Walter Edwin

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The Usurer's Grip

The Usurer's Grip

Oct 04, 1912
Here with the Edison Company -- most notably Charles Ogle as the usurer -- we see a 'typical' case of the victims of usury. Although offered as a 'realistic' view of the effects of usury, it veers frequently into melodrama.
A Modern Cinderella

A Modern Cinderella

Nov 07, 1911
This 20th-century retelling of the classic fairy tale keeps all the familiar elements — a selfish step-sister, a put-upon beauty, a Prince Charming, and, of course, a lost slipper — but shifts the action to a contemporary boarding house. Cinderella, played by Mary Fuller, befriends an elderly resident, who buys a party outfit for her favorite when Cinderella’s elder sister preens for a dance. The new clothes transform the unassuming maiden into the toast of the ball. Finding Cinderella’s missing shoe, a dashing young man follows the clue to his grandmother, Cinderella’s friend at the boarding house, who works her magic to reunite the couple.
La terre au-delà du coucher du soleil
Joe est un marchand de journaux pauvre de New York qui vit avec sa grand-mère violente. Tout en vendant des journaux, il reçoit un billet pour une excursion pour enfants parrainée par le Fresh Air Fund. Le lendemain matin, Joe se faufile hors de son immeuble pour rejoindre l'excursion, où il voit la campagne et l'océan pour la première fois. Après un pique-nique, un adulte bénévole lit aux enfants un conte fantaisiste tiré d'un livre de contes, l'histoire d'un jeune prince battu par une vieille sorcière. Un groupe de fées sauve le garçon, l'emmène sur un bateau et part pour «la terre au-delà du coucher du soleil, où il vécut heureux pour toujours». Joe s'imagine être le garçon de l'histoire.
At the Masquerade Ball
A short comedy about the romance between Margaret and John. At a masked ball at the home of John's mother, Margaret is suspected of stealing jewellery. When the misunderstanding is cleared up, nothing more stands in the way of their romance.
The Heart of the Hills
Lisbeth Ann is a child of the wilds. In a gingham gown and bare feet she roams the mountain sides as care-free as the birds which carol in the pine trees above her. Creeping along the mountain trail one morning she overhears two men discussing a land deal in which her father has been concerned. To her dismay she learns that her father has disposed of a valuable piece of land underneath which are rich coal veins. Realizing that her father has been duped, the girl is about to shoot the man who has bought the property, when his kindly face restrains her.
The Spendthrift

The Spendthrift

Jun 21, 1915
A remarkable six-part adaptation of a sensational stage success. it's a big vital story of TODAY with a "PUNCH" that reaches the heart of every man, woman and child. (Print Ad- Morning Telegram,((Elmira, NY)) 25 July 1915)
The Green Cloak

The Green Cloak

Oct 20, 1915
Future Pulitzer Prize winner Owen Davis was one of the scenarists for this Kleine-Edison production. ene Fenwick stars as Ruth McAllister, one of two sisters currently being victimized by a phony hypnotist named Wilkins (Richie Ling). A murder is committed, and all evidence points to Ruth as the guilty party.
The Sentimental Lady

The Sentimental Lady

Nov 03, 1915
When he wasn't churning out "Curses, foiled again!" melodramas, playwright Owen Davis Sr. specialized in such social dramas as The Sentimental Lady. Irene Fenwick stars as Amy Cary, who has invested her life savings in a utility stock. Amy's fiance Norman Van Aulsten (John Davidson) is saddled with a crooked father (Thomas McGrath), whose Wall Street shenanigans threaten to wipe out Amy and the rest of the stockholders. Fortunately, crusading attorney Bob Nelson (Jack Devereaux) manages to prevent this financial catastrophe.
Gloria's Romance

Gloria's Romance

May 22, 1916
An adventurous young girl in Florida gets herself lost in the Everglades and finds terror and excitement, as well as the rivalry of two men in love with her.
Alexia's Strategy

Alexia's Strategy

Dec 06, 1913
Walter Young and John Osgood are both in love with Alexia Trexell, daughter of the president of the trust company where both young men work.
Who Will Marry Mary?

Who Will Marry Mary?

Jul 26, 1913
Six part adventure serial starring Mary Fuller as the sought after heroine. Episodes: 1) A Proposal From The Duke; 2) A Proposal From The Spanish Don; 3) A Proposal From The Sculptor; 4) A Proposal From Nobody; 5) A Proposal Deferred; 6) A Proposal From Mary