Michael Mili

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Oct 17, 2011
Après un vol de diamants, Sonny va frôler le pire.Se faire doubler par un ami, en perdre un, avoir 3 mafias aux trousses. Entre régler ses comptes et fuir, poursuivre en étant poursuivi, l’espace est mince…
Amanda and the Fox

Amanda and the Fox

Jul 05, 2018
Ten year old Amanda desperately wants a dog but her Dad won't have it. When she finds a young fox, she and her friend Maggie conspire to keep it as a pet. Little do they know the trouble awaits as the fox is pursued by a pair of shady, bumbling Russians with an ulterior motive.
The Death of Michael Smith
Three men, each named Michael Smith, are linked in various ways to a mysterious murder: the victim, the killer, and the homicide detective who's forced to try and sort it all out.
Krampus: The Christmas Devil
Jeremy, a local police officer leads a life of a confusing past, spending his current time searching for his kidnapper as a child. After other children begin missing, Jeremy pieces together the truth and realizes that his childhood kidnapper could be a creature of ancient yuletide lore, Krampus, who is the brother of St. Nick, and punisher of children who perform acts of unspeakable evil without repercussion. Can Jeremy kill Krampus and prevent more missing children?


Sep 14, 2001
Conor O'Neill voit croître ses dettes de jeu. Un jour, son ami d'enfance, le banquier Jimmy Fleming, lui propose d'être l'entraîneur d'une équipe de jeunes joueurs de base-ball, les Kekambas. Conor a horreur des gamins, mais il se voit obligé de revêtir l'uniforme de coach. Ce job lui permettrait de rembourser ses dettes de jeu. Aux prises avec 9 petits monstres incompétents, Conor vit le pire cauchemar de sa vie. La partie promet d'être longue. D'autant plus qu'ils n'écoutent pas ses directives. Ces derniers ont pour adversaires les Bua Was, entraînés de façon professionnelle par le très respectable Matt Hyland et que chacun donne gagnants. Conor s'efforce de remplir vaillamment son rôle avec le soutien compatissant de l'institutrice Elizabeth Wilkes, mais les problèmes se multiplient, alors même que son équipe commence à faire corps.
Cash Only

Cash Only

Jul 23, 2015
Elvis Martini is in deep trouble. His dilapidated Detroit apartment building is about to be foreclosed on by the bank; most of his tenants are behind on rent; he's in big debt to bookies and his daughter's school. He finds some ill-gotten cash in an evicted tenant's apartment and it briefly keeps the wolves at bay, but it brings out a bigger wolf, one that wants his stolen money back. When his daughter is kidnapped by the mysterious menace he's accidentally messed with, Elvis has 24 hours to come up with $25K - cash only.
Little Red Devil

Little Red Devil

Jan 01, 2008
Jimmy Lidell is a "nobody", stealing to earn a living in a dead-end life searching for his long lost girlfriend... until he meets Luc Tyer... a bigger-than-life underworld heavy that makes him an "offer he can't refuse". Jimmy accepts, but is leery about the secret motives behind Luc's willingness to teach the business. Jimmy's mother suspects that Jimmy may be running with the wrong crowd, but Jimmy turns a deaf ear to her religious warnings. Luc soon reveals his plans to use Jimmy as his unholy servant in a deadly and bloody game of evil revenge and power.


Oct 31, 2012
A group of ambitious filmmakers set out to create the world's first reality horror movie. What ensues is a hellish game of cat and mouse as a cryptic filmmaker, known only as The Maestro, comes out from hiding in search of his "perfect shot."
Krampus 2: The Devil Returns
Five years after the murder of his wife and disappearance of his daughter, former police officer Jeremy Duffin is brought back to help in the hunt for a yuletide monster that punishes children that have been "naughty." As the monster becomes more erratic and unpredictable, Jeremy learns the truth about the disappearance of his daughter and the fate that has been bestowed upon him by an unlikely source. Can Jeremy finally end the nightmare Christmas monster that has terrorized this town for years?


Aug 08, 2019
Moe Diamond, blanchisseur d’argent à New York, voit sa vie basculer quand sa voiture se crashe suite à une course-poursuite avec la police. Se réveillant amnésique, il va devoir retrouver avec son associé la trace des deux millions de dollars volés à un parrain du trafic de drogue, tout en échappant aux gangsters et flics ripoux lancés à leurs trousses.
Confession criminelle

Confession criminelle

Aug 28, 1987
Dans la ville de Detroit, un maniaque assassine les religieux de toutes sortes. Le père Koestler décide d'enquêter avec la police, mais voici que l'assassin vient se confesser a lui. Coincé par le secret de la confession, le prêtre tente d'anticiper sur les actes du tueur, afin de le faire arrêter...

Jan 19, 2010

The story of legendary hero Spartacus comes alive through a motion comic and companion piece for the TV series.