Eva Klepáčová

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Paragraf 224

Paragraf 224

Jun 20, 1980
Placek (Josef Kemr), the head of research in a chemical plant, appreciates the help of his younger colleague Bernát (Alois Svehlík) in the creation of a new synthetic material.


Mar 15, 1962
La jeune Marta a fait une pause dans sa formation médicale pour s'investir pleinement dans sa carrière de mannequin.
Ivana joue au football
Ivana une fille de 12 ans veut jouer au football, mais les filles ne sont pas autorisés dans l'équipe. Lorsqu'un des joueurs se blesse, Ivana et son frère 'arrangent' sa place sur l'équipe et Ivana se déguise alors en garçon, en se nommant Ivan.
Pražské blues

Pražské blues

Nov 15, 1963
African student Omar would like to return home to Angola, but he is enrolled in a three-year postgraduate research fellowship at a clinic in Prague. One day while seeing off a friend at the airport, he and a girl named Mariama are brought together by chance as he offers to accompany her in an unfamiliar city toward the International Student Club, where she plays bass in a jazz orchestra.
Fantom Morrisvillu

Fantom Morrisvillu

Jul 15, 1966
Inspector Brumpby (Jaroslav Marvan) and the young crime reporter Allan Pinkerton (Vít Olmer) attend wedding of Sir Hannibal Morris (Oldrich Nový) with beautiful Clarence (Kveta Fialová). After the ceremony, Clarence's ex-husband, criminal Manuel Diaz (Waldemar Matuska), who was believed dead, shows up in her room. He wants to get his hands on Clarence and, most importantly, on the money she would inherit in the eventuality of her new husband's death. Diaz makes attempts on Hannibal's life. He knows his way about an underground labyrinth in the château and the traps he sets up for Hannibal seem to work, since Hannibal is apparently found dead after an explosion in the labyrinth, after which his body vanishes. The inspector tries to solve the countless mysteries. In this, he is joined by Allan, always ahead of the man of the law in his estimation and judgment of the situation.
Dita Saxová

Dita Saxová

Feb 23, 1968
A beautiful, underachieving, 18-year-old orphan considers various suitors, ponders philosophy, and takes a young girl under her wing.
Cirkus bude!

Cirkus bude!

Oct 15, 1954
A few bus-loads of holidaymakers from the agricultural cooperative on a day trip arrive to see the show at the Slavia Circus. But, they have bad luck. It is Monday, the day on which the employees have their extra day off.
Brankář bydlí v naší ulici
A boy dreams of winning an ice hockey game. Meanwhile, a professional hockey star moves into the neighborhood, offering his services as a goalkeeper--leading two rival teams of Prague schoolboys, The Little Lions and The Devil Street Boys, to fall over themselves in order to gain his favor. The goalie's son, basking in his father's glory, is asked to replace a member of the Lions team, prompting the usual boyish rivalries and battles. Some of the Lions players are so preoccupied with the impending "big game" that their schoolwork suffers, to the chagrin of their teachers and parents.


Aug 31, 1956
Based on book by Svatopluk Turek.
Il était une fois un roi
Le roi « Nous Premier » a trois filles : Drahomíra, Zpěvanka, (la chanteuse), et Maruška. Lorsqu'il leur demande comment elles l'aiment, Maruška, sa préférée, l'offusque lorsqu'elle répond qu'elle l'aime comme le sel. Profondément vexé, le roi la chasse et fait détruire tout le sel du royaume pour lui prouver que celui-ci n'a aucune valeur. Seules, une jeune veuve et une vieille femme maniant aussi bien les simples que les sortilèges parviennent à garder leur provision de sel. Mis au régime sans sel, les courtisans quittent le château, les princes venus courtiser les princesses partent eux aussi, mais en emportant le trésor royal...
Liberté surveillée

Liberté surveillée

May 16, 1958
Jean-Paul is a Frenchman who yearns to live in communist Czechoslovakia. His wish is granted when, mistaken as a masseur of a French boating team, he manages to elude the democratic authorities long enough to scamper over the Czech border.
Jak básníkům chutná život
Zatímco Kendy se jako pomocný režisér vrací do rodného města natáčet s televizním štábem třináctidílný seriál, Štěpán Šafránek, vybaven po promoci maminčinými radami, nastupuje na své první místo - na internu zdejší nemocnice. Jeho nepřizpůsobivost místním poměrům a smysl pro etiku zvoleného povolání však příliš nevyhovuje ostatním už zaběhnutým kolegům. Zatímco ti se škodolibě baví jeho horlivostí a zodpovědností, Štěpán má stále větší problémy s nadřízenými, až je nakonec přesunut na všemi odmítané místo venkovského obvodního lékaře. V Bezdíkově však potkává novou, snad už trvalou a opětovanou lásku, s níž se posléze rozhodne žít a pracovat v severních Čechách. (oficiální text distributora)
30 případů majora Zemana
Thirty Cases of Major Zeman is a Czechoslovak action-drama television show intended as a political propaganda to support the official attitude of the communist party. The series were filmed in the 1970s. Each episode encompasses one year, and investigations are stylized to that year. Most are inspired by real cases. The series follows the life of police investigator Jan Zeman during his career from 1945 to 1975.