Jerzy Fedorowicz

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Quatre nuits avec Anna
Dans une petite ville en Pologne, Léon Okrasa est employé dans un hôpital. Il a, dans le passé, été témoin d'un viol brutal. La victime, Anna, est une jeune infirmière qui travaille dans le même hôpital. Léon passe son temps à espionner Anna, à la guetter de jour comme de nuit. Cela devient une véritable obsession... Un soir, il finit par s'introduire dans l'appartement d'Anna par la fenêtre qu'elle laisse entrouverte. Alors, Léon s'installe sur son lit, l'observe dans son sommeil, s'imprègne de son univers. Où s'arrêtera t-il ?
Pętla dla obcego

Pętla dla obcego

Nov 20, 1986
Sokor, struggling with an addiction to alcohol, tries to defend a man accused of murdering a hairdresser.


Oct 07, 1985
In 1969 a young writer decides to write an essay on a well known Polish writer, who had to leave the country in the 50's, later living, working and dying in exile. He slowly assembles the character and even the exterior appearances of his idol until his own identity tragically disappears.
Oko cyklonu

Oko cyklonu

Sep 01, 1990
A London agent is sent to Poland to obtain information about Wehrmacht officers reluctant to Hitler. He is hiding in the forester's lodge with a wounded German soldier.


Nov 07, 2014
An attempt at depicting the life of a generation born and raised in communist Poland; a generation that lived through all the stages of that system and made it to democracy. Throughout his life, the film's protagonist has always tried to be active, but something always got in his way, either through an absurd coincidence, as a result of his own lack of ability, or due to the unpredictable nature of certain events in our recent history.


Feb 14, 1973
A biography of Nicholas Copernicus covering 50 years of the astronomer's life - from his studies in Europe to his theological work all the way to the creation of his magnum opus, On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres.
Polonia Restituta

Polonia Restituta

May 18, 1981
A two-part historical film covering the years of the First World War and the post-war period up to 1919 - until the signing of the peace treaty in Versailles near Paris. An attempt to show the great and complicated process of regaining an independent existence by a nation within its own state. The screen shows characters from history textbooks: Józef Piłsudski, Ignacy Paderewski, Roman Dmowski, Wojciech Korfanty as well as representatives of the world political scene, incl. David Lloyd George, Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau, Vladimir Lenin and others.
Orzeł i reszka

Orzeł i reszka

Feb 10, 1975
In spring of 1954, thanks to amnesty, Marcin Nowak - a political prisoner - get released from prison and tries turn his life back to normal
Ułan i dziewczyna

Ułan i dziewczyna

Jan 01, 1961
A school etude referring to a painting motif about the farewell of lovers. He, the uhlan, must ride away on his horse into the blue distance, and she, the girl in a flower wreath, cannot come to terms with it.
Śmierć Johna L.

Śmierć Johna L.

Mar 07, 1988
Zbigniew Gąsior, a thirty year old singer, is a youth idol. Despite fame, money and success with women he can't neglect the emptiness in his life.
Plus fort que la tempête
Adaptation du roman Le Déluge (Potop) de Henryk Sienkiewicz (1886). Pendant la Première guerre du Nord en 1655 entre protestants suédois et catholiques de la République des Deux Nations (Pologne-Lituanie), des nobles de la République des Deux Nations se rallient à Charles X Gustave, roi de Suède, pendant que d'autres restent fidèles au polonais Jean II Casimir Vasa.
Les Acteurs Provinciaux
Un jeune metteur en scène arrive dans une petite ville de province. Krzysztof, l’acteur principal de la troupe pense qu’il détient enfin le moyen de se faire connaître et de rejoindre un théâtre plus prestigieux. Très rapidement, ses espoirs sont déçus mais de plus en plus obnubilé par son rôle, il délaisse totalement sa vie privée et sa femme, Anka.


Mar 26, 1971
Shortly after World War 2 a conflict between cousins, a Polish major and a former SS soldier arises on the Recovered Territories.
Le Décalogue 2, tu ne commettras pas de parjure
Andrezj est malade. Dorota, sa femme, est enceinte mais pas de lui. Si Andrezj a des chances de vivre, elle se fera avorter. Le médecin ne lui laisse aucun espoir, Andrezj va mourir. Pourtant il vit... et ils gardent l'enfant. "Du point de vue moral, le juste choix est toujours celui de la vérité. Mais la vérité ici n'est pas le bon choix puisqu'elle ne respecte pas la vie. Le parjure devient nécessaire."
Koncert życzeń

Koncert życzeń

Jan 01, 1967
A young couple leave a lake campsite on motorbike at the same time as a bus full of youths. The boy accidently loses a tent along the road which is picked up by those in the bus who offer a trade of the tent for his girl.
Potop. Postscriptum

Potop. Postscriptum

Sep 24, 2024
Despite the anti-Semitic campaign launched by the Polish People's Government in the late 1960s, director Jerzy Hoffman finishes working on the film Pan Wołodyjowski. It becomes the ticket to the production of Potop, the most expensive film in the history of Polish cinematography. During his work, the director not only has to deal with mounting production problems, the distrust of the People's Government, but also with the expectations of millions of Poles.
Le Décalogue

Le Décalogue

Jul 06, 1990
Les dix commandements vus par Krzysztof Kieslowski : Un seul Dieu tu adoreras, Tu ne commettras point de parjure, Tu respecteras le jour du Seigneur, Tu honoreras ton père et ta mère, Tu ne tueras point, Tu ne seras pas luxurieux, Tu ne voleras pas, Tu ne mentiras pas, Tu ne convoiteras pas la femme d'autrui, Tu ne convoiteras pas les biens d'autrui.


Dec 01, 2007
Ekipa is a Polish political drama TV series created and directed by Agnieszka Holland, aired from 13 September 2007 until 6 December 2007 on Polsat. Ekipa is the second Polish political fiction series after the 1980s miniseries The Career of Nicodemus Dyzma.