Deniz Celiloğlu

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Çevir Sesi

Çevir Sesi

Nov 14, 2022
The last therapy of young artist Umut Bey, who has attachment issues with Onur Bey, a psychiatrist who is devoted to his profession, turns upside down when Onur Bey announces that he has cancer. In the face of death, all meanings are lost and all that remains is to talk about dreams.


Jan 23, 2021
Esra is a free-time voice actor in this homemade movie of the director we know for his feature lengths. Over time, the sounds of the images she worked on and the sounds in the house mingled, reality goes beyond the walls of the house.
Son Çıkış

Son Çıkış

Dec 07, 2018
Welcome to the New Istanbul. A massive concrete jungle feeding on chaos and hypocrisy; it's inhabitants at the end of their tether. Tahsin is a burnt-out architect suffocated by his existence in this very city. One night, he re-encounters an old friend, Siren; a changed woman who now lives on the remote southern coast of Turkey where she works on an organic farm. Instantly enchanted, he decides to follow her down south. He packs his suitcase, bids angry farewells at work and heads for the airport. Yet, little does he know what a tragicomic odyssey awaits him.
Her Gün Biraz Daha Kolay
17-year-old Cemre has been preparing for the competition of provincial swimming team for years. After a good workout, her trainer advises her to go easy on herself before the race. However, Cemre's efforts to spare time for her high school exams, boyfriend and family will not make it possible for her to follow her trainer’s advice. After a sleepless night, Cemre will be late for the competition due to a traumatic incident. Nevertheless, her attitude towards this incident will also be unexpected.
Güneş, Ay ve Kadın

Güneş, Ay ve Kadın

Jan 01, 1970
After the traumatic loss of his wife, Necip goes to their summer house with his daughter Özge. Their fresh start confronts a plumbing problem which seems ordinary. Soon after, Lokman who claims to be the plumber and their friendly neighbour shows up and everything gets more nonsensical and obscure. Necip starts to embrace his past with every drop of the leaky pipe.


Apr 13, 2018
A young punk rocker in Istanbul tracks down a cruise ticket to California on the night of his birthday gig. Based on the director's personal family story. Film sets during the 90's unrest Turkey.
7. Koğuştaki Mucize

7. Koğuştaki Mucize

Oct 10, 2019
Séparé de sa fille, un père avec un handicap mental doit prouver son innocence lorsqu'il est arrêté pour le meurtre d'une enfant.
Les Herbes sèches

Les Herbes sèches

Jul 12, 2023
Dans un village isolé d’Anatolie. Samet, jeune professeur célibataire, finit son service obligatoire en espérant être nommé à Istanbul. Son affectation manquée, il perd alors tout espoir d’échapper à la vie morose dans laquelle il semble embourbé. Mais sa rencontre avec Nuray, professeure comme lui, va peut-être lui permettre d’aller au-delà de ses idées noires et de ses appréhensions.


Jun 04, 2010


A psychopath gunman breaks in and plants bombs in bigbrother house to change the rules of the game.
Tamam mıyız?

Tamam mıyız?

Nov 29, 2013
Temmuz est un sculpteur ouvertement homosexuel vivant dans un appartement avec son chien à Istanbul. Il vit un style de vie de bohème , insouciant, excentrique, distrait fréquemment de son travail comme illustrateur de livre d'enfant et le menant finalement à être abandonné par son petit ami via courrier électronique. sa mère est là pour lui elle lui est dévouer et est de sucroit riche . En attendant, il continue à voir un jeune homme dans ses rêves, qui l'appelle à plusieurs reprises pour le sauver. Un jour il se heurte à ce type en montant dans le bus, il est accompagné de sa mère et les aide à entrer dans leur maison comme le jeune homme est né sans membres. D'alors sur, deux vies entreraient en collision l'une dans l'autre.


May 18, 2014
Tells the story of Feride, an orphaned young girl who is forced to attend a boarding school. While she visits her aunt during holidays, she falls in love with her cousin Kamran. Soon, their love grows to be mutual and intensifies.


Feb 03, 2013
Each episode, police inspectors Orhan and Selim try and solve puzzling cases with the help and guidance of forensics. Professor Sevil Atasoy, a forensic scientist, also joins us sometimes to tell relevant anecdotes.
Le prix de la passion

Le prix de la passion

May 28, 2018
Ferhat est un tueur à gages travaillant pour son oncle Namik. Asli est une magnifique et idéaliste jeune femme médecin travaillant dans l’hôpital de Namik. Dans un monde de corruption, d'ambition et de pouvoir, ces deux personnes diamétralement opposées vont se rapprocher. Cependant, le style de vie de Ferhat est trop sombre pour une véritable histoire d'amour. Alors Ferhat et Asli arriveront ils à vivre heureux ? Asli arrivera-t-elle à faire sortir Ferhat de cette spirale dans laquelle l’a entrainé Namik depuis son plus jeune âge ?
Gecenin Kraliçesi

Gecenin Kraliçesi

Apr 19, 2016
Kartal is an orphan who is raised by Aziz the man who killed his father. Kartal married Aziz's daughter Esra but falls to Selin and feels obligated to leaves her.
Ya İstiklal Ya Ölüm
On March 16, 1920, after the Allied Powers invaded Istanbul and disbanded Meclis-i Mebûsan, the Kuvayi Milliye movement, led by Mustafa Kemal Pasha, and the opening adventure of the fully independent assembly to be established in Ankara are described.
War & Politics
Bir Zamanlar İstanbul
The series tells the story of a final-year student in the Turkish Language Department who enters the world of the mafia and changes everything, and whose paths intersect with journalist Sahar at university.