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Feb 28, 2024
Aya, une jeune femme ivoirienne d'une trentaine d'années, dit non le jour de son mariage, à la stupeur générale. Émigrée en Chine, elle travaille dans une boutique d'export de thé avec Cai, un Chinois de 45 ans. Aya et Cai tombent amoureux mais leur histoire survivra-t-elle aux tumultes de leurs passés et aux préjugés ?


Feb 07, 2014
A young farmer and his father are barely able to survive on their meagre corn harvest and so they make their way down from the mountains to the village to borrow money from their relatives working in jade mines or on opium plantations. But missing paperwork, deceit and corruption have left them impoverished too. Finally, the father pawns his cow for a moped so that his son can earn a living as a taxi driver. His first customer is Sanmei, who has returned to Myanmar to bury her grandfather. She decides not to go back to China and to get out of an arranged marriage in order to begin a new life with her son in her old country. When Sanmei accepts a job as a drug runner she persuades the young farmer to be her driver.
A, the last human on the planet. X, the god, demon, or the future in A's nightmares. In 1972, a futurologist book precisely predicted the human destiny manifested in East Asia. In an unknown era, the last human found a mysterious message from an electronic device and embarks on a quest for a future from the past. In ten chapters, the audience explores this dream-like prophecy.
Blue Sun Palace

Blue Sun Palace

Mar 12, 2025
A New-York, un salon de massage chinois sert de refuge à Didi, Amy et leurs amies. Loin de leur pays d'origine, elles forment une vraie famille. Quand Didi disparaît, Cheung, son amant, tente de trouver avec Amy l'espoir d'une nouvelle vie...
Adieu Mandalay

Adieu Mandalay

Sep 09, 2016
Liangqing et Guo, deux jeunes birmans, émigrent clandestinement en Thaïlande. Tandis que Liangqing trouve un emploi de plonge dans un restaurant de Bangkok, Guo est embauché dans une usine textile. Sans papiers, leur quotidien est plus que précaire et le jeune couple ne partage pas les mêmes ambitions : si Guo veut gagner assez d’argent pour retourner en Birmanie, Liangqing est prête à tout pour obtenir un visa de travail et échapper à sa condition.


Feb 04, 2025
An unexpected kiss unburies memories and longing for Shu-yi, a mother quietly holding her family together despite her unhappiness. As her rebelling son Han grows drawn to the enigmatic Xue-jin, Shu-yi rekindles her past connection with the same woman in this tenderly crafted exploration of family dynamics, identity and desire.


Jan 25, 2014
Simple, yet complex. A man (favourite actor Wang Shin-hong) meets a woman (standard actor Wu Ke-xi) on a moored ship, a sort of floating palace decorated like a Buddhist temple. The woman or her spirit struggles with her memories and the man takes on the form of a Buddhist monk in his next life. Complex and yet simple. The man, the woman and the camera move gracefully 'dancing' through the space. Only the thought of escape.
The Bold, the Corrupt and the Beautiful
Madame Tang collabore et sert de médiatrice entre le gouvernement et les entreprises privées pour le bénéfice de sa famille exclusivement féminine. Mais les choses dérapent quand toute une famille proche de Madame Tang est victime d'un meurtre horrible. L'ambition, le désir et la luxure finissent par changer pour toujours les relations de Tang avec sa propre famille.
Nina Wu

Nina Wu

Oct 10, 2019
Nina Wu a tout quitté pour s’intaller à Taipei dans l’espoir de faire une carrière d’actrice. Mais elle n’a tourné jusqu’alors que quelques publicités. Un jour, son agent Mark lui propose le casting du rôle principal d’un film d’espionnage. Malgré sa réticence à la lecture des scènes de nu et de sexe, Nina se rend à l’audition.
Arranged by a smuggling syndicate, A-Hong and his young teen sister along with a group of Burmese youngsters sneak across the Myanmar/Thailand border and arrive in a remote town called Dagudi in Northern Thailand. A-Hong's sister is taken away by the gangs as her mother has sold her to them. A-Hong goes to Bangkok and works under a tour guide, a wildcatter from Myanmar who has lived in Thailand illegally for years.


May 03, 2018
Thief Fei Long witnesses a rape in progress and flees the crime scene. Day by day, his sense of guilt builds up until he once again meets the foreign female caretaker from that fateful night . . .


Jul 14, 2013
Dans un immeuble vide, que ses habitants ont déserté, un groupe de réfugiés birmans est piégé. Une jeune réalisatrice française filme le témoignage de leurs souffrances et de leurs expériences…
Sauvée par Amour

Sauvée par Amour

Jan 21, 2022
La relation d'un jeune couple se heurte aux dures réalités de la ruée vers l'or de 1850 en Californie. Angel, qui connaît l'amour pour la première fois et doit faire face à des démons qui semblent insurmontables, fuit la nouvelle vie qu'elle ne pense pas mériter. Lorsque Michael part à sa recherche, Angel découvre qu'elle a le pouvoir de choisir la vie qu'elle veut.


Mar 13, 2020
This romantic comedy is about a loser practicing how to “LOVE”.


May 14, 2021
It tells the story of a mother’s desperation to locate her child when the abductor dies before her child can be located. With time running out, the child’s mother seeks the assistance of a spiritual medium.


Nov 14, 2023
A weary-looking middle-aged couple shuffle around their cluttered loft in Yangon, Myanmar. There is stuff everywhere, and a mountain of pills in blister packs lie haphazardly on top of a glass case. The loft turns out to be a clinic and the couple are qualified doctors. They are also artistic: she paints and draws, he is making a feature film, and their patients receive creative therapy in addition to regular treatment. This might not be a sterile, efficient hospital full of white coats, and the treatment rooms might look shabby, but there is real time and attention for people here.
Nina Wu

Nina Wu

Oct 10, 2019
A weary-looking middle-aged couple shuffle around their cluttered loft in Yangon, Myanmar. There is stuff everywhere, and a mountain of pills in blister packs lie haphazardly on top of a glass case. The loft turns out to be a clinic and the couple are qualified doctors. They are also artistic: she paints and draws, he is making a feature film, and their patients receive creative therapy in addition to regular treatment. This might not be a sterile, efficient hospital full of white coats, and the treatment rooms might look shabby, but there is real time and attention for people here.


Oct 04, 2020
Set in the near future, “Dream Raider” features a misfit team of scientists and cops that are trying to get to the bottom of a criminal conspiracy that exploits human consciousness.