Nikolai Yudin

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Изящная жизнь
Fred, a young British sailor who accidentually finds himself in the USSR and after a number of comic adventures he, attracted by Soviet youth enthusiazm, goes to take part in Dneprostroy (building of Dnepr power station).


May 15, 1972
The orphanage's pupils are sent by the district Komsomol committee to eliminate illiteracy in the remote village of Penki.
Esclave de l'amour

Esclave de l'amour

Sep 27, 1976
Crimée, 1974. Loin de l’agitation de la guerre civile, une équipe de cinéma tourne Esclave de l’amour. Mais les événements les rattrapent et Olga, la star du film, va aider un militant révolutionnaire...
Иван да Марья
Between the king and the soldier Ivan a serious dispute occurs. A seasoned soldier, of course, takes precedence over the quarrelsome sovereign. But until then happen in the Kingdom a lot of unusual and fun…
Une nuit de septembre

Une nuit de septembre

Sep 21, 1939
Le film relate les débuts du mouvement stakhanoviste dans le Donbass. Le jeune mineur Stepan Koulaguine décide de changer les anciens calculs et normes d'extraction du charbon. La vieille génération de mineurs, y compris le directeur de la mine, est méfiante vis-à-vis de cette idée. Ils font diversion en provoquant une explosion dans la mine. Mais, malgré tout, le mouvement stakhanoviste gagne les travailleurs de tout le pays.
Bonjour les enfants

Bonjour les enfants

May 27, 1962
L'histoire triste d'une petite fille japonaise qui lutte contre une maladie grave dans un camp d'été russe sur la côte de la mer Noire.
Podnyataya Tselina

Podnyataya Tselina

Jun 06, 1959
The movie is based on the the same name novel of the Nobel Prize In Literature Winner Mikhail Sholokhov. The action is taken place in 20-30-s years of the XX century in the Russian countryside going through an uneasy process of collectivization.
Поединок в тайге
Komsomol member Zorik arrives at the distant taiga station Suetikha. He manages to attract the guys to his side and organize a youth squad. Having contacted the partisans, they stop and disarm the enemy armored train.
Прелюдія долі
A case brings together Donetsk Polytechnic Institute student Ivan Krasko, owner of a beautiful strong voice, with former singer Korobeichenko. Contrary to the will of his father, a hereditary miner, the hero refuses graduate school in Moscow and, under the guidance of a new friend, begins to seriously prepare for his first solo performance.
Trois peupliers de la rue Plyuschikha.
A Moscou, arrive une femme russe assez rustique, d'un village éloigné. La première personne qu'elle rencontre est un chauffeur de taxi étonnamment intelligent. Ils se rencontrent par hasard et ne sortent même pour un rendez-vous. Pourtant les heures qu'ils passent ensemble leur suffisent pour jeter un regard neuf sur sa vie.
Спасённое поколение
Antonina Vasilyevna, as a member of the bureau of the district committee of the party, was instructed to save the Leningrad children, whom the war overtook in the suburban camps. She took them to the Kirov region. After twelve days of hard travel, the children arrived in the village of Supryadki...
Front Without Flanks

Front Without Flanks

Dec 20, 1974
Front bez flangov (1974) est le premier épisode de la trilogie sur la lutte des partisans contre l'occupation nazie de la Russie pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Степан Разин
Don Cossack Stepan Razin boyars vowed revenge for his friends tortured torture. As head of the rebellious peasants, he becomes the leader of the whole army. With all the Russian land flock to him humiliated and oskorblennye.Tsar Alexey concerned the growing power Ataman. Church anathematizes Stepan collected in the march on Moscow. Regular king's troops manage to stop rebel forces near the walls Simbirska.Spodvizhniki perish, and the chieftain captured. Severe torture did not break the will of Razin.
La Fuite

La Fuite

Jan 14, 1971
The film is about a group of people who in other times wouldn't have anything in common, some of them innocent bystanders, some moral criminals. But nothing is straightforward and simple. From Russia "the run" continues to Constantinople, to Paris, back to Russia. Some of them have understood that they can't live outside Russia and go back maybe to be happy, maybe not, some go back to face sure death for their crimes, some don't go back and know that are going to miss homeland forever, some are comfortably well off (are they?) in exile. Sentimental without syrup, tragic and comical at the same time.
Vij ou le Diable

Vij ou le Diable

Nov 27, 1967
Trois jeunes séminaristes quittent leur monastère pour partir en vacances. La nuit, ils se font héberger par une fermière qui se révèle être une sorcière. Khoma l’empoigne et la laisse pour morte, après qu’elle se soit transformée en jolie jeune fille. Sous la pression de la famille, le recteur oblige Khoma à passer trois nuits auprès de la défunte afin de prier pour son âme. Il va vivre trois nuits d’épouvante jusqu’à l’apparition de VIJ, le démon et maître des Gnomes…


Nov 18, 1939
A little girl is lost in Moscow and hits the road making fun (not intentionally) of everybody she meets. She'll be back home soon but she will change the life of at least one man forever...