Lyubov Selyutina

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А Вы ему кто

А Вы ему кто

Aug 06, 2006
Жене уже 28 лет, а она все никак не выйдет замуж, да и молодого человека у нее нет. «Конечно, работая медсестрой в поликлинике, с кем познакомишься?», — примерно так рассуждает девушка.


Feb 21, 2013
Le métro de Moscou : 300 km de voies, 6 millions de passagers par jour. À l’heure de pointe, une des conduites qui serpentent sous le fleuve s’affaisse, et une monstrueuse inondation déferle dans les tunnels. L’impact de la vague souterraine avec les trains bondés et stations saturées est imminent...
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Sasha is stalking a man. They seem to have a common past, which Sasha can't let go. This leads her into dark territory. For he is an uncompromising photographer, who is obsessively trying to get an exhibition in a gallery. His theme is fear - and to capture this in its perfection, he puts women into shock situations in his photo shoots. In the process, reality and production become blurred, and the models pay the price. One day he turns up at Sasha's door - A dark cocktail of passion and obsession, portraying the borderline facets of photography.
Чёрный монах
Man who talks with a ghost called Black Monk is forced to see a doctor. After the treatment, he loses his ability to communicate with the ghost, becoming angry, violent and utterly unhappy.