Svetolik Nikačević

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La Vengeance de Siegfried
Siegfried a conquis le trésor des Nebelungen et a délivré Brunhilde d'Islande. Rentré à la cour de Burgondie, il devient un héros et rencontre Krimhilde, soeur du Roi Gunther, dont il tombe amoureux. En échange de la main de Krimhilde, il s'engage à aider le roi à épouser Brunhilde. Apprenant le mariage de Siegfried et Krimhilde, elle le fait assassiner par Hagen, frère de Gunther. Mais prise de remord, elle se suicidera...
Време на летала
Each time has its own games. This is a time when children's imagination was able to create art through fantasy. The adults shared the enthusiasm as well. A time that the war severely interrupted and marked the end of one's childhood and youth.
TV Movie
Slučaj Openhajmer

Slučaj Openhajmer

Feb 02, 1970
During World War II, the American physicist Robert Oppenheimer was at the head of the research work for the production of the atomic bomb. He was removed from that position in 1953 due to disagreements with the US Atomic Commission regarding the development of the hydrogen bomb. The investigation that was conducted against him during the infamous time of anti-communist hysteria and the "witch hunt" during the time of Senator McCarthy is testimony to the great moral and psychological dilemma in which the scientists of that era found themselves.
Divlje seme

Divlje seme

Mar 18, 1967
A man who escaped from a prison comes to his inmate's village to find his wife, after having been told how wonderful she is. He hides at her place only to find out that she receives "night visits" from the village men. He starts a killing spree, causing panic among the locals.
Bube u glavi

Bube u glavi

Jul 14, 1970
A psychological drama about two young lovers who are emotionally and mentally unstable. Through the flashbacks they are telling what did they do before they ended up in asylum.
Crna lista

Crna lista

Jun 05, 1974
It catches the essence of the no man’s land in which an accused artist found himself. In the hysteria of the political witch hunt neither society nor the law offered a way out.
TV Movie
Les rescapés de Sobibor
Shlomo et Moses sont déportés dans le camp de concentration de Sobibor. Alors que les nouveaux venus partent directement dans les chambres à gaz, eux sont mis de côté car ils sont orfèvres. En effet, ils fabriqueront des bijoux pour les nazis. Parallèlement, un déporté de longue date décide de s'allier avec un chef de soldats russes afin d'organiser une rebellion...


May 16, 1966


During turbulent times of the First Serbian uprising in 1804, on a freshly liberated land, a woman who betrayed her husband to the Turks has been taken to the court. A complicated truth and the real motives of the case get overlooked by the judge, a neutral Turk.


Jan 01, 1979
Small village farmers grow tobacco which they are forced to sell to the government for next-to-nothing prices. This repeats with Italians during the WW2, and with the communists after the war. Boiling point is getting high.
Време, живот
Adaptation of a TV Series with 3 episodes, "Third Age", filmed in 1986. This is a movie that shows how the old people live in a city (Skopje), film about love in the "third age", with a knit of humor and lyrically transposed characters.
Variola vera

Variola vera

Jul 09, 1982
Au cours des années 70, Belgrade connut une grave épidémie de variole. Variola vera est le récit de la vie d’un hôpital mis en quarantaine sanitaire et des multiples tensions à l’intérieur de cette micro-société yougoslave. Totalement isolée du monde extérieur, toute une galerie de personnages, apparaissant petit à petit sous leur vrai jour, est dépeinte. À l’extérieur, les autorités essaient par tous les moyens de cacher la vérité et de minimiser le danger. Le film est aussi une violente critique d’une certaine société qui se voudrait juste et exempte de fautes.
Uzrok smrti ne pominjati
In an atmosphere of WWII, a village dyer wants to help his folks in their sorrow and distress by supplying them with the black paint, but there is not enough black paint for all of them, because death works faster than the dyer. His wife was raped, but the naive dyer believes in "straight" intentions of his godfather - black marketeer, and he gives away free canvas to the people. But in all their pain, people are unable to distinguish good intentions from the evil ones.
Јована Лукина
A young married couple live alone in the Montenegrian mountains and work hard to make ends meet. Their ordinary life is interrupted by various different characters who pass by their home, and serve as a temptation, both carnal and spiritual, which threatens to corrupt the woman's innocent soul. Each new visitor is a threat of sorts and gradually she becomes suspicious towards the world and the unknown.
Sarajevski atentat

Sarajevski atentat

Jan 01, 1968
A resistance fighter in WW2 Sarajevo is running from the Gestapo and finds shelter in the home of the old man. The old man is a former member of the Mlada Bosna organization and tells the young man about his youth and events that which led to assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo.
La beauté du péché

La beauté du péché

Jan 06, 1986
Dans un village monténégrin reculé, il est de coutume qu'un mari tue sa femme si elle s'avère infidèle. Dans un tel environnement, un jeune couple marié vit pour une fidélité éternelle. Mais ils vivent dans la pauvreté et acceptent avec joie l'invitation d'un homme parti trouver fortune dans une ville côtière bien plus libérale. Ils y trouvent du travail, lui dans une usine de traitement du sel et elle comme femme de ménage dans un camp de nudistes. Traditionnellement éduquée, elle est terrifiée par la nudité, surtout quand elle nettoie l'appartement de deux jeunes étrangers amusés par sa confusion. Sous leur influence, elle libère sa sensualité enchaînée ...
Paljenje Rajhstaga

Paljenje Rajhstaga

Mar 02, 1972
The court trial of the 1933 arson attack on the Reichstag building, home of the German parliament in Berlin by a Dutch communist Marinus van der Lubbe. The incident took place only four weeks after Adolf Hitler sworn as the German chancellor The film was damaged and only 23 mins are preserved.
TV Movie