Lorena Da Silva

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A Alegria é a Prova dos Nove
A film about love, also a memoir, about the trip made in the 1970s to Morocco by Jarda Ícone, an artist, sexologist, and octogenarian rocker, as she defines herself, and Lírio Terron, a human rights activist. In fact, a journey that is not over in their lives. Jarda Icon teaches classes on how women can obtain their own orgasm. With her group of disciples and friends Ana Brasil, Sheyla Fernanda, Caroline Sylvie and Lakshmi she develops self-sustainable feminist and artistic projects. The film is political, but not at all politicized in the traditional sense. It is an ode to the underground and counterculture movements, it is a hymn to freedom, and its title is also a tribute to Oswald d Andrade, one of the main names in Brazilian modernism.
Baixo Gávea

Baixo Gávea

Jan 01, 1986
Clara directs the rehearsals of a theatrical play about Fernando Pessoa while constantly seeking the right man and the love of his life. One of the actresses is the lesbian Ana, who interprets the poet Mário de Sá Carneiro. She is Clara's friend and confidant with whom she shares an apartment. Clara does not perceive Ana's love for her, that always helps her to recover from the disappointments. Unlike the character Sá Carneiro, poet of decadentism, nostalgia, metaphysics and vague, Ana is the pragmatic side of Clara, who often brings a disillusioned vision as if it were Fernando Pessoa himself, who may be associated with concepts of the poet's heteronyms.
Rêves volés

Rêves volés

Sep 25, 2009
Jéssica, Daiane et Sabrina sont trois adolescentes d'une favela de Rio de Janeiro. Pour gagner un peu d'argent, elles se prostituent occasionnellement. Et malgré les problèmes du quotidien, elles ont les mêmes rêves que toutes les adolescentes. Elles essaient de garder le sourire et de continuer à rêver à un monde meilleur.
La Cité de Dieu

La Cité de Dieu

Aug 30, 2002
Dans une favela qui a vu le jour à Rio de Janeiro dans les années soixante, Fusée est un gamin noir, pauvre, trop fragile pour devenir hors-la-loi, mais assez malin pour ne pas se contenter d'un travail sous payé. Il grandit dans un environnement violent, mais tente de voir la réalité autrement, avec l'œil d'un artiste. Il rêve de devenir photographe professionnel. Petit Dé, un enfant de onze ans, emménage dans la Cité. Il souhaite pour sa part devenir le plus grand criminel de Rio et commence son apprentissage en rendant de menus services à la pègre locale. Il admire Tignasse et son gang, qui arraisonnent les camions et cambriolent à tout va. Tignasse donne à Petit Dé l'occasion de commettre un meurtre, le premier d'une longue série…
Nos Tempos do Imperador
In 1856, the emperor Dom Pedro II lived a marriage of appearances with Teresa Cristina, with whom he was forced to marry at a young age by his parents' political alliance, having two daughters with her: Isabel and Leopoldina. He truly loves Countess Luisa, a cultured and time-ahead woman who fights for the abolitionist cause and women's rights, married to Eugenio, the emperor's cousin. At the same time there are sisters Pilar and Dolores: the first went to a convent after her mother's death in childhood, growing up among books and dreaming of studying medicine - inspired by the story of Elizabeth Blackwell, the first doctor in the world -, while the second stayed at home to take care of her father, Colonel Eudoro, growing up repressed, illiterate and without vanity.