Toma Vaškevičiūtė

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Drugelio širdis

Drugelio širdis

Apr 15, 2022
This delicately-rendered live action narrative follows the story of a ten-year-old boy and budding entomologist named Juozapas, who was born with his heart outside of his chest. Can Rugile, the fearless new girl in town, help Juozapas gain courage and acceptance to overcome exclusion and the insensitivity of the people around them?
Anarchija Žirmūnuose
Provincial girl tries to understand and get in touch with world of a big town. With world that suddenly shows unpredictable dark sides of its own.
The Generation of Evil
Le commissaire Gintas prend sa retraite. Respecté par la communauté politique, il décide de se présenter au poste de maire. L'occasion de tourner la page de sa liaison avec sa maîtresse, la femme de son ami procureur. Lorsque ce dernier se suicide, Gintas aimerait enterrer son ami en même temps que ses petits secrets. Cependant, un agent du procureur général, l'ambitieux Simonas, est dépêché pour mener l'enquête.


Sep 04, 2009
The film is based on the novel by Romualdas Granauskas, winner of the Lithuanian National Cultural and Arts Award, and is the chronicle of a young man’s shifting relationships as he adjusts rather dramatically to the unfamiliarity of freedom. The film will be shown in Lithuanian with English subtitles. Duburys won the Silver Crane Award in Lithuania. It has been selected as Lithuania’s entry for this year’s Oscar nomination in the foreign language film category. Duburys was entered in the Montreal World Film Festival, Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival and has been invited to Cairo International Film Festival and the Museum of Modern Art in New York.


Nov 11, 2012
Marius, already in his thirties, still works at the same position for many years. Boring life, colleagues that ignore him, and no friends – mum is the only person who calls him. So does he live with her. Marius, as well as millions people in the world, lives in his inner captivity, everyday gets up and serves for others‘ dreams, forgetting his own. Accidentally, he falls into an awkward situation that also brings him the world of the anti-social people. Unwillingly though, he gets familiar with their life style, and yet remains himself. Unexpected love encourages him to change his life.
Ko nežino vyrai

Ko nežino vyrai

Sep 16, 2022
Un éditeur de magazine de mode bien connu, un homme chauvin au franc-parler, est obligé de reconsidérer son point de vue quand un matin il se réveille en femme.
Grąžinti nepriklausomybę
Four Lithuania's founding fathers suddenly come back to life 100 years later after signing Lithuania's declaration of independence. Now it's stored somewhere in Berlin's archives, and they are on a mission to get it back.
Nuodėmės užkalbėjimas
A nearly-suicidal, young woman visits a psychotherapist. She is in love with a priest, and the diagnosis of her husband's mental illness leaves no hope. The psychotherapist, in her attempts to resolve the amassed difficulties, seemingly begins to duplicate the life stages and behavioral patterns of her patient. A script for this film is based on motifs from the best-seller, scandalous novel, Witch and Rain, by female author, Jurga Ivanauskaite. By choosing a priest as the main role for a love story, the author broke an existing societal taboo. Faith, Love and Hope form the trilogy by the authors of this screenplay. Love stands as the grandest of the three.
Nesamasis laikas

Nesamasis laikas

Feb 28, 2014
A young man's confusion in present times. The protagonist is looking for answers to questions that are relevant to many of his peers, coming of age in between a nostalgic socialist childhood and ideas pushed by a young democracy, relentlessly rushing forward.


Feb 08, 2013
Selling the homestead can be painflully difficult. The hero is forced to confront the past when she tries to complete the sale of her grandfather’s house. In the place of her childhood she finds some answers to questions about life.
Laisvės kaina. Partizanai
The series tells about the three occupations and mass exterminations that took place in the middle of the last century, the Holocaust, the terror, the attempt to physically and spiritually crush Lithuania.
War & Politics
Bruto ir Neto

Bruto ir Neto

Jan 25, 2018
Pasirodo, prieš trisdešimt metų, likimas Praną buvo nubloškęs net į Tolimuosius Rytus. Sunkiai sužeistą jį išgelbėjo vietinis turtuolis, kurio dukra įsimylį jauną ir žavingą svetimšalį. Kas nutiko jų meilės istorijai? Neto, nepasitaręs su Bruto, nusprendžia įstoti į universitetą ir tapti pradinukų mokytoju. Tačiau šiam kilniam tikslui sutrukdo netikėta žinia: pasak medikų, Neto serga nepagydoma liga. Kaip šią žinią priims Neto ir kokių veiksmų imsis jo bičiulis Bruto? Pranas nieko negaili savo augintiniui – paršeliui Raimundėliui: net valgyti kasdien pats ruošia! Tiesą sakant, jam šis augintinis daug mielesnis už jo žmoną. Tačiau ilgai šiuo abipusiu ryšiu Pranui netenka džiaugtis: netikėta pažintis su jaunaisiais hispteriais baigiasi Prano automobilio ir paršelio vagyste. Kaip hipsteriams ketina atkeršyti Pranas?
Laisvės kaina. Savanoriai
TV series tells about 1918 February 16 Signing of the Lithuanian Independence Act and other historical events that followed this important event in Lithuania until the occupation of Lithuania in 1940.
War & Politics


Jun 11, 2009
The main character Viktoras commits a crime and his life turns upside down. It is a story of great love, accompanied by cruel betrayal. About the blood-stained mafia. About loved and unloved people who have been condemned in the shadows.
Rimti Reikalai

Rimti Reikalai

Jan 09, 2025
An abundance of stories, an energetic storytelling style and an ironic approach to situations - this is the new LNK series "Rimti Reikalai". Released after five years in prison, the criminal Hard finds himself at the epicenter of bloody events. The criminal gang to which he belonged breaks up, and a fierce battle begins for the chair of the mafia boss.