Õnne 13 is an Estonian dramatic TV series that airs on ETV. The series first aired on 30 October 1993 and was written by Astrid Reinla and as of 1996 by Teet Kallas. Since 1997, the series is produced by BEC, which has also produced Pehmed ja Karvased, Kodu Keset Linna and Ohtlik Lend.
The series takes place in the fictional town of Morna, and features an ensemble cast.
If you have the greatest wife on Earth and you are the lousiest man, who are you? The husband of Tuuli Roosma. One day Arbo is fed up with living in the shadow of his wife. He puts his foot down and starts a new life.
A great and unprecedented domestic love story, where in addition to romantic moments of love, there are also many adventures and surprising turns! The main parts of the wonderful series are Marko Matvere and the rising stars Desiree Mumm, Liset Loigu and Oskar Seeman.