Roman Luknár

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Poviem mu to sám

Poviem mu to sám

Jan 01, 1979
An original TV play. The main character is twelve-year-old Ivan. He lives a lonely life under the patronage of a strict aunt who wants him to be an "exceptional person". After the death of Ivan's mother, Ivan's father has withdrawn into himself and forgets that his son needs not only financial security, but also a friend in his father.
La Paix dans l'âme

La Paix dans l'âme

Jan 29, 2009
Une histoire contemporaine d'amitié et de trahison. Tono revient de la prison, où il était enfermé pendant cinq ans pour avoir volé du bois. Il rentre à la maison, dans son village natal, Čierny Hron, et il se rend compte que tout a changé : il est devenu étranger à sa femme, il ne connaît pratiquement pas son fils de cinq ans, il ne peut pas trouver de travail car personne ne veut employer un voleur. Une histoire intense qui se déroule sur fond de paysages de montagnes avec les caractéristiques typiques de la Slovaquie centrale…


Sep 06, 2007
Jirka, Roman, and Ivan have been friends since school. Today they are about 35 and, although they went into different fields, their friendship has lasted. Each of the three friends hides a secret, and their lives change radically when the secrets come out. How will the three friends stand up to the tests they are forced to face? Will their friendship survive?
Malena es un nombre de tango
The attractive Malena listen to after telling the history of her life. Her treasure is not just an emerald that she inherits from her grandfather, but the key to discover the path of her existence, the eternal fight with her sister, and the passionate relationships with men. Based on the bestselling novel by Amanda Grandes.
Le Chemin de la Liberté
Slovaquie, à la veille du début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. La famille du jeune juif Martin Friedmann se réunit pour célébrer sa bar-mitsva et faire la promesse solennelle de se retrouver un an plus tard autour de la même table ; mais les tempêtes de la guerre et du fanatisme antisémite vont conduire chacun d'entre eux sur des chemins très différents.
Los novios búlgaros

Los novios búlgaros

Apr 30, 2003
Graying Spaniard Daniel has a healthy budget for indulging in the finer things in life. Daniel's favorite luxury is playing sponsor to younger men amid the lights and sights of Madrid's gay club scene. After Daniel shares a night with handsome Bulgarian emigre Kyril, he finds himself consumed with an insatiable lust for the charismatic foreigner. But, as their relationship takes shape, Daniel's latest conquest reveals his own manipulative tendencies.


Apr 24, 2008
Dostoevsky’s latter-day opus about the siblings and their father is among the masterpieces of world literature. It asks profound questions about ethics and religion. Is there a God? Does the devil exist? Is everything allowed because we live in a world without morality? And if so, does patricide even constitute a crime? One of the most interesting adaptations of the material is The Karamazovs by Czech director Petr Zelenka. We witness a group of thesps from Prague on a trip to Krakow in Poland to stage the novel as a play in a derelict steelworks as part of the Closer to Life Festival. The project, however, is born under the bad sign, apparently doomed from the start. When they arrive, the roof is about to cave in, so that the actors are told to wear safety helmets. Their sole consistent audience is a laborer (Andrzej Mastalerz) who rather follows each dress rehearsal than watching over his seven-year-old son who has suffered a tragic accident in the factory.
Kráska v nesnázích

Kráska v nesnázích

Sep 06, 2006
Marcela can't bear Jarda any longer, so she threatens divorce and takes the kids to her mom's, whose husband is a creep. While Marcela is there, Jarda is jailed, because he is part of a gang steeling cars and they get caught in the act. Benes, the urbane man whose car got stolen by Jarda and his gang, befriends Marcela. Soon she feels drawn to Benes and all of a sudden she must make up her mind: Jarda is still sexually attractive to her, but Benes offers security, and her own body and mind may not pull at the same strand.


