Ramli Hassan

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Dec 18, 2008
Murni est la seule survivante d’un groupe de jeunes filles pensionnaires qui se nomme les "Pink Ladies ". Elles ont été sauvagement assassinées dans leur lycée et la police soupçonne Murni d'être responsable du crime. Interrogée par son médecin et un policier, elle raconte comment à la suite de ce qu’elles croyaient être un simple jeu, elles ont fait appel à un démon qui les a massacrées…
Lemak Kampung Santan

Lemak Kampung Santan

Aug 07, 2013
A city boy named Ridzuan falls in love with a village girl named Tiqa. But their romance is not as straightforward as it seems.
Dendam Orang Mati

Dendam Orang Mati

Oct 23, 2014
This psycho thriller follows the story of Lena, who awakens from a coma with a shakey memory and various unanswered questions. This film stars Lisa Surihani, Fizz Fairuz and Miera Liyana.
Jarum Halus

Jarum Halus

Jan 10, 2008
It is a modern-day adaptation of William Shakespeare's Othello. The film’s title (Malay: "Fine Needle") is derived from a Malay idiom meaning web of deceit or conspiracy, which is a major theme in the plot of the film. The plot remains faithful to the source material, with the cast all taking their Shakespearian counterparts either in name, character or both.
29 Februari

29 Februari

Aug 30, 2012
A man born on the leap day of February 29 ages only one year in every four years. Because of this unique trait, he has lived through many historical periods of Malaysia; from the colonial years to the Japanese invasion and Independence. Though some may consider it a gift, the man's long life can also be a curse as he has to face the reality of seeing the ones he loves die.


Aug 13, 2015
Kamal and Erin, a couple facing midlife crisis after prolonged lack of real communication, caused by years of failure at trying to have a baby. On their 10th year anniversary, they decide to have a trip to Bako National Park where they had their trip over 10 years ago to reignite their bond of love and marriage.On their way to Bako, Erin inadvertently discovers that Kamal is drafting a note that implies he is planning to end it all. Shocked, she starts feeling sorry for Kamal and also feels guilty about the situation. But later she finds out Kamal's secret, that makes her infuriated and upset, so she begins to plan the perfect murder, using his note as strong evidence of his death. Her plans goes awry, once a local Sarawakian, Jemat, their boatman to the isolated National Park comes into the picture...
The Red Kebaya

The Red Kebaya

Nov 23, 2006
Latiff, a famous but lonely photographer who was orphaned as a small child, sets out on an expedition to photograph abandoned houses around Malaysia. On his journey, he is haunted by images and sounds that remind him of his traumatic childhood. At one particular house on the island of Penang, he is transported back through time to witness the shocking events that took place in the house over 50 years ago. Through his experience, Latiff understands the tragic circumstances that led to him being orphaned, and also finds an old friend...The Red Kebaya.
Anna et le roi

Anna et le roi

Dec 16, 1999
En 1862, deux ans après avoir perdu son mari, Anna Leonowens quitte l'Inde avec son fils Louis pour le Siam où elle doit assurer l'éducation des cinquante-huit enfants du roi Mongkut. Anna découvre un monde complexe et secret domine par un dieu vivant qui exerce sur ses sujets un pouvoir sans partage. Accueillie avec méfiance, Anna se montre à la fois charmeuse, ferme et diplomate, n'hésitant pas a bousculer le protocole. Le roi, qui aspire à réformer son pays en douceur, accepte volontiers ces entorses a la tradition.


Apr 05, 2018
In a case that had the nation riveted and human rights organizations the world over up in arms due to a death sentence handed out to the accused, comes a tale about the lure of riches, power, eternal youth, beauty and the blood one must spill to achieve this.
Marco Polo

Marco Polo

Jul 01, 2016
Cupidité, trahison, intrigues sexuelles et rivalités sont au cœur des aventures du héros de Marco Polo, le légendaire explorateur vénitien à la cour de Kubilai Khan.
Action & Adventure