Allan Sears

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Name the Woman

Name the Woman

Jul 25, 1934
Directed by Albert S. Rogell. With Richard Cromwell, Arline Judge, Rita La Roy, Charles C. Wilson.
The Revenge Rider

The Revenge Rider

Mar 18, 1935
Tim O'Neil apprend que Tchad Harmon a livré du bétail volé après l'avoir marqué avec le sigle du ranch de Tim. Il le capture, le force à avouer pour qui il a effectué ce travail, et Tchad révèle le nom de Kramer. Lorsque après avoir vérifié la confession de Tchad, Tim revient, il trouve le voleur mort. Tim doit alors prouver qu'il n'est pas l'assassin et que Kramer est le vrai coupable.
Rio Grande

Rio Grande

Apr 25, 1920
Maria Lopez is the daughter of an American mother and a Mexican father, who is the head of a band of insurgents. As a child, she was kidnapped by her father and raised south of the border to hate gringos. She begins to like them a lot better when, during an escape from some Mexican "Rurals," she crosses the border and is captured by Texas Ranger Danny O'Neil. He lets her go, and they fall in love, but their romance is interrupted when she hears that her father has been captured by Americans.
The Big Little Person

The Big Little Person

May 12, 1919
After Arathea Manning loses her hearing during an epidemic of scarlet fever among the children she teaches, her fiancé Arthur Endicott, who is involved with another woman, complains of always having to shout to make himself heard. An inventor, Gerald Staples, gives Arathea an auriphone, a device to restore her hearing, but one of her problem pupils, in a fit of rage, breaks it. Gerald asks Arathea, whom he calls "The Big Little Person -- small in size, but big in ideas," to be the secretary of his new company marketing the invention. He falls in love with her and plays the piano for her even though she hears only rumblings.
L'Homme qui rit

L'Homme qui rit

Apr 27, 1928
En Angleterre, à la fin du XVIIe siècle, le roi Jacques se débarrasse de son ennemi, le Lord Clancharlie, et vend son jeune fils, Gwynplaine, aux trafiquants d'enfants qui le défigurent. Le garçon s'enfuit et sauve du froid un bébé aveugle, Dea. Tous les deux sont recueillis par Ursus, un forain. Gwynplaine, baptisé « L'Homme qui rit », devient un célèbre comédien ambulant. Le bouffon Barkilphedro découvre son ascendance noble et la dévoile à la reine Anne, qui a succédé au roi Jacques.
The Craven

The Craven

Jan 23, 1915
Bud Walton, the village blacksmith, is big and strong physically, but he has not the courage to put his strength to good purpose. All the boys take a slap at him whenever they choose, and Bud makes no attempt to retaliate. This causes his sweetheart, June, to despise him.
The Lost House

The Lost House

Mar 25, 1915
Before his niece and ward, Dosia Dale, comes of age, her uncle, who has spent her entire fortune, must think of a way to account for his actions. He proposes marriage, and when Dosia indignantly refuses him, he conspires with his evil friend, Dr. Protheroe, to do away with her. Declaring Dosia insane, the two men lock her up in the doctor's insane asylum, but she manages to drop a note from the window. Her plea for help is found by a reporter named Ford, who feigns insanity in order to gain admittance to the asylum. Dr. Protheroe becomes suspicious of Ford and locks him up with Dosia, whereupon Ford, knowing that his friend Cuthbert will notify the police if he and Dosia do not emerge safely by twelve, barricades the door and waits. In a furious battle with the police and the militia, Dosia's uncle and Dr. Protheroe are killed and the house set ablaze, but Ford and Dosia escape, leaping from the roof into a fire net below. All danger passed, Ford and Dosia become engaged.
The Wife He Bought

The Wife He Bought

Feb 04, 1918
James Brieson, a wealthy stockbroker, ruins Hutch Valiant, who soon after dies of the shock. Valiant's son Steele returns from the Northwest, where he won his fortune, just before his father's death and decides to devote his life to the cause of revenge.
Hollywood Bound

Hollywood Bound

Aug 18, 1928
A hotel clerk from Iowa believes he's destined to collect first prize in a contest: a movie contract at a Hollywood studio.


Mar 16, 1933
In the 1860s, Mary Marlowe defies her father's wishes to marry a British lord and runs away with clerk John Carlton as he heads West to make his fortune. Mary and John endure the difficult journey and settle into a small cabin, then face the hostilities of a cattle rustling gang, as well as the tragic loss of their only son. With Mary's help, John defeats the gang, which propels him to political power that, over the years, gradually erodes the once-happy marriage.
Justice of the Range

Justice of the Range

May 25, 1935
The McLean and Brennan ranches are both losing cattle to rustlers and each blames the other when cattle buyer Graves is the real culprit. To throw suspicion off himself Graves hires Tim to investigate, not knowing that this will be his downfall.


Aug 25, 1914
A country boarding house story


Aug 06, 1937
When Mountain City racketeer Charles Gillette is acquitted, he arrives at the Mountain City World newsroom