of the German Navy, the Kriegsmarine and report back to the allies. Using his charm and charisma, Franz manipulates the men he gets close to, makes women fall in love with him, and snakes his way into the German elite.
War & Politics