Claudio Botosso

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Ginger et Fred

Ginger et Fred

Jan 13, 1986
C'est l'histoire nostalgique, et parfois pathétique, de deux vieux danseurs mondains, un peu fripés, aux prises avec un monde hostile, où tout est dominé par la télévision et qui sont tous les deux convoqués pour exécuter trente ans plus tard un numéro de claquettes dans une gigantesque émission en direct.
Gli amici del bar Margherita
Bologna, 1954. Taddeo, a young man of 18 whom everyone calls Kid, dreams of becoming one of the regulars of the mythical Margherita Café, located under the portico across from his family's home. Through a ploy, he manages to get work as the chauffeur for Al, the neighborhood's most glamorous and mysterious resident. Having been taken under Al's wing, Taddeo gets to witness the adventures of Bep, who is in love with Marcella the entraineuse; the trials and tribulations of Gian, an aspiring singer and the victim of a horrible practical joke; the crazy behavior of Manuelo, a small-time robber with a sex phobia; the meanness of Zanchi, inventor of the elastic necktie; and the bizarre manias of Sarti, a ballroom dancing champion who wears his tux day and night. And Taddeo's home life is no less out of the ordinary, considering his mother is being led on by the family physician while his grandfather has fallen head over heels for a well-built piano teacher.
Aprimi il cuore

Aprimi il cuore

Sep 07, 2002
Maria lives with her 18-year-old sister, Caterina in a small apartment, tutors her at home, lets her out only for dance classes. Yet Maria sees no reason to hide her work as a prostitute from her sister. Men come in and out of the apartment constantly, and Caterina turns up the volume on her music to drown out the sounds from the next room. The film soon reveals that the sisters are in love with each other, a situation that cannot stand, but exactly what prompts the characters' behavior is rarely clear. Soon after Caterina's belated discovery of her heterosexuality, she is invited into the bedroom with Maria and a client.
K. Il bandito

K. Il bandito

Mar 30, 2008
What is the English language plot outline for K. Il bandito (2008)?


Feb 20, 1985
Friendship and competion among the clerks of a bank.
Bonus Malus

Bonus Malus

Nov 07, 1993
The life of a rootless insurance agent starts falling apart.
Scrivilo sui muri

Scrivilo sui muri

Sep 21, 2007
Sole, an university student bored of her daily routine, meets graffiti artists Pierpaolo and Alex and her life changes until she falls in love with one of them.
Prendimi e portami via
Rome. La banlieue plus lointaine, dans un quartier délabré vit Giampiero, un enfant de 13 ans, beaucoup plus gentil et ingénu que la plupart de ses camarades. Le père de Giampiero, Alfredo, est marchand de fruits, homme simple mais pas méchant et Luciana, sa mère est une femme encore jeune, belle qui aime peindre. Un jour dans la classe de Giampiero arrive une petite fille: elle s'appelle Romana, et est tsigane...
Paolo VI - Il Papa nella tempesta
The service of Pope Paul VI presents tremendous challenges for humanity not only in the political, cultural and economic aspects of the world but also in the spiritual life of The Church. Pope Paul VI is the first Pope to be a Missionary Pope, to meet people where they are. To trust in God as he was asking The Church to do and he is given the opportunity to love that trust in its fullness.
Il tenente dei carabinieri
Carabinieri's lieutenant Duilio Cordelli is in charge of investigating fake banknotes traffic. He discovers that a 60 billion lira bank robbery is linked with his case. Things get more complicated when the main suspected, Lorenzini, is killed. Moreover, Cordelli villa is blown up and the evidence points to the conclusion the whole case could be solved only by flying to London.


Mar 01, 1996
1965, a train with a variety of passengers is heading north when it makes an unexpected stop. On the other track, heading south, a train passes with the same passengers 20 years later.
Mon frère est fils unique
Accio, La Teigne et Manrico sont deux frères que tout oppose. Dans l’Italie des années 60 et 70, les deux jeunes hommes se battent sur deux fronts politiques opposés, tout en aimant la même femme…
Black Widow

Black Widow

Sep 10, 2005
Eleonora, une jeune italienne, hérite d'une maison dans l'état de New York ayant appartenu à son compagnon Karl. Elle décide de s'y rendre et découvre une demeure isolée, dans les bois. Peu rassurée, elle demande à Leslie, le gardien des lieux et ami du défunt, de rester auprès d'elle. Peu à peu, Eleonora réalise qu'elle ne connaissait pas réellement son fiancé alors qu'elle se sent de plus en plus attirée par le mystérieux Leslie...
Le Fils de Bakounine

Le Fils de Bakounine

Oct 03, 1997
La Sardaigne a la fin des années trente. L'histoire d'Antoni Saba, riche propriétaire d'une cordonnerie dans un village de mineurs dont l'esprit libertaire et anarchiste lui a valu le surnom de Bakunin.
Mal d'Africa

Mal d'Africa

Dec 17, 1990
Tony La Palma lives in Kenya, where he helps Dr. Sean in his work to protect animals. His love affair with Giulia brings the past from which he is running away, and that haunts him thousands of miles from New York, where he is wanted for murder.
Seconda Primavera

