Akaki Vasadze

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Nunu and Iago are in love with each other. The married guard Girgola wants to get hold of the woman. Girgola gets Iago arrested and makes Nunu marry his retarded brother. On one occasion he finds the woman alone and rapes her. Nunu jumps in the river to commit suicide but gets saved by Iago’s friends. Iago escapes from jail, but Girgola attacks his hideout and haves him killed together with his friends. Girgola also kills Nunu’s old father and accuses Nunu of the murder. Nunu is tied to a pole and dies in the exile.
დიდოსტატის მარჯვენა
It is set during the 11th century and tells of the reign of King George I. He is at war with Byzantine Empire ruled by Basil II. Apart from ongoing war, he has to fight rebellious Georgian tribes. Problems occur when King George falls in love with Shorena. For her, the King is willing to go against the church. The story is based on famous novel by Konstantine Gamsakhrudia.
მაიაკოვსკი იწყებოდა ასე
Based on the autobiographical book "Ya -sam" (I-myself) by Vladimir Mayakovsky the leading Russian Futurist poet of the beginning of the 20th century. He was born in 1893, into a Russian Cossack family in the Transcaucasian kingdom of Georgia, then part of Russian Empire. There he spent his childhood and boyhood attending a grammar school in Kutaisi. Mayakovsky moved to Moscow at the age of 14, after his father's death. He became a poet, an artist, an actor, a writer/director and public speaker.
L'Âne de Magdana

L'Âne de Magdana

Apr 01, 1955
Ce drame se déroule en Géorgie au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles. Une simple famille de paysans vit de la vente de yaourts que la veuve Magdany apporte tous les matins au marché de la ville. Un jour, en l'absence de leur mère, les enfants - Mikho, six ans, et Kato, trois ans - ont trouvé un âne abandonné sur une route menant à leur village. L'enfant trouvé a été nourri, soigné, et dès que l'âne a ouvert ses grands yeux tendres, il a été baptisé "Lurdja", ce qui signifie "yeux bleus". Entouré d'amour et de soins, l'âne devint une aide précieuse pour la pauvre famille. Mais cette idylle ne durera pas longtemps...
უდიპლომო სასიძო
Bichiko experiencing strong mother that her son throughout the village serves as a care-free claims. Bichiko studies and do not care about his girlfriend Nani prefers. Nani's father, did not want to hear vardens udiplomo fiancée, the daughter of suitable bridegrooms agronomist Nicholas presumption. Nani decides Bichiko abduction, but by the hands of his father will be forgiven. The case in favor of Bichiko is up, as it turns out it was a misunderstanding under vardenis sole protector. Varden will understand that people are Bichiko Charming and grooms will not reject.
დღე უკანასკნელი, დღე პირველი
Old postman in his last working day again chamouvlis householders to introduce them to the new girl postman. Many passengers from door to door sainteremo gadakhdebat things themselves; George's generosity and virtue have a profound influence on her daughter, the day turns into a moral lesson for life is still inexperienced girl.