Elena Melnikova

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Мисс миллионерша
At the beginning of "perestroyka", city authorities are getting ready for another event in keeping with the spirit of stagnant times. A director with a rather "unyielding" character is assigned to make a film about the birth of the one millionth inhabitant. However, when he finds the heroine of his story, there is no much "positive" to show as this family hardly suits for advertising happy life...
Зонтик для новобрачных
Kraskov and Vera have long loved each other. They are unable to part, however, and connect their destinies can not and have already accepted the circumstances of life: he has a family, three children. A chance meeting in Moscow with a young couple, familiar with the rest in the South, pushes them to a decisive step…
Ниоткуда с любовью, или весёлые похороны
Based on the novel by Booker Prize Winner Ludmila Ulitskaya, The Funeral Party is set in August 1991. In a sweltering New York City apartment, a group of Russian émigrés gathers round the deathbed of an artist named Alik, a charismatic character beloved by them all, especially the women who take turns nursing him as he fades from this world. Their reminiscences of the dying man and of their lives in Russia are punctuated by debates and squabbles: Whom did Alik love most? Should he be baptized before he dies, as his alcoholic wife, Nina, desperately wishes, or be reconciled to the faith of his birth by a rabbi who happens to be on hand? And what will be the meaning for them of the Yeltsin putsch, which is happening across the world in their long-lost Moscow but also right before their eyes on CNN?


Jan 01, 1979
Trying to achieve reciprocity from the saleswoman, the store director blames her for the shortage, and then acts as a savior. As a result, she fell into severe depression, becoming disillusioned with people. But a little time will pass and she will meet a naval officer, with whom she will forget the nightmare.
Последние луны
Old age knows no national boundaries or geographical limits. She can be peaceful and happy in the circle of loved ones and become a disaster if you are abandoned by people dear to you. Man is the only living creature in the world who knows that he will die.
Свободное падение
Having once again successfully performed at the competition, five paratroopers, seeing off one of their friends to the airport, witnessed the collective beating of the boy. Without hesitation, the athletes rushed to help, and later learned that a man had died in a fight, while one of the athletes fell under suspicion. The investigator even figured out his first conviction. Only a few days later the mistake became obvious and the true killer was found, but for now the friends tried to answer the question themselves: who is to blame and is it to blame?


Feb 14, 1986
After studying Central female school where learner was trained as a spinier, in 1943 Aliya joined the Soviet armed force with her girlfriends .She shot an German sniper who killed many Soviet soldiers in an fighting action.
Звездная командировка
He did not understand how he got to this strange planet. You need to choose, because it turned out that there is also a certain alien, who in the same time appeared on Earth. But the peculiarity of the situation lies in the fact that between these characters really surprising similarities, which will become the reason for the emergence of a whole series of all sorts of oddities. It is not known whether they can return to their seats, because none of the participants in these events is not how it all happened. And viewers will get a whole lot of emotions and experiences, because to watch it all from the really interesting, as the arisen situation can hardly be called a typical and familiar to modern movies.
Science Fiction
Москва Мама Монреаль
The story of the young engineer Anton, constantly running around in search of work and the opportunity to prove himself. His life becomes like a carousel of monotonous fruitless attempts, but one day fate throws him an excellent proposal - a serious company, a big project, a life abroad. This proposal puts the hero in front of the choice between the future and the one most desired for him, the last, but the most expensive, that remains in his present life.
Уходя - уходи
An inconspicuous, modest accountant, Sulin often finds himself in half-funny, half-sad situations - he is often timid, afraid to cross at least someone. Until one day an incident helped him remember that he, too, was once decisive and brave.
Средь бела дня...
A group of friends, including Mukhin, a furniture factory worker, with his wife and son, go out on a day off. There are four drunk young men in the neighborhood. They pester vacationers and start a fight. They are rebuffed only by Mukhin. Protecting his wife and child, he hit the leader of a hooligan gang. Death was instantaneous. The rowdies turn out to be locals. They pretend to be victims, blaming the "tourists" from the city.
Простые истины
A youth TV novel about school life. The situations that the characters find themselves in are familiar to every teenager, and the problems that the characters are trying to solve are of concern to everyone: how to deal with unrequited love (and is it necessary?), how to resolve a conflict with teachers or classmates, how to find a common language with parents, how to skip a physical education lesson, how, finally, to wipe the two in the diary without consequences for school life.


Mar 18, 2004
GRU intelligence lieutenant colonel Ilya Orlov, nicknamed "Monk", interrupted his military career after 15 years of service and... went to a monastery. However, he soon realized that non-resistance to evil was not for him and returned to worldly life, taking a job as a taxi driver.
Action & Adventure