Chelsea Bruland

Recently added

Sons of Liberty

Sons of Liberty

Jul 06, 2013
Une puissante organisation internationale prête assistance à une cellule terroriste qui souhaite organiser des attentats sur le sol américain. le responsable de la cellule est le puissant A.J. Bashir, qui se considère comme un patriote et non un terroriste. Une section anti-terroriste, nouvellement créée sous le nom de code les Fils de la liberté, est chargée de mener l'enquête. Elle est composée d'experts, tous spécialistes d'un domaine différent.


Mar 11, 2014
Lorsque le mercenaire Lex Walker doit identifier le corps de sa fille, il découvre que le cadavre à la morgue est celui d'une étrangère. Walker réussit alors à convaincre un détective qu'elle est toujours en vie et en danger. Les deux suivront la piste les menant à l'ancien patron de sa fille, un cyber-millionnaire corrompu qui fera tout en son pouvoir pour protéger son empire. Walker devra combattre une armée de bandits pour sauver la seule personne qui compte pour lui.
Sons of Liberty

Sons of Liberty

Jul 06, 2013
Une puissante organisation internationale prête assistance à une cellule terroriste qui souhaite organiser des attentats sur le sol américain. le responsable de la cellule est le puissant A.J. Bashir, qui se considère comme un patriote et non un terroriste. Une section anti-terroriste, nouvellement créée sous le nom de code les Fils de la liberté, est chargée de mener l'enquête. Elle est composée d'experts, tous spécialistes d'un domaine différent.
Le Chaos

Le Chaos

Oct 03, 2014
Fraîchement débarquée à New York où elle comptait passer quelques jours en famille, Chloe apprend que son père pilote Ray sera absent à cause de son travail. Déçue, elle visite tout de même sa mère très religieuse et amène son jeune frère au magasin. Soudainement, des gens disparaissent mystérieusement, ne laissant derrière eux que leurs vêtements. Ce phénomène inquiétant se produit partout sur la planète, l'avion de Ray n'étant pas épargné. Pressé de ramener les survivants à bon port, le père de famille commence à réfléchir sur cette situation incompréhensible, étayant des théories sur la foi et sur Dieu.
Mad Max Renegade

Mad Max Renegade

Dec 03, 2011
Les aventure de Max a la poursuite d'un fuyard dans sa célèbre voiture de patrouille : L'interceptor
Mad Max Renegade

Mad Max Renegade

Dec 03, 2011
Les aventure de Max a la poursuite d'un fuyard dans sa célèbre voiture de patrouille : L'interceptor
The Culling

The Culling

Mar 15, 2015
Five college pals head out of town for a fun weekend, but plans quickly change after they encounter a strange 7-year old girl at an abandoned roadside cafe and offer to drive her home - and come face to face with evil incarnate.
Bad Asses on the Bayou
Frank Vega et Bernie Pope partent pour la Louisiane assister au mariage de leur amie Carmen. Mais rien ne va se passe comme prévu...


Feb 05, 2017
Detective Ben Walls finds himself in a modern day Dante world, passing back and forth between the present and the future. Surrounded by the residents seeking redemption, Ben is left with the task to find a way out.


Apr 05, 2000
Teenager Jamie moves with his mother, sister and grandfather to an island off the South Australian coast where mum has a job running a marine research station. To his discomfort, Jamie discovers he's a "selkie" - half human, half seal - that explains the webbing on his hands and also why he changes completely into a seal as soon as he hits water.
Abraham Lincoln : Chasseur de vampires
Lorsqu'Abraham Lincoln découvre que des vampires assoiffés de sang se préparent à envahir le pays, il jure de les éliminer les uns après les autres, à coups de hache. C'est alors que se révèle un chasseur hors pair, menant une guerre secrète sans précédent, avant même de devenir l'illustre figure de la guerre de Sécession.
When We First Met

When We First Met

Feb 09, 2018
Grâce à un photomaton magique qui lui permet de remonter dans le temps, Noah revit la soirée où il a rencontré Avery pour comprendre ce qui n'a pas fonctionné entre eux.
Broken City

Broken City

Jan 18, 2013
Billy Taggart, un ancien flic reconverti en détective privé tente tant bien que mal de faire tourner son affaire. Le jour où l’homme le plus puissant de New York, le Maire lui confie la mission d’enquêter sur la supposée infidélité de sa femme, il est loin d’imaginer qu’il va se retrouver au coeur d’une vaste machination sur fond de campagne municipale.
Ghost Shark

Ghost Shark

Aug 22, 2013
Une petite ville est confrontée à la menace d'un requin fantôme en mer comme sur la terre ferme : la moindre flaque d'eau lui permet ainsi d'attaquer ses victimes.


