Ron David

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L'énigme des Nascas

L'énigme des Nascas

Jan 01, 1999
Depuis leur découverte en 1926 au Pérou, les géoglyphes, gigantesques dessins incisés dans le sol et longs parfois de plusieurs kilomètres, ne cessent d'intriguer explorateurs et archéologues. Après les avoir longtemps attribués aux Incas, on sait maintenant qu'elles ont été tracées bien avant par un peuple appelé les Nascas. C'est pour tenter de comprendre les mystères de cette civilisation peu connue que l'archéologue italien Giuseppe Orefici va entreprendre à l'automne 1998 d'importantes fouilles sur l'immense site de Cahuachi, la capitale religieuse du peuple Nasca découverte il y a quelques années. Pour la première fois, ce passionné d'histoire Nasca ouvre les portes de ses entrepôts de fouilles dévoilant un formidable trésor archéologique, fruit de 17 années de recherche en terre Nasca au Pérou : poteries peintes, momies dans des linceuls de tissus brodés, objets rituels et quotidiens…
Peru's City of Ghosts

Peru's City of Ghosts

Jul 25, 2000
Join a team of archaeologists and the Discovery Channel in an investigation into the mysterious lines of the Nazca region in Peru. Created by the Nazcas, these huge sculptures are only visible from the sky and depict people, animal, geometric forms, and strange creatures. See a premier exhibition of pottery and textiles, musical instruments, and mummies from this long-forgotten, pre-Columbian civilization and visit Cahuachi, a buried city of pyramids and ceremonial buildings which may have once been the religious capital of the Nazca people.
National Geographic: Untold Stories of World War II
Showcases 3 major events during World War 2 involving both the Europeans & Pacific conflicts. The Raids to destroy Nazi Germany's heavy water production based in Norway, plus the final desperate act to deny them what had already been stockpiled. The Japanese midget submarines role and participation in the attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. What they achieved plus what was their ultimate fate. The attacks on United States warships in the Pacific late in World War 2 by the Japanese Kamikaze and Okha Squadrons. The Kamikaze attacks were in whatever planes the Japanese forces were able to gather. The Okha attacks were made in specially built flying bombs that were towed by larger and usually slower aircraft that were not suitable for fighter work.
Brotherhood of Death

Brotherhood of Death

Sep 14, 1976
A group of Black soldiers are home from the war and head to a small Southern town. The town is dominated by a group of Klansmen who keep the Black majority from voting or being treated like human beings. However, these newcomers convince the local population to register to vote so they can take back power and achieve justice. When hundreds show up to register, the Klan responds with violence. Eventually, though, the Black community has little choice other than fight back and the film ends with a small war between these combat vets and the Klan.