Hoki Tokuda

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Blind woman's curse

Blind woman's curse

Jun 20, 1970
En prison, Akemi Tachibana, raconte à ses codétenues son histoire. Celle d'une chef yakuza d'une bande exclusivement féminine, ayant chacune une partie d'un même tatouage représentant un dragon. Un soir, lors d'un combat, une femme est accidentellement rendue aveugle. Quelque temps plus tard, les meurtres s'enchaînent dans le groupe, et les victimes se font scalper leur tatouage.
South of Tokyo is a small island until quite recently relatively unchanged since feudal times. Now, however, it is being made into a tourist's playland and the girls, who had been abalone divers, now become geisha, and the old ways of the island are all topsy-turvy. One of the girls, more sensitive than the rest, sees that here, too, people are motivated only by greed and decides to leave and try to find a better life elsewhere.