Philippa Boyens

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Beyond the Movie: The Fellowship of the Ring
A documentary about the influences on Tolkien, covering in brief his childhood and how he detested the onslaught of industry through the idyllic countryside, moving on to describe his fighting experience from WWI, and closing with a look at the Finnish inspiration for the scholar's self-invented languages of Elfish. In between are interviews with the cast of the films and some clips, by far the most from "The Fellowship of the Ring", but a few glimpses of Rohan riders (from "The Two Towers") are provided. Also, there are interviews with a range of the filmmakers.
National Geographic : Le Seigneur des Anneaux, le retour du Roi (Beyond the Movie)
Un documentaire qui permet de connaître un peu mieux Tolkien et son oeuvre. Ce film met en parallèle l'histoire du Seigneur des Anneaux avec des héros historiques ayant existé afin de montrer les sources d'inspirations possibles de Tolkien et les grands thèmes (le bien et le mal). On y découvre par exemple que Tolkien a écrit le Seigneur des Anneaux en pleine 2ème guerre mondiale alors que son fils combattait dans le nord de la France et il est donc difficile de ne pas voir dans le Mordor et Sauron le grand ennemi de l'époque.
Ringers: Lord of the Fans
Ringers : Lord of the Fans" est un documentaire long métrage qui explore la manière dont "Le Seigneur des Anneaux" a influencé la culture populaire occidentale au cours des 50 dernières années.
The Sorrows

The Sorrows

Jan 19, 2013
Sarah grows up with mentally ill parents, and an unexpected pregnancy pushes her toward what she thinks is a normal life with her boyfriend. A frightening episode causes her mental state to fray until she uncovers the truth behind her delusions.
King Kong

King Kong

Dec 12, 2005
Sarah grows up with mentally ill parents, and an unexpected pregnancy pushes her toward what she thinks is a normal life with her boyfriend. A frightening episode causes her mental state to fray until she uncovers the truth behind her delusions.
Mortal Engines

Mortal Engines

Nov 27, 2018
Sarah grows up with mentally ill parents, and an unexpected pregnancy pushes her toward what she thinks is a normal life with her boyfriend. A frightening episode causes her mental state to fray until she uncovers the truth behind her delusions.
Le Hobbit : Un voyage inattendu
Sarah grows up with mentally ill parents, and an unexpected pregnancy pushes her toward what she thinks is a normal life with her boyfriend. A frightening episode causes her mental state to fray until she uncovers the truth behind her delusions.