Seconda Primavera

Feb 04, 2016
While looking for new tenants for his seaside villa, surrounded by a big garden, Andrea Ricoli, a 50-years old architect, meets Rossana, a newly 40-years old, anaesthesiologist at the local hospital, and married to Riccardo, ten years younger than her: he's an aspiring writer, temporarily employed as a salesman at a local shoe store. During an eventful New Year's Eve, Andrea introduces Riccardo to a Maghreb restaurant owner - who is interested in restoring an attic apartment - and his lovely sister Hikma. Months go by. Andrea discovers that Hikma is pregnant with Riccardo's child, while she's struggling with her old-fashioned, fundamentalist brother's mentality. He offers to help the couple and let them stay with him in his villa. Teaching him how to care for his garden, the young Hikma reminds Andrea of his wife Sofia, who passed away right there four years earlier, in unclear circumstances...
Le Diable au corps

Le Diable au corps

Apr 22, 1986
Transposition du célèbre roman de Radiguet dans les milieux modernes italiens, dont les Brigades rouges
Grandi magazzini

Grandi magazzini

Jun 06, 1986
A series of skits involving customers and store personnel from several departments of the big department store.
Soldati - 365 all'alba
Claudio Scanna is a private in the Italian army: during his first night in a new military base he gets in a fight with senior recruits. Lieutenant Fili, Claudio's commanding officer, is denied a promotion because his superiors discover he was absent without justification during the night of the fight. Fili blames Claudio and vows to make his remaining months in the service a living hell...
Uno bianca

Uno bianca

Feb 05, 2001
Rimini, 1991. For more than a year, the uno bianca gang - they always use a white Fiat Uno - has plagued the area. Their crimes are violent, sometimes killing carabineri, and there's no particular pattern: a bank one day, a petrol station the next, extortion of a small business the next. Are they terrorists? A foreign gang? Tied to the Mafia? After a particularly bloody shootout, two detectives are assigned to start fresh: they go through the notebooks of previous investigators and they interview a few witnesses again. They find a pattern in the crimes and predict the next assault, but the special task force in Bologna is dismissive. Can they carry on alone; how far will they get?
La moglie del sarto

La moglie del sarto

May 14, 2014
Rosetta est une femme épanouie de 42 ans, pleine de charme et de confiance en elle. Son mari Edmondo est le meilleur tailleur de Calabre, et ensemble, ils sont fiers de leur atelier et de leur fille Sofia. Lorsqu'Edmondo décède brusquement au zénith de leur succès artistique et économique, Sofia et Rosetta se retrouvent abandonnées par leur famille et leurs supposés amis et décident de consacrer à la seule ressource restante : continuer à faire tourner l'atelier.
Storia di ragazzi e di ragazze
At a farmhouse, a large family cooks mountains of food for the next day's engagement party for Silvia and her city fiancé, Angelo. Her parents feud about infidelity; an aging salesman who rents a cottage from them arrives with a young French woman; in Bologna, Angelo's mother frets that her son is marrying beneath him; his sisters are less critical. Early the next morning, the four of them go by train to the farmhouse, joined by Angelo's married, unpregnant sister. The day-long dinner is riotous, couples display affection and impatience, children chase angels. Angelo's family stays the night, and his sister Linda has a visitor. A silver elephant makes the perfect gift.
L’orto americano

L’orto americano

Sep 07, 2024
A troubled young man falls for an American military auxiliary after a single glance. A year later, he moves to the American Midwest to write his novel, next to the auxiliary's elderly mother's house, separated by a grim garden.
I liceali

I liceali

Jul 06, 2011
A teen comedy-drama set in an Italian public high school following an ensemble cast of students and teachers.
Un coin de Soleil

Un coin de Soleil

Sep 29, 1996
Uno di noi is an Italian television series, airing on Rai Uno in 1996. The series was rerun on Rai Premium during the summer of 2011.


Nov 29, 2007
« Corleone » (parfois appelé également en français par son titre original Il capo dei capi) raconte la vraie histoire du chef de la cosa nostra Salvatore « Toto » Riina, qui était connu par ses ennemis comme « la bête » et soupçonné d’avoir tué des centaines de personnes. Cette série fait vivre sa longue et sanglante ascension dans la mafia, de son enfance à Corleone, jusqu’à la guerre violente qu’il a mené dans les années 1980 et 90 à la fois contre les gangs rivaux et les forces de l’ordre.
Rocco Schiavone: meurtres glacés
Rocco Schiavone, vice questore aggiunto de la police italienne, veuf, est transféré de Rome à Aoste pour des raisons disciplinaires. Après s'être retrouvé catapulté dans un univers complètement différent de celui dans lequel il a toujours vécu, Schiavone poursuit son travail en enquêtant sur les crimes qui ont bouleversé la préfecture de la Vallée d'Aoste, recourant souvent à des méthodes à la limite de la légalité. Une présence constante dans sa vie est le souvenir de sa femme, Marina, qui, sous la forme d'hallucination, remplit sa vie quotidienne.
Uno bianca

Uno bianca

Feb 06, 2001
Rimini, 1991. For more than a year, the uno bianca gang - they always use a white Fiat Uno - has plagued the area. Their crimes are violent, sometimes killing carabineri, and there's no particular pattern: a bank one day, a petrol station the next, extortion of a small business the next. Are they terrorists? A foreign gang? Tied to the Mafia? After a particularly bloody shootout, two detectives are assigned to start fresh: they go through the notebooks of previous investigators and they interview a few witnesses again. They find a pattern in the crimes and predict the next assault, but the special task force in Bologna is dismissive. Can they carry on alone; how far will they get?


Oct 25, 2019
1994 a été l'année du changement en Italie. Après la défaite du gouvernement et l'avènement de la 2eme République, Leo n'en est que trop conscient. Il s'est battu pour voir Berlusconi premier ministre. Il sait qu'il est difficile d'atteindre le pouvoir, mais encore plus de le conserver.