Teresa Leopardi

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Fuga da Kayenta

Fuga da Kayenta

May 24, 1991
The head of a gang of criminals in Arizona tries to kidnap a girl, but is hindered in his intentions by a handsome mining engineer and a federal sheriff.
La morte è di moda

La morte è di moda

Aug 05, 1989
On her way home, a fashion model, Gloria, saw a man fought against a woman and killed her in a strangely noisy room in the old villa where a German Countess named Greta Stella used to live. But when the police Commissioner, who is crazy about fishing, and his dull assistant go to the problematic villa in the next morning, the villa is perceived to have been empty for twenty years and there seems to be nothing criminal left. And then Gloria asks help from a playboy-typed psychiatrist, Gianmarco Contini, who is one of the eight joint-owners of the problematic villa...
Le Gorille

Le Gorille

Jun 23, 1991
Géo Paquet dit "Le Gorille" est un agent des services secrets français qui nous entraîne dans de nombreuses aventures en France, Vénézuela, Allemagne, Italie, Espagne, République Tchèque et au Maroc. Un homme puissant, espiègle, charismatique, un séducteur au coeur tendre, avec des poings de fer et vivant dangereusement. Sa spécialité : infiltrer des réseaux de drogue, des organismes de contrebande de hightech et d'autres syndicats, en semant les graines de la destruction à l'intérieur des gangs. Son chef, Berthomieu n'est jamais loin et le surveille comme un père. Sa collègue Béatrice complète le trio...