Aug 07, 2014
Une jeune étudiante est prise au piège par une bande d'intrus qui s'est introduite sur le campus pendant les vacances de Thanksgiving...


Apr 27, 2018
A ragtag group of former TV stars and comic book artists who make their living working at conventions decide to steal the loot from a crooked promoter and an overbearing former TV icon.
Get Out

Get Out

Feb 24, 2017
A ragtag group of former TV stars and comic book artists who make their living working at conventions decide to steal the loot from a crooked promoter and an overbearing former TV icon.
Midnight Special

Midnight Special

Feb 18, 2016
A ragtag group of former TV stars and comic book artists who make their living working at conventions decide to steal the loot from a crooked promoter and an overbearing former TV icon.
Match Retour

Match Retour

Dec 25, 2013
A ragtag group of former TV stars and comic book artists who make their living working at conventions decide to steal the loot from a crooked promoter and an overbearing former TV icon.
Secret Housewives

Secret Housewives

Apr 15, 2017
A ragtag group of former TV stars and comic book artists who make their living working at conventions decide to steal the loot from a crooked promoter and an overbearing former TV icon.
Killing Fields

Killing Fields

Oct 14, 2011
A ragtag group of former TV stars and comic book artists who make their living working at conventions decide to steal the loot from a crooked promoter and an overbearing former TV icon.
Finding Steve McQueen

Finding Steve McQueen

Mar 15, 2019
A ragtag group of former TV stars and comic book artists who make their living working at conventions decide to steal the loot from a crooked promoter and an overbearing former TV icon.


Oct 12, 2017
A ragtag group of former TV stars and comic book artists who make their living working at conventions decide to steal the loot from a crooked promoter and an overbearing former TV icon.
No One Lives

No One Lives

Mar 09, 2013
A ragtag group of former TV stars and comic book artists who make their living working at conventions decide to steal the loot from a crooked promoter and an overbearing former TV icon.
Prisonnière dans ma maison
A ragtag group of former TV stars and comic book artists who make their living working at conventions decide to steal the loot from a crooked promoter and an overbearing former TV icon.
TV Movie
Baby Driver

Baby Driver

Jun 28, 2017
A ragtag group of former TV stars and comic book artists who make their living working at conventions decide to steal the loot from a crooked promoter and an overbearing former TV icon.
Mise à l'épreuve 2

Mise à l'épreuve 2

Jan 14, 2016
A ragtag group of former TV stars and comic book artists who make their living working at conventions decide to steal the loot from a crooked promoter and an overbearing former TV icon.
L'Instinct de tuer

L'Instinct de tuer

Feb 28, 2014
A ragtag group of former TV stars and comic book artists who make their living working at conventions decide to steal the loot from a crooked promoter and an overbearing former TV icon.
Dear Dictator

Dear Dictator

Mar 16, 2018
A ragtag group of former TV stars and comic book artists who make their living working at conventions decide to steal the loot from a crooked promoter and an overbearing former TV icon.
Night of the Wild

Night of the Wild

Oct 03, 2015
A large meteor crashes into a quiet town, and pet dogs become mysteriously aggressive. attacking and killing the residents. Teenager Roslyn (Mays) and her old but faithful dog Shep are out camping when the attacks hit. Now separated by the chaos in town and blocked roads, Roslyn and the other members of her family must find each other by fighting back against the blood-thirsty hounds before the dogs take over the whole town and escape becomes impossible.
Universal Soldier : Le Jour du jugement
A large meteor crashes into a quiet town, and pet dogs become mysteriously aggressive. attacking and killing the residents. Teenager Roslyn (Mays) and her old but faithful dog Shep are out camping when the attacks hit. Now separated by the chaos in town and blocked roads, Roslyn and the other members of her family must find each other by fighting back against the blood-thirsty hounds before the dogs take over the whole town and escape becomes impossible.
Queen & Slim

Queen & Slim

Nov 27, 2019
A large meteor crashes into a quiet town, and pet dogs become mysteriously aggressive. attacking and killing the residents. Teenager Roslyn (Mays) and her old but faithful dog Shep are out camping when the attacks hit. Now separated by the chaos in town and blocked roads, Roslyn and the other members of her family must find each other by fighting back against the blood-thirsty hounds before the dogs take over the whole town and escape becomes impossible.
Noir et Blanc

Noir et Blanc

Sep 06, 2014
A large meteor crashes into a quiet town, and pet dogs become mysteriously aggressive. attacking and killing the residents. Teenager Roslyn (Mays) and her old but faithful dog Shep are out camping when the attacks hit. Now separated by the chaos in town and blocked roads, Roslyn and the other members of her family must find each other by fighting back against the blood-thirsty hounds before the dogs take over the whole town and escape becomes impossible.
The Baby

