Edwidge Danticat

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Un crime dans la tête
Alors que la course à la Maison Blanche entre dans sa dernière ligne droite, toute l'Amérique a les yeux fixés sur le jeune et brillant candidat à la présidence, Raymond Shaw. Durant la Guerre du Golfe, le sergent Shaw se couvrit de gloire en sauvant à lui seul sa patrouille. Pourtant, son chef, le major Bennett Marco, doute de la véracité de cet héroïque exploit. En revanche, chaque nuit, ce dernier est assailli de rêves terrifiants où il se voit fait prisonnier avec ses hommes, soumis à d'atroces tortures et contraint de tuer froidement deux de ses soldats avec la complicité de Shaw. Après qu'un ancien compagnon d'armes, au bord du suicide, lui révèle qu'il est hanté par les mêmes visions, Marco alerte ses supérieurs. En vain : ceux-ci se bornent à lui recommander un traitement psychiatrique. Marco contacte alors Shaw pour tirer l'affaire au clair...
Poto Mitan

Poto Mitan

Jan 01, 2009
Told through compelling lives of five courageous Haitian women workers, Poto Mitan gives the global economy a human face. Each woman’s personal story explains neoliberal globalization, how it is gendered, and how it impacts Haiti: inhumane working/living conditions, violence, poverty, lack of education, and poor health care.
Egalite for All: Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian Revolution
The Haitian Revolution represents the only successful slave revolution in history; it created the world's first Black republic --- traumatizing Southern planters, inspiring U.S. Blacks, and invigorating anti-slavery activist world-wide. At the forefront of the rebellion was General Toussaint Louverture, an ex-slave whose genius was admired by allies and enemies alike.
Liberty in a Soup

Liberty in a Soup

Oct 05, 2015
Every New Year, and in celebration of their Independence, Haitian families gather together to feast in honor of a line of ancestors that fought for their freedom. The centerpiece of the festivity is the joumou soup—a traditional soup dating back centuries ago. The joumou soup is a concretization of war and victory, oppression and emancipation, and the deeply rooted celebratory traditions of the Haitian culture.
The Agronomist

The Agronomist

Apr 23, 2004
Documentary on Jean Dominique, Haitian radio personality and human rights activist.
Poto Mitan

Poto Mitan

Jan 01, 2009
Told through compelling lives of five courageous Haitian women workers, Poto Mitan gives the global economy a human face. Each woman’s personal story explains neoliberal globalization, how it is gendered, and how it impacts Haiti: inhumane working/living conditions, violence, poverty, lack of education, and poor health care.