Leo Garavaglia

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L'uomo dal guanto grigio
A famous painting by Antonello da Messina, "the man with a gray glove", has been entrusted to an old restorer. When, subsequently, the painting is withdrawn from the restorer's studio and exposed, the art critic Drago discovers that it is not the original, but a copy.
Gioventù perduta

Gioventù perduta

Apr 02, 1948
In impoverished post-war Rome, a gang of young thieves is lead by Stefano, the son of an illustrious professor. The police suspects that the criminals are actually university students; inspector Mariani, a young World War II veteran, enrolls and tries to find out more. He falls for a pretty fellow student, Luisa, but she is the sister of the gang leader...


Apr 27, 1946
L'action se situe à Rome en 1945. La guerre est finie. Deux enfants défavorisés, Giuseppe et Pascuale, se livrent au marché noir afin de réaliser leur rêve : acheter un cheval. Ils sont arrêtés et envoyés dans une prison pour mineurs où règnent violence et cruauté. Pour épargner le châtiment corporel à son ami, Pasquale, le plus âgé, avoue sa culpabilité mais Giuseppe perçoit l'acte comme une trahison...


Jan 10, 1942
The film is set in 1941 during the Second World War, when the city of Benghazi in Italian-ruled Libya was occupied by British forces. Italian inhabitants of Benghazi work to resist the British and discover their military plans. One man, Captain Enrico Berti, appears to be collaborating with the British but is in fact working undercover for Italian intelligence. The film ends with the city being recaptured by Italian troops and their Nazi German allies.
Quel fantasma di mio marito
Gianni Alberti is a journalist who is sent to Palestine. He decides to fake a fatal accident so he can then return home as a hero. But things don't turn out as planned, Gianni end up coming back to Italy, but only as a ghost.


Dec 23, 1943
One of the most famous movie stars of the moment has a problem with his car. The actor is obliged to stop in a provincial hotel, where he finds himself surrounded by his admirers.


Sep 04, 1951
Gina est la fille d'un marchand de journaux de province. Elle passe son temps à lire des romans à l'eau de rose et à rêver d'une vie romantique à la ville. Un jour, elle participe à un concours de beauté sans la permission de son père et rencontre Franco, un représentant. Mais elle perd le concours. Elle est alors approchée par Giancarlo et René, éditeurs de romans-photos, afin qu'elle devienne modèle pour leurs publications.