The Baby

Jan 08, 2014
A large meteor crashes into a quiet town, and pet dogs become mysteriously aggressive. attacking and killing the residents. Teenager Roslyn (Mays) and her old but faithful dog Shep are out camping when the attacks hit. Now separated by the chaos in town and blocked roads, Roslyn and the other members of her family must find each other by fighting back against the blood-thirsty hounds before the dogs take over the whole town and escape becomes impossible.
Green Lantern

Green Lantern

Jun 14, 2011
A large meteor crashes into a quiet town, and pet dogs become mysteriously aggressive. attacking and killing the residents. Teenager Roslyn (Mays) and her old but faithful dog Shep are out camping when the attacks hit. Now separated by the chaos in town and blocked roads, Roslyn and the other members of her family must find each other by fighting back against the blood-thirsty hounds before the dogs take over the whole town and escape becomes impossible.
Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase
A large meteor crashes into a quiet town, and pet dogs become mysteriously aggressive. attacking and killing the residents. Teenager Roslyn (Mays) and her old but faithful dog Shep are out camping when the attacks hit. Now separated by the chaos in town and blocked roads, Roslyn and the other members of her family must find each other by fighting back against the blood-thirsty hounds before the dogs take over the whole town and escape becomes impossible.
Pom-Pom Ladies

Pom-Pom Ladies

May 09, 2019
A large meteor crashes into a quiet town, and pet dogs become mysteriously aggressive. attacking and killing the residents. Teenager Roslyn (Mays) and her old but faithful dog Shep are out camping when the attacks hit. Now separated by the chaos in town and blocked roads, Roslyn and the other members of her family must find each other by fighting back against the blood-thirsty hounds before the dogs take over the whole town and escape becomes impossible.


Oct 13, 2018
A large meteor crashes into a quiet town, and pet dogs become mysteriously aggressive. attacking and killing the residents. Teenager Roslyn (Mays) and her old but faithful dog Shep are out camping when the attacks hit. Now separated by the chaos in town and blocked roads, Roslyn and the other members of her family must find each other by fighting back against the blood-thirsty hounds before the dogs take over the whole town and escape becomes impossible.
Descendants : L’Ascension de Red
A large meteor crashes into a quiet town, and pet dogs become mysteriously aggressive. attacking and killing the residents. Teenager Roslyn (Mays) and her old but faithful dog Shep are out camping when the attacks hit. Now separated by the chaos in town and blocked roads, Roslyn and the other members of her family must find each other by fighting back against the blood-thirsty hounds before the dogs take over the whole town and escape becomes impossible.
Descendants : L’Ascension de Red
A large meteor crashes into a quiet town, and pet dogs become mysteriously aggressive. attacking and killing the residents. Teenager Roslyn (Mays) and her old but faithful dog Shep are out camping when the attacks hit. Now separated by the chaos in town and blocked roads, Roslyn and the other members of her family must find each other by fighting back against the blood-thirsty hounds before the dogs take over the whole town and escape becomes impossible.


Mar 19, 2009
A large meteor crashes into a quiet town, and pet dogs become mysteriously aggressive. attacking and killing the residents. Teenager Roslyn (Mays) and her old but faithful dog Shep are out camping when the attacks hit. Now separated by the chaos in town and blocked roads, Roslyn and the other members of her family must find each other by fighting back against the blood-thirsty hounds before the dogs take over the whole town and escape becomes impossible.
My Year Without Sex

My Year Without Sex

May 28, 2009
A tender story from Australia highlights the realistic ups and downs of an Australian family in the year following a parent's emergency medical procedure.
Pom-Pom Ladies

Pom-Pom Ladies

May 09, 2019
A tender story from Australia highlights the realistic ups and downs of an Australian family in the year following a parent's emergency medical procedure.


Jun 26, 2020
A tender story from Australia highlights the realistic ups and downs of an Australian family in the year following a parent's emergency medical procedure.
Master Gardener

Master Gardener

May 19, 2023
A tender story from Australia highlights the realistic ups and downs of an Australian family in the year following a parent's emergency medical procedure.
Mademoiselle Détective
A tender story from Australia highlights the realistic ups and downs of an Australian family in the year following a parent's emergency medical procedure.
En cavale

En cavale

May 08, 2015
A tender story from Australia highlights the realistic ups and downs of an Australian family in the year following a parent's emergency medical procedure.
C'est la fin

C'est la fin

Jun 12, 2013
A tender story from Australia highlights the realistic ups and downs of an Australian family in the year following a parent's emergency medical procedure.
21 Jump Street

