Gabriel Ángel Delgado

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Casi inocentes

Casi inocentes

Jul 11, 2013
The accident suffered by his son Leon, marks Alberto forever. From that moment, someone enters his world: an immigrant that, by saving his son, will make Alberto feel guilt and at the same time gratitude, which will give a definite turn to their lives.
Les Sorcières de Zugarramurdi
En plein jour, un groupe d’hommes braque un magasin d’or de la Puerta del Sol à Madrid. José, père divorcé en plein conflit avec son ex-femme, Tony, son complice, sex-symbol malgré lui, Manuel, chauffeur de taxi embarqué contre son gré dans l’aventure, et Sergio, le fils de José, partent en cavale. Objectif : atteindre la France en échappant à la police… Mais arrivé près de la frontière française, dans le village millénaire de Zugarramurdi, le groupe va faire la rencontre d’une famille de sorcières, bien décidées à user de leurs pouvoirs maléfiques pour se venger des hommes…


Oct 02, 2018
Max is a Jack Russell dog genetically modified for criminal purposes so he is able to talk. Running away from the criminals he's working for, he is wounded, then saved by detective-wannabe Alberto, who is fire and house-hunting. They end up staying with Alberto's sister-in-law Marta and her two children. Thanks to them all, Alberto finally manages to be a detective, and he and Max establish their detective agency: Sabuesos.
Action & Adventure
El barco

El barco

Feb 21, 2013
A global cataclysm, caused by a fatal accident in Geneva (Switzerland) during the implementation of the particle accelerator will lead to the crew and students of the school-ship Polar Star to live the greatest adventure of their lives. Isolated and aware that we only have each other, the ship will become their only home.
Action & Adventure