Nina Kalckar

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Højt paa en Kvist

Højt paa en Kvist

Dec 26, 1929
Pat and Patachon live in the attic of an old house along with a number of other curious kinds of people. One of the residents is a fortune teller, who tells Patachon that he will inherit a fortune and marry one of the two sweet choir girls who live next door, and whom he happens to be in love with. The two friends don’t think much more of it and instead head off to work, as models for a tailor. They stroll through the streets in sharp suits, in the hopes that the two choir girls will see them and think that they’re wealthy men, who simply live in the run-down house to study the bohemian lifestyle.
De blaa drenge

De blaa drenge

Aug 15, 1933
Sylvia Grøn bliver fyret som lærerinde. I stedet slår hun sig sammen med sin store beundrer, skuespilleren Herman Sander. Sylvia Grøn lægger sine sparepenge i hans rejsende teater, men det går dårligt for teatret. Billedet af Herman Sander falmer også efterhånden som tiden går. Sylvias gamle elev, Eva Kristoffersen, søger tilflugt i teatertruppen. Hun er hemmeligt forelsket i komponisten Henrik Brandt. Lige inden nøglen må drejes om for teatergruppen får Sylvia en ide. Henrik Brandt har skrevet et teaterstykke og det vil hun sætte op.
Den Ny Husassistent

Den Ny Husassistent

Oct 30, 1933
There is great confusion in the director's home. The confusion overwhelms the couple when the young housekeeper turns out to be the director's daughter and the older one her mother. It can only go wrong, and it gives reason to send an excited and upset Olga Svendsen onto the field.
Hr. Tell og Søn

Hr. Tell og Søn

Oct 07, 1930
Fy and Bi have moved into a very "modern" apartment and they now want to make their careers on the sloping boards. The sidecar is an excellent shooter and his role model is Wilhelm Tell. He therefore gets a brilliant idea: The lighthouse must stand with an apple on its head, and the Beehive will then shoot it down.