Oct 13, 2011
A car thief driven by a love of cash finds his priorities shift when he falls for a college student but his conversion has dangerous consequences.
Die Hard : Belle journée pour mourir
John McClane, le flic sans état d’âme, est vraiment au mauvais endroit au mauvais moment, à Moscou, pour aider son fils Jack qu’il ne voit plus. Entre la mafia russe qui veut leur faire la peau et leur combat pour éviter le déclenchement d’une guerre, les McClane découvrent que leurs méthodes pourtant bien différentes font d’eux des héros que rien ne peut arrêter.
Le sentier à travers le Danube
Un employé de la compagnie ferroviaire slovaque, Viktor Lesa, livre régulièrement du courrier à la gare de la ville frontalière de Ludendorf (Břeclav) à l’époque du protectorat de Bohême-Moravie instauré par le régime nazi après l’invasion de la Tchécoslovaquie. Il détourne volontairement une d’importantes livraisons de courrier. Après l’arrivée de la Gestapo dans la ville, il est contraint de fuir de l’autre côté de la frontière avec son collègue juif tchécoslovaque et employé des postes, Frantisek Tichácek.
Le Candidat

Le Candidat

Oct 10, 2013
À la veille d’élections présidentielles, Adam Lambert, avide propriétaire d’une agence publicitaire, parie avec son concurrent qu’il est capable de faire une star de n’importe qui, et qu’avec l’aide d’une habile campagne, il parviendra à faire élire le candidat le moins populaire.
Sur la ligne

Sur la ligne

Mar 06, 2014
Tchécoslovaquie années 80, Anna, jeune et talentueuse sprinteuse sélectionnée dans l’équipe nationale, s’entraîne pour la qualification aux Jeux Olympiques. Ses entraîneurs lui administrent à son insu des stéroïdes anabolisant. Ses performances s’améliorent spectaculairement mais après un malaise lors de l’entraînement, elle apprend la vérité. Anna décide de poursuivre l’entraînement sans dopants, au risque de ne plus être à niveau, ce qui inquiète sa mère qui voit dans cette qualification aux J.O. l’opportunité pour sa fille de passer derrière le rideau de fer. Après que la jeune sportive finisse derrière lors d’une course, sa mère informe le coach qu’elle ne prend plus de stéroïdes. Ils décident ensemble de lui en injecter secrètement, sous prétexte de lui administrer de simples vitamines.
Duše jako kaviár

Duše jako kaviár

Oct 14, 2004
When sisters Jana and Anna meet their half-brother at their father's funeral, the siblings' lives entwine as they navigate relationships and setbacks.
Opération Lidice

Opération Lidice

Jun 02, 2011
Tchécoslovaquie, 1941. Alors que la guerre se poursuit, le protecteur du Reich Reinhard Heydrich arrive à Prague, occupée par les nazis, et instaure un régime de terreur qui obligera les combattants de la liberté à agir. Mais le prix à payer sera trop élevé.


Mar 22, 2002
Durant la guerre au Kosovo, un bataillon espagnol intégré à la KFOR a pour mission de réparer un générateur électrique dans une zone frontalière avec la Serbie.


Oct 09, 2008
When Oskar, a self-centred TV weatherman, cheats on his wife Zuzana with their au pair, she kicks him to the curb and enlists her in-laws in the search for a new boyfriend.
Robinson & Crusoe

Robinson & Crusoe

Sep 16, 2013
An art film brings a strongly actual topic in a very original way, a topic that interferes with the theme of intercultural dialog of two different cultures in the European context. two men, pilots of combat air crafts, meet on a 'film' island. Between them too, the language problem presents a communication barrier. Enemies in the sky. On the ground? A Slovak and a Hungarian - two different people, different countries, different problems, but in the lives of both there is She - the woman. For her their lives are turned upside down. They do not understand what was obvious so far and they face the decision which way to turn to.
Le jardin

Le jardin

Jun 09, 1995
Parcours initiatique d'un jeune homme, Jacob qui, devant l’hostilité de son père, se réfugie quelques jours a la campagne dans le jardin du Bon Dieu. Là, il va affronter des guêpes féroces, rencontrer la pucelle miraculeuse et le sage Wittgenstein, faire un troc avec Jean-Jacques Rousseau et découvrir avec son père le chemin de la connaissance.
Anděl Páně 2

Anděl Páně 2

Dec 01, 2016
A story that takes place during Advent, we'll meet again with your favorite pair angel Petronel and devil Urias. Their eternal wrangling causes the rare apple from the tree of the knowledge to roll on earth. And that God is really angry. Petronel with Urias find themselves in a small Czech town on the eve of the feast of St. Nicholas. And after a series of human and "divine" tests our heroes eventually find that the path to knowledge leads primarily through self discovery through the strength of friendship, love and forgiveness skills.
A tiro limpio

