Bruce H. Lipton

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Beyond Me

Beyond Me

Dec 27, 2010
Is there a possible common link between the migration patterns of Monarch Butterflies and Personality Disorders? Beyond Me takes a look at the mechanism in place that, through the process of reincarnation, retains traits and tendencies from one lifetime to the next. This film provides the missing link between Darwin's Theory of Evolution and the theory of Intelligent Design and offers a simple and practical solution to lifting mankind out of it's collective misery.
Is Your Story Making You Sick?
Humans are story-telling creatures. By thinking, we all unconsciously "author" a self-story in our heads. Most often, the characters and plot of our story is framed by negative experiences from childhood. These painful "stories" then determine our emotions, leading to unhealthy stress, and changes in body chemistry. This is how a person's self-story can turn into a stress-related illness.
Facing Fear

Facing Fear

Oct 10, 2022
After receiving devastating news, a man is catapulted into fear. An exploration into 27 of the world's leading experts on fear, examining the biology, psychology and culture of fear, and also the metaphysics of fear.
ADHD Is Over!

ADHD Is Over!

Jan 01, 1970
What if ADHD was not a disorder, but rather a set of traits of a type of brain that functions differently than the non-ADHD brain? What if ADHD is genetic and handed down by generations of hunters? What if all ADHD is, is a condition caused by a society that tries to fit hunters into a farmer's world? The label "ADHD" has run its course.
The Tapping Solution

The Tapping Solution

Feb 07, 2008
This film explores "Tapping", a new discovery that combines ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology with startling results. The Tapping Solution explores Tapping in a way that's never been seen before. The film combines the wisdom and experience of world famous teachers, speakers, and motivators, with an element that's usually missing: REAL LIFE CASES, unfolding before your eyes. Ten people spend four days working with Tapping practitioners to see if they can turn their lives around. The results are fully documented and the ride is one that you'll never forget.
Les Clefs de la Guérison
Changez votre esprit. Retrouvez la santé. Nous avons le pouvoir de guérir, au travers de nos pensées, de nos émotions, de nos croyances et de nos perceptions. Deepak Chopra, Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Marianne Williamson, Michael Beckwith, Gregg Braden, Anita Moorjani et d'autres, mettent en lumière dans ce film le lien surprenant entre nos pensées et les cellules de notre corps.
The Abundance Factor

The Abundance Factor

Sep 08, 2015
The Abundance Factor Takes You On An Unprecedented Journey into The Minds of The Worlds Most Knowledgeable Experts on the Subject of Abundance and Prosperity.
Choose Love

Choose Love

Nov 17, 2018
A compelling and moving documentary that examines the scientific implications and values of forgiveness as well as the physical, mental, and spiritual health benefits for individuals, relationships, and societies as a whole.
Awake 2 Paradise

Awake 2 Paradise

Nov 18, 2018
We are at a point in our evolution where our actions determine our survival and that of countless species. But what is the fundamental cause of our urge to destroy ourselves, other living beings and the earth? And - is it too late - or do we still have a chance to achieve paradise on earth?
The 1 Field

The 1 Field

Nov 08, 2019
All cultures and ancient traditions tell about our being far beyond matter. 'The 1 Field', using the scientific tools of the 21st century, examines this assumption through interwoven storylines: The life stories and researches of groundbreaking figures in the study of consciousness, and scientific experiments supervised by research institutes and scientists worldwide. Can spirit be measured? Is there a field that connects everything? Can we use consciousness to influence our lives, our bodies and our environment, beyond genes or environmental limitations into which we were born?
The Way of Miracles

The Way of Miracles

Jun 25, 2021
Dans ce documentaire qui nous invite à réfléchir, nous allons explorer et dévoiler certains cas de guérisons miraculeuses, ainsi que la science derrière tout cela.? Mêlant les enseignements de la médecine occidentale traditionnelle et les anciens systèmes holistiques, le film suit le travail du Docteur Mark Mincolla, praticien holistique, à travers des entretiens passionnants avec des personnages éminents du domaine, dont le Dr Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton et bien d'autres.
Inner Evolution

Inner Evolution

Jun 30, 2020
Dr. Bruce Lipton Ph.D., a pioneer in the field of epigenetics, takes us deep within the structures of the cells, and into the energy of the quantum realms, to reveal the secret mechanisms connecting consciousness with wellbeing.