Pino Calabrese

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La seconda notte di nozze
When his destituite widowed sister-in-law—whom he had never stopped harbouring feelings for—and her ne'er-do-well son come to live with him after World War II, a mentally-ill farmer who spends all his time destroying unexploded ordnance scattered across the countryside finds a new purpose in his lonely life.
Il diritto alla felicità
The Right to Happiness centers on a small used book store in a small plaza in a small town with big vistas, somewhere in Italy. It sounds like a book lover's fantasy, and maybe it is. The bookseller, Libero, knows most of his rather eccentric customers and can barely bring himself to take their money (although fascists pay double). When a young boy, Essien (Didie Lorenz Tchumbu), an émigré from Burkina Faso, happens on the shop, Libero begins lending him books of increasing difficulty. From Pinocchio to Moby Dick, Essien can read as fast as Libero can lend, and the two form a bond over reading and meaning. "Books should be read twice," Libero says. "Once to understand them, and once to think." Life should probably be lived like that too, but the bookseller's name means "free," and freedom is what Libero bequeaths to Essien.
Altri padri

Altri padri

Dec 13, 2021
Giulio, a skilled salesman, father and caring husband, suddenly finds himself homeless, without money, and without a family, when his wife Annalisa asks for a divorce, forcibly removing him from his children with false accusations of violence and drugs.
Il futuro

Il futuro

Sep 06, 2013
When their parents die, Bianca starts to smoke and Tomas is still a virgin. The orphans explore the dangerous streets of adulthood until Bianca finds Maciste, a retired Mr. Universe, and enters his dark mansion in search of a future.
Chi mi aiuta

Chi mi aiuta

Sep 06, 1984
Paolo and Carlo are good friends. The first introverted, disillusioned and intellectual, while the other is happy if shallow. Despite their differences they share accommodation. Paolo runs an “alternative” kind of library; Carlo plays the violin in a little band. Their lives go on peacefully, when suddenly Paolo falls in love with one of his a customers - Lili, an amateur actress - whom he decides to take home. Carlo doesn’t react well to the fact he’s got to share with a third person, so he comes up with a weird idea - he flirts with the new girl and manages to seduce her. Paolo thinks his best friend is now guilty of a real betrayal, while Lili is undecided: she’s attracted by both the culture of Paolo and the physical attraction of Carlo. This love triangle ends when Paolo tries to commit suicide, Carlo feels guilty and Lili leaves them both, returning to her previous life and still hoping to find her one true love.
Segreti segreti

Segreti segreti

Mar 15, 1985
Young terrorist Laura shoots both a judge and a comrade, and over time her violent act becomes a thread linking the lives and fates of several other women. Each has her own secret, including the lawyer who listens to Laura as if in a ‘trance’: moments before, she discovered her husband was cheating.
Mercato libero

Mercato libero

Jan 01, 1970
Paolo is on trial at a call center. He has the time of a phone call to convince the elderly Nando to give him his credit card details. A short film on the vulnerability of the elderly and on jobs that dirty the conscience.
I Vicerè

I Vicerè

Nov 09, 2007
In late 19th-century Sicily, the noble Uzeda family—whose lineage dates back to the ancient viceroys that ruled those lands—fights to preserve its waning power in the face of the newly unified Italian regime.
Diaz : Un crime d'état
En 2001, pendant la dernière journée du G8 de Gênes, quelques instants avant minuit, plus de 300 officiers prennent d'assaut l'école Diaz, à la recherche des militants du Black Bloc. Dans l'établissement, se trouvent 90 activistes, dont la plupart sont des étudiants européens accompagnés de quelques journalistes étrangers, qui s'apprêtent à passer la nuit à même le sol de l'école. Alors que les forces de l'ordre font irruption, les jeunes manifestants lèvent les mains pour se rendre. Imperturbables et implacables, les policiers se livrent à des exactions préméditées d'une violence inouïe, frappant indifféremment jeunes et vieux, hommes et femmes.
Comme le vent

Comme le vent

Nov 10, 2013
Armida Miserere est l'une des premières femmes directrices de prison d'Italie. Régulièrement menacée de mort, elle n'a pas froid aux yeux et impose son autorité tout en s'appliquant à faire respecter les droits des détenus. À la fois forte et fragile, pugnace et sensible, elle rêve aussi d'une vie familiale sans histoire. Sa vie bascule le jour où son mari se fait brutalement assassiner par la mafia. Désormais sans attache, elle accepte la direction de prisons parmi les plus dures d'Italie, sans jamais renoncer à sa quête de vérité et de justice
Marchand de Rêves

Marchand de Rêves

Sep 21, 1995
Pour quelques sous, Joe Morelli, arnaqueur de genie, sillonne la Sicile a la recherche de nouveaux talents pour le grand écran. A l'aide d'une pellicule inexploitable volée a Cinecitta, il filme quasiment toute la Sicile, mafieux, communistes, paysans, bergers, carabiniers, en leur promettant gloire et richesse. Beata, une jeune Italienne, prendra dans ses filets le marchand de rêves a son propre jeu pour en faire, malgre lui, un autre homme. Grand prix du jury au Festival de Venise 1995.


