Irene Chen Yi-Ling

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Jul 07, 1972
The longstanding rivalry between a music club and a sports club is compounded by their leaders' mutual interest in a girl.
Shaolin Martial Arts

Shaolin Martial Arts

Aug 03, 1974
Un groupe d’étudiants Shaolin participe à une fête religieuse à laquelle sont conviés des Mandchous. La procession dégénère et s’achève en pugilat, un membre Shaolin (Lau Kar Wing) ayant été mortellement blessé par un élève de l’école à la botte des Qing.
The Land of Many Perfumes
Les quatres compagnons échappent à une attaque d'esprits malfaisants et trouvent refuge dans une ville peuplée uniquement de femmes. L'impératrice jette son dévolu sur le moine Tang et veut l'obliger à se marier.


Apr 11, 1970
Li Ching plays one of three daughters, whose life is turned upside down when she discovers she is adopted. But things get even worse when she goes in search of her real mother. Finally, after almost a double tragedy, she realizes what so many knew all along: There's no place like home.


Jan 15, 1972
Two sisters, Ching-ping (Irene Chen I-ling) and Pai-hung (Betty Ting Pei) struggle to find a workable act after their magician father and younger sister leave to try their luck in Taiwan. A good friend gets them cast in a new movie, and the rest is history....


Aug 18, 1971
This is a film about three pretty young ladies from Hong Kong who work as sales agents who travel to a resort in Japan for the sole purpose of meeting and wooing millionaires.


May 02, 1969
Tu Cheng Kang (Guan Shan) teaches at the Ta Tap Middle School where pupils are delinquent. Tu’s class is the worst. As the headmaster and his fellow teachers are unable to cope with the unruly students, Tu is determined to win them over with kindness. He fails initially but does not despair. Kao Te Sheng (Chuen Yuen), nicknamed the One Eyed Dragon, is the chief troublemaker and leader. When Kao’s father, a coolie, faints at the wharf from over work, Tu takes him to the hospital and befriends him. The old man does not realize Tu is his son’s teacher and neither does Te Sheng realize that his teacher had saved his father, he continues to oppose Tu.


Jul 25, 1975
The love bug strikes two young sisters at about the same time. Since the two sisters happen to be in love with the same person, chaos and confusion is brought into their once serene home.
La Diablesse aux mille visages
Mystérieuse, redoutable, la Diablesse aux mille Visages est une cambrioleuse professionnelle dont les méfaits répétés ridiculisent les forces de l'ordre. Deux femmes sont prêtes à tout pour la démasquer. La première, Molly, est une journaliste ambitieuse qui pourrait bien décrocher une prime en publiant un article explosif. La seconde, Ji Ying, est une présentatrice TV, excédée par les agissements de la voleuse, qui n'hésite pas à provoquer cette dernière lors de son émission. Résultat : Ji Ying est kidnappée le soir même, et se retrouve peu de temps après dans le repère secret de la Diablesse...


Mar 19, 1974
Shih Hsin-chiao (Ling Yun) is a journalist who trained under mentor Lu Tao-jan (Chin Han). Lu's daughter, Chih-pai (Tien Niu) is infatuated with the good-looking and intelligent Shih, but Shih sees her only as a child. When he returns from a long stay abroad, he finds that things have changed. Chih-pai is now an attractive young woman in a relationship with rich boy (Wang Yu). A miscarriage and Lu's death throw Shih and Chih-pai back together again.


Apr 24, 1974
As the Heng Seng Index reaches unprecedented heights, people from all walks of life go stock speculation crazy. A security guard and his landlord learn firsthand that money is ‘Easy Come, Easy Go’ as their fast fortune disappears overnight in a Macau casino. Meanwhile, greedy neighbours and infidel couples cheat each other and even blue-collar workmen dive into the frenzy. Inevitably, the market tumbles as do the people’s bittersweet lives. A hilarious but ironic tale featuring some of Shaw’s biggest stars.
The Jade Faced Assassin
Deux jumeaux encore nourrissons sont séparés à la mort de leurs parents : le premier (Hua Yu Chun) est adopté par la 'Sœur ainée' de la secte Yihua tandis que le second (Xiao Yu-er) est recueilli par un ami de leur père puis des brigands. La 'Sœur ainée' souhaite en effet se venger du père des enfants, qui a rejeté ses avances pour jeter son dévolu sur une de ses disciples (la mère des jumeaux) et l'engrosser. Ignorant leur parenté, les deux jumeaux élevés dans des environnements sociaux très contrastés se retrouvent une vingtaine d'années plus tard et ne tardent pas à développer un antagonisme qui va les conduire à diverses voies de fait.