A tiro limpio

Jun 05, 1998
About to turn thirty years old, Román has decided to change his life, buy a boat and sail forever with or without his girlfriend. He has a plan to make a lot of money, as it happened a few years ago without any success. But things will change soon when the reunion with his old friend Martín shakes his plans.
Dôverný nepriateľ

Dôverný nepriateľ

Aug 16, 2018
Andrej, a programmer, is developing his smart house project. To perfect his program, he moved with his wife Zuzana to a test house. He strives to introduce a bonus into the program - care for his wife. Suddenly someone else, someone mysterious takes control of the program. The idyll of a perfect life is replaced by a nightmare and a struggle for survival.


Mar 15, 2018
When the West Coast Crew dance troupe, led by the talented and ambitious Buddy, is selected to enter the widely broadcast “Superdance” reality TV talent show, the young dancers revel in their newfound fame and dream of their lives as winners of the prestigious contest. But as the competition begins to heat up – especially from rival dance troupe Muertas – jealousy, narcissism and interpersonal conflict threaten to break the crew apart.
Ostrým nožom

Ostrým nožom

Feb 21, 2019
Ludovít's only son was murdered by neo-Nazis. However, due to the dysfunctional judicial system, the same perpetrators are released, and Ľudo is trying with all its might to achieve their re-arrest. He struggles with the apathetic police, the opportunistic judge, but also with the fact that he did not know his son well enough and was not a support for him. The more he blames himself for his death, the more his relationship with his wife Zuzana and daughter Janka falls apart. And all the more persistently he tries to intervene in the investigation himself. However, when he learns that his son's death was not a random attack by extremists, but an organized criminal group, he realizes that he is up against an enemy beyond his strength. He will try to save at least what he has left - his own family.


Oct 04, 2018
This fascinating historical drama looks at the life of "the Czech Schindler," Zdenek Toman, a controversial figure who was an unsavory politician and dubious entrepreneur, but also the savior of hundreds of Eastern European Jews.


Oct 31, 2019
Inspired by true events of the 1989 Czech and Slovak Velvet Revolution and Václav Havel's controversial release of 23000 prisoners. In addition to the story of three families affected by communist persecution, the film Amnesty also deals with the uprising of prisoners in Leopoldov, which required military intervention. The uprising was preceded by a broad amnesty granted by Václav Havel in January 1990, just a few days after his election as Czechoslovak president.


Jun 25, 2020
Honza and Klára became the owners of the winery and parents of mischievous twins. However, everyday worries can be extremely tiring at times, so things are not going so well for them in marriage now. In addition, the crucial time of the winemaking year is coming - vintage. Honza and Klára have a lot of problems - in addition to their marriage, they deal with thefts in the vineyards. Klára struggles with the prejudices of those around her who don't believe that a woman can make quality wine and step over her father's shadow. Years later, Honza meets his irresistible friend Jirka. He enthusiastically rushes to visit to help with harvesting, which of course he does not understand at all. At the same time, he completely forgets to mention to Honz that he is also running away from the debts he managed to collect, and that he has almost kidnapped his adolescent son, who came with him.


Mar 01, 1989


Nov 08, 2004
Based on one of the most famous mysterious disappearances in the world, Richard John Bingham, the Seventh Earl of Lucan, was accused of the murder of 29-year-old nanny Sandra Rivett on 7 November 1974, at his family home at 46 Lower Belgrave Street, in London. Three days later, police found his borrowed Ford Corsair abandoned some 16 miles away near the docks of Newhaven. Since then there have been many reported 'sightings' of Lord Lucan around the globe viz. Africa, Australia, the Netherlands, Ireland and Sicily.
České století

České století

Dec 07, 2014
Czech Century brings the key moments of the history of the Czech nation from 1918 to 1989.


Nov 28, 2014
A businessman discovers he has a hidden gene that enables him to breathe water, threatening the existence of the secret Aquarian race, in this charming, comedic fantasy drama from the Czech Republic.