Oct 09, 2006
Une ville italienne. L'inconnue s'appelle Irena. Elle est arrivée, il y a quelques années, d'Ukraine. Elle fait partie de ces filles de l'Est, proies d'hommes sans scrupules qui, entre violence et humiliation, les tiennent en esclavage sur les trottoirs des grandes villes.A-t-elle un objectif précis lorsqu'elle arrive, avec l'aide d'un gardien, à trouver un emploi de femme de ménage dans l'immeuble en face duquel elle s'est installée pour “travailler” ? En effet, son objectif semble être d'approcher une famille de résidents : les Adacher. Ils se composent de Donato, qui est orfèvre, son épouse, Valeria, et la petite fille Tea.Afin de travailler chez eux, Irena se lie d'amitié avec leur vieille femme de ménage, Gina, puis la remplace. Irena accomplit froidement son plan...
Frères d'Italie

Frères d'Italie

Nov 12, 2010
1828. Deux jeunes aristocrates, Domenico et Angelo, et un fils de métayer, Salvatore, sujets du royaume des Deux-Siciles et originaires du Cilento, au sud de Naples et de Salerne, jurent de consacrer leur vie à la réalisation d'un noble idéal : l'indépendance et l'unification de l'Italie. Leur combat auprès des Républicains clandestins de Giuseppe Mazzini sera un chemin difficile, très souvent semé de déboires et de trahisons. Un drame historique relatant quatre épisodes du Risorgimento entre 1828 et 1862.
L'affaire des cinq lunes
Un magistrat italien découvre sur une bobine super 8 les images de l'enlèvement d'Aldo Moro, leader des Démocrates Chrétiens, séquestré puis assassiné par les Brigades Rouges 25 ans auparavant. Ce film apporte de nouveaux indices pour résoudre une affaire jamais élucidée. Aidé de son ancien garde du corps et d'une jeune magistrate, il décide de mener l'enquête au péril de sa vie et de celle de ses proches.


Jun 07, 2018
Francis, a forty year old engineer, after a mysterious disgrace he retired to live in a village on Lake Iseo. With still little daughter occupies the former family villa, a magnificent Art Nouveau building on the lake shore. In the big house there is, however, another mysterious person, of which only perceives the echo of the respirator that keeps her alive. But other presences no less disturbing, and certainly more dangerous, they move around the villa. What happened to the man and his family? What secrets hide? Marta will know, childhood friend always in love with him, awaken Francis from the torpor in which he has fallen, and free him from the pain? And most importantly, how many succeed they gravitate around the house to escape the danger that threatens their lives? Breaths tells how the pain can profoundly transform a man crushed by memories, guilt, fears. He also wants to show the extent to which an individual is able to accept the existence paths without being a victim.
Despite the Fog

Despite the Fog

Oct 19, 2019
Paolo, propriétaire d’un restaurant dans une petite ville de la province de Rome, rentre chez lui après le travail, après une soirée pluvieuse. En chemin, il voit un enfant blotti dans le froid à un arrêt de bus et décide de le ramener à la maison. L’enfant s’appelle Mohammed et est un réfugié abandonné qui a perdu ses parents lors d’un voyage en Italie sur un canot pneumatique. La présence de l'enfant contrarie son épouse Valeria, hésitante et douteuse au début, mais qui finit par accepter de l'accueillir pour la nuit. Au bout d’un moment, elle change d’avis et décide de garder Mohamed malgré les opinions de chacun…
Andate in pace

Andate in pace

Jun 16, 2019
Three wives, very devoted to their patron San Girolamo, when they learn that their church will be closed and the saint's statue transferred to a museum near Naples decides to steal it. But they will have a surprise...
Abbassa l'Italia

Abbassa l'Italia

Feb 12, 2019
News explodes like a bomb! Due to the genetic mutation, immigrants living in Italy undergo a noticeable change. Is this wonderful country in danger of sinking? A television reporter decides to go over this strange theory, and the news is on the agenda of the whole country. This fake documentary brings fake news, media, politics and harsh criticism about Italy.


Jun 07, 2018
Francis, a forty year old engineer, after a mysterious disgrace he retired to live in a village on Lake Iseo. With still little daughter occupies the former family villa, a magnificent Art Nouveau building on the lake shore. In the big house there is, however, another mysterious person, of which only perceives the echo of the respirator that keeps her alive. But other presences no less disturbing, and certainly more dangerous, they move around the villa. What happened to the man and his family? What secrets hide? Marta will know, childhood friend always in love with him, awaken Francis from the torpor in which he has fallen, and free him from the pain? And most importantly, how many succeed they gravitate around the house to escape the danger that threatens their lives? Breaths tells how the pain can profoundly transform a man crushed by memories, guilt, fears. He also wants to show the extent to which an individual is able to accept the existence paths without being a victim.