Robin Cahall

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Donato père et fille

Donato père et fille

Sep 21, 1993
Deux flics, un père et sa fille qui ont eu une relation glaciale pendant une longue période, doivent faire équipe pour arrêter un prédateur sexuel / tueur en série brutal qui vise des religieuses.


Jan 02, 1986
When the doorman of an expensive apartment building turns up with a broken neck, it doesn't attract much attention. But when it happens a second time, and then a third, the city starts to get nervous. The trail of murder and mystery leads from the posh lobbies of Park Avenue to the back alleys in the "Wrong" part of town. Terry Reilly would rather not get involved. He has his novel to finish, and he has the late shift as the doorman at the Biltmore to keep him busy. But when the murderer picks his building as the next target, Terry finds out that he'll have to solve the mystery to save his own neck.
One Terrific Guy

One Terrific Guy

Feb 18, 1986
A highly respected and revered baseball coach has been accused by a female student of conducting some kind of research that borders on sexual molestation. When her parents decide to report him to the authorities. They are held in contempt, because the community can't believe that this wonderful man could do the things that they are accusing him of.
King Kong II

King Kong II

Dec 16, 1986
New York 1976. King Kong gît au pied du World Trade Center. Il n'est pas mort et une équipe de médecins et chercheurs de l'Institut d'Atlanta le recueille et rétablit ses fonctions biologiques. Seulement Kong donne des signes de faiblesse et l'implantation d'un coeur artificiel s'impose. C'est alors qu'un aventurier, Hank Mitchell, découvre, dans la jungle de Bornéo, un gigantesque gorille femelle, Lady Kong qu'il revend à l'Institut.
Dear John

Dear John

Jul 22, 1992
Dear John starred Judd Hirsch as easygoing Drake Prep high school teacher John Lacey who is dumped by his wife, Wendy, via a Dear John letter. Wendy ends up with everything in the divorce settlement, including custody of the couple's son, forcing John to move into an apartment in Ozone Park, Queens. John soon joins the One-2-One Club, a self help group for divorced, widowed or lonely people. The group is led by Louise (Jane Carr), a sex-obsessed British woman. Other members of the group include Kate McCarron (Isabella Hofmann), a sweet divorcée; Kirk Morris (Jere Burns), a cocky ladies' man; Ralph Drang (Harry Groener), a shy and neurotic tollbooth collector; Bonnie Philbert (Billie Bird), a feisty senior citizen; and Tom, Mrs. Philbert's quiet boyfriend (Tom Willett).