Pius XII.

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Cinecittà, de Mussolini à la Dolce Vita
Mythique cité du cinéma italien, souvent appelée « La fabbrica dei sogni « (la fabrique des rêves), Cinecittà se situe dans un quartier populaire du sud-est de Rome. Westerns, films antiques, séries télévisées, grosses productions américaines, classiques italiens : les studios ont vu défiler des milliers de films. L'idée de sa naissance émerge en 1930 : le gouvernement italien fasciste sous le joug de Mussolini souhaite industrialiser le cinéma italien afin de concurrencer le succès et le quasi-monopole d'Hollywood. Mais les studios de Cinecittà représentent surtout une importante machine de propagande fasciste.
Beau fixe sur New York
Trois soldats, amis inséparables, qui viennent de faire la guerre ensemble, Ted, Dough et Angie, parient avec le barman de leur café habituel qu’ils se reverront ici même, au bar, dans dix ans jour pour jour, le 10 octobre 1955...


Apr 26, 2019
He counseled presidents and popes, served on corporate boards and infuriated Richard Nixon. He was one of the only friends to whom Ann Landers turned for advice. During his 35 years as president of the University of Notre Dame, Theodore Hesburgh became one of the most influential and inspiring people of the 20th century.
Le Mystère de Padre Pío
Padre Pio, l’un des plus grands saints de l’histoire, canonisé par saint Jean-Paul II, a été mis sur écoute dans le confessionnal et accusé d’avoir des relations sexuelles avec ses filles spirituelles. Il a subi une persécution acharnée de la part de certains hommes d’Église. Le documentaire propose, à la manière d’un thriller, des témoignages et des documents jamais divulgués sur le complot mené contre ce grand mystique qui a porté les stigmates du Christ pendant 50 années consécutives.
La Rage

La Rage

Apr 13, 1963
Documentary footage (from the 1950s) and accompanying commentary to attempt to answer the existential question, Why are our lives characterized by discontent, anguish, and fear? The film is in two completely separate parts, and the directors of these respective sections, left-wing Pier Paolo Pasolini and conservative Giovanni Guareschi, offer the viewer contrasting analyses of and prescriptions for modern society. Part I, by Pasolini, is a denunciation of the offenses of Western culture, particularly those against colonized Africa. It is at the same time a chronicle of the liberation and independence of the former African colonies, portraying these peoples as the new protagonists of the world stage, holding up Marxism as their "salvation", and suggesting that their "innocent ferocity" will be the new religion of the era. Guareschi's part, by contrast, constitutes a defense of Western civilization and a word of hope, couched in traditional Christian terms, for man's future.


Mar 14, 1982
The mass murder of Jewish people by the Nazi regime is chronicled, with a warning that anti-Semitism is on the rise and the events of the Holocaust could happen again. The history of European Jewish culture and events before and during the Holocaust are seen in newsreels, photographs, and animated segments. The words of the victims of the era are read, and footage from the liberation os a concentration camp is shown.
The Man Nobody Knew: In Search of My Father, CIA Spymaster William Colby
A personal exploration into the life of America's controversial former CIA Director told through the eyes of his wife and filmmaker son, Carl. Through extraordinary events in twentieth century history, this consummate soldier/spy stood at the center of the Agency's most clandestine activities and operations. The film reveals the 'cover life' of this CIA operative, who followed orders and took on the dirtiest assignments until the Nixon Administration ordered him to 'stonewall' Congress about the CIA's past abuses, but he refused. This film reveals why, for the first time, he could not obey.
Le pape Pie XII et la Shoah
Pourquoi le pape Pie XII, au pouvoir de 1939 à 1958, a-t-il gardé le silence face à l’extermination des juifs par les nazis ? Face aux accusations de complaisance, son successeur François a ouvert en 2020 les archives du Vatican.
El muro rosa

El muro rosa

May 01, 2011
The historical memory of torture, persecution and killings of homosexuals and lesbians in Spain during Franco's dictatorship provides an opportunity to tell about discrimination and homophobia in the rest of the world. Those who lived through that period recall times when being gay was a crime and the Church was completely indifferent; even the movie (and the fashion) world turned their backs. Today Spain is actually a model for enlightened social attitudes and for the freedoms achieved by the GLBT community. So it is important to remind the young of the high price paid by the older generations. One of the directors of the film, Enrique del Pozo, is a singer and actor who is openly bisexual and very famous in Spain.