21 Jump Street

Mar 14, 2012
A tender story from Australia highlights the realistic ups and downs of an Australian family in the year following a parent's emergency medical procedure.
Le Croque-Mitaine

Le Croque-Mitaine

May 31, 2023
A tender story from Australia highlights the realistic ups and downs of an Australian family in the year following a parent's emergency medical procedure.
If You Were the Last

If You Were the Last

Feb 08, 2024
A tender story from Australia highlights the realistic ups and downs of an Australian family in the year following a parent's emergency medical procedure.
Science Fiction
Paranormal initiation

Paranormal initiation

Oct 13, 2012
A tender story from Australia highlights the realistic ups and downs of an Australian family in the year following a parent's emergency medical procedure.
Beast of Burden

Beast of Burden

Feb 23, 2018
A tender story from Australia highlights the realistic ups and downs of an Australian family in the year following a parent's emergency medical procedure.


May 29, 2013
A tender story from Australia highlights the realistic ups and downs of an Australian family in the year following a parent's emergency medical procedure.
Dark Places

Dark Places

Apr 08, 2015
A tender story from Australia highlights the realistic ups and downs of an Australian family in the year following a parent's emergency medical procedure.
Spider-Man : Homecoming
A tender story from Australia highlights the realistic ups and downs of an Australian family in the year following a parent's emergency medical procedure.
Scream Girl

Scream Girl

Oct 09, 2015
A tender story from Australia highlights the realistic ups and downs of an Australian family in the year following a parent's emergency medical procedure.


Jan 26, 2019
A tender story from Australia highlights the realistic ups and downs of an Australian family in the year following a parent's emergency medical procedure.
Dream House Nightmare

Dream House Nightmare

Apr 02, 2017
A young couple buy their dream home in New Orleans, only to be tormented by an obsessive mother who believes the house should be hers.
Eaux profondes

Eaux profondes

Mar 18, 2022
A young couple buy their dream home in New Orleans, only to be tormented by an obsessive mother who believes the house should be hers.
Ghost Shark

Ghost Shark

Aug 22, 2013
A young couple buy their dream home in New Orleans, only to be tormented by an obsessive mother who believes the house should be hers.
Faces of Death

Faces of Death

Jan 01, 1970
A moderator on an internet video-sharing platform stumbles across a potential snuff film ring hidden in the depths of the site's content. Are these gruesome videos merely a morbid work of shock-value fiction, or something all too horribly real?


Sep 21, 2017


Alors que des espèces animales du monde entier se mettent à attaquer les humains, le zoologue controversé Jackson Oz essaie de comprendre ce changement soudain.


Nov 17, 2011
Le quotidien de la brigade d'intervention tactique de la police de Melbourne. Suréquipés et surentraînés, les policiers de l'équipe sont chargés de répondre le plus rapidement possible aux incidents violents.


Nov 17, 2011
Le quotidien de la brigade d'intervention tactique de la police de Melbourne. Suréquipés et surentraînés, les policiers de l'équipe sont chargés de répondre le plus rapidement possible aux incidents violents.
Doom Patrol

Doom Patrol

Nov 09, 2023
Les membres de la Doom Patrol ont chacun subi des accidents horribles qui leur ont conféré des capacités surhumaines - mais les ont également laissés marqués et défigurés. Traumatisée et opprimée, l’équipe a trouvé sa raison d’être par le biais du Chef, qui les a réunis pour enquêter sur les phénomènes les plus étranges qui existent - et pour protéger la Terre de ce qu’ils découvrent.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Marvel's Cloak & Dagger
Tyrone Johnson et Tandy Bowen, deux adolescents issus de milieux sociaux différents, découvrent suite à leur rencontre qu'ils sont tous les deux dotés de superpouvoirs qui étaient jusqu'ici dormants et qui les lient mystérieusement l'un à l'autre. Face à leurs sentiments naissants et aux nombreuses menaces du monde qui les entoure, Tyrone et Tandy ne tardent pas à comprendre qu'ils sont plus forts ensemble et ont tout intérêt à s’allier plutôt qu’à poursuivre des routes séparées.
Action & Adventure
Marvel's Cloak & Dagger
Le frappeur, le pirate informatique, l'escroc et le voleur sont à nouveau réunis, cette fois avec l'aide d'un nouveau génie de la technologie et d'un réparateur d'entreprise, pour affronter un nouveau type de méchant. De l'homme qui a créé une crise d'opioïdes dans le confort de sa salle de réunion à la société de sécurité obscure qui aide à cacher des secrets dangereux pour un prix - quand quelqu'un a besoin d'aide, ils fournissent... Un effet de levier.
Action & Adventure