Konstantin Gibshman

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Pierre le Grand, Partie 1
Cette première représentation soviétique de Pierre le Grand a ouvert la voie à ce qui allait devenir la ligne post-révolutionnaire concernant les premiers Romanov. Des souverains comme Ivan le Terrible et Pierre le Grand étaient largement admirés pour leur dévouement à la Russie et leur détermination absolue à améliorer sa position dans le monde. Mais l'éloge des derniers Romanov, détestés, était trop en conflit avec les convictions mêmes qui avaient provoqué la révolution de 1917.
Наполеон Газ
A squadron of American warplanes, armed with gas developed by Corsican chemist Gannimer (dubbed "Napoleon Gas") flies to Leningrad. American workers inform soviet comrades about the impending catastrophe. But the air attack on the city has already begun, and the assault troops of the enemy capture one suburb of the city after the other. The Red Army is organizing the defense and reflects the attack of the enemy with gas-armed drones
Юность поэта
Biographical film "Youth of the poet", dedicated to Pushkin-Lyceum student. At the 1937 world exhibition in Paris, the film was awarded a gold medal. The Director managed to accurately recreate the historic era, to convey the atmosphere of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum in the years of the formation of the poetic genius of Pushkin.
Иудушка Головлев
Film adaptation of The Golovlyov Family ("Господа Головлёвы), a classic novel by Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin. In the mid-19th century old-fashioned estate based on serfdom laws and traditions, tough and shrewd Arina Petrovna tries her best to make her realm prosper and even expand – despite unwillingness of her husband and three of her four children to lend helping hands... Ten years on, serfdom abolished, and now Porfiry-Yudishka, the epitome of a corrupt, cruel hypocrite, becomes the heir to the estate. Dullness and horrors of life, spent in destroying everybody around him, finally makes him to slowly realize things went somehow wrong. Half-mad, apparently, he goes to the cemetery to "ask for forgiveness" from his mother Arina Petrovna, and dies somewhere along his way, his frozen corpse found the next day.