Krzysztof Bochenek

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Mała Moskwa

Mała Moskwa

Nov 28, 2008
During the Cold War, a local Polish officer and a young Soviet woman wedded to a Soviet officer are drawn together by music.
Śmierć Johna L.

Śmierć Johna L.

Mar 07, 1988
Zbigniew Gąsior, a thirty year old singer, is a youth idol. Despite fame, money and success with women he can't neglect the emptiness in his life.


Sep 22, 2023
Après sa désintox, Diego, rappeur de rue, arrête de dealer et se concentre sur la musique. Avec son ami Farine, il travaille à un nouvel album, repoussant la tentation permanente de l'argent facile. Malheureusement, Farine vole un micro au studio d'enregistrement, et les garçons se retrouvent endettés. C'est alors qu'un gangster slovaque propose à Diego une affaire en or, que le rappeur accepte pour rembourser sa dette et pouvoir enfin tourner le dos à son passé. Reste à savoir s'il s'en sortira vivant… Naviguer en eaux troubles n'est pas sans danger, et Diego se sent pris au piège.
Ptaki śpiewają w Kigali
We meet ornithologist Anna in 1994 just as genocide is raging in Rwanda, perpetrated by the majority Hutus against the Tutsis. Anna manages to save the daughter of a colleague whose family has been murdered, and she takes her to Poland. But the woman returns to Rwanda to visit the graves of her loved ones. The director originally worked on the movie with her husband Krzysztof Krauze (My Nikifor – Crystal Globe, KVIFF 2005), but after his death in 2014 she eventually finished this challenging picture alone.
Plac Zbawiciela

Plac Zbawiciela

Sep 07, 2006
A story of a married couple with two children, whose housing problems, the man's infidelity and the woman's fragility lead the family to destruction.
Ach śpij kochanie

Ach śpij kochanie

Oct 20, 2017
After a spate of mysterious disappearances in 1950s Kraków, young investigator Karski believes he's on the trail of a vicious serial killer. When his investigation points to wealthy and respected playboy Wladyslaw Mazurkiewicz,Karski finds himself up against his own supervisors, a mysterious woman and the hypnotic charms of Beautiful Wladek himself.
Les impliqués

Les impliqués

Jun 03, 2011
A Cracovie, le docteur Rudzki est un éminent spécialiste de la méthode de Hellinger, dite de la «constellation familiale», thérapie visant à soigner la souffrance psychique par le biais de jeux de rôles et de psychodrames. Après une séance collective éprouvante, un des patients, Henryk Telak, est retrouvé assassiné. Le tueur serait-il l'un des patients, voire le docteur lui-même ? La procureure Agatha Szacki, aidée par le commissaire Smolar, un ancien amant de ses années universitaires, enquête. Elle découvre bientôt que la victime est liée à un autre cadavre, celui d'un étudiant polonais sauvagement assassiné en 1987, à la fin de l'ère communiste...
Bóg w Krakowie

Bóg w Krakowie

Mar 06, 2016
Set today against the backdrop of a charming, mysterious and mystical city in which we follow the fate of its inhabitants: a young politician who receives a corrupt offer; girls looking for love; a lawyer standing at a crossroads specializing in divorce matters; a small thief who wants to steal a reliquary with the Blood of the Lord; marriages that cannot wait for a child; women after a pass and a man unable to free themselves from the clutches of gambling.


Nov 15, 2013
Papusza (la poupée), enfant tzigane, naît en 1908 dans un tabor (un campement nomade) à l’Est de la Pologne situé aujourd’hui en Ukraine. L"ascension et la chute de la poétesse gitane la plus célèbre et l'histoire de sa relation avec celui qui l'aura découverte Jerzy Ficowski.


Sep 04, 2020
Based on a true story about a 2nd generation cop who has designs on becoming a detective but his goals descend into bribery, corruption and addiction.


May 24, 2008
Kryminalni was a Polish crime drama television series that aired on TVN network from September 18, 2004 until May 24, 2008. It ran for 8 seasons and 101 episodes were broadcast in total. It was created by Polish director and screenwriter Piotr Wereśniak and produced by MTL Maxfilm studio. The series followed life and work of police officers from the elite Criminal Terror and Murders Division of the Warsaw Metropolitan Police; the title refers to police officers in the crime section. The three main characters were Adam Zawada, an experienced, tough cup, his younger colleague Marek Brodecki and Barbara Storosz, an ambitious female officer who in the first season joins the team just after graduating. Although none of the main actors had had star status before the series debuted, all three of them rose to prominence and popularity during the 5-year-long run. Many of Poland's best known actors guest starred, usually playing roles of people involved in just one particular investigation. The serial was one of the most popular in Poland: each week it had an audience of 4 million.


Mar 09, 2008
The dark world of crime: murders, racketeering, drugs, kidnappings. There are no rules here. Working in this world makes cops cynical and ruthless. There is a fine line between them and criminals - will any of them cross it? The main characters are officers from the Department for Counteracting Criminal Terror and Homicides. The action of the series is an extension of the threads that appear in the feature film. It presents in a realistic way the brutal and dark world of crime that officers encounter on a daily basis. They're not just tracking down murderers. They fight racketeering, kidnapping, drug trafficking while struggling with their own day to day life and problems.
The King

The King

Dec 25, 2020
Varsovie, 1937. Le spectre du fascisme plane sur l’Europe. La mafia juive règne sur la ville avant le début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale sous la houlette de Buddy Kaplica, un gangster socialiste polonais qui a des relations haut placées. Son bras droit, un boxeur juif impitoyable Jakub Szapiro, rêve de prendre sa place et de devenir le roi de Varsovie. Il prend sous son aile Moyshe Bernsztajn, un jeune garçon en qui il voit son successeur. Le conflit entre socialistes et fascistes est à son comble, Buddy et Szapiro sont impliqués dans une conspiration politique au sommet du gouvernement et dans une guerre des gangs, qui pourrait déterminer le destin de Varsovie et du pays tout entier. Partagé entre sa loyauté envers son patron et son ambition, Jakub va se lancer dans une lutte décisive pour le pouvoir dans les rues de la ville.
Dom pod Dwoma Orłami

Dom pod Dwoma Orłami

Mar 05, 2023
The story begins in the summer of 1997, just before the arrival of the famous 12-meter flood wave flooding Wroclaw. - The residents of the "Home under Two Eagles" are grandma Zofia Szablewska, a woman full of energy, warmth and humor, her daughter Helena, a cool perfectionist, and Marianna, Zofia's beloved granddaughter, returning with her fiancé from a scholarship in the USA. The family drama begins when a flood wave floods the house, and at the same time grandma Zofia ends up in the hospital due to a stroke. An unfortunate coincidence leads Marianna to discover post-German traces in a house destroyed by the element, thanks to which she finds the diary of the first owner of "Home under Two Eagles", Lisa Weber. Marianna's learning of the history written on the cards takes the action of the series to 1918. In subsequent episodes, viewers will learn about the life of the then inhabitants of the tenement house and their neighbors.
La reine du X

La reine du X

Jan 17, 2025
Une jeune femme polonaise d'origine modeste, destinée à devenir religieuse, s'enfuit en Allemagne de l'Ouest et se retrouve dans l'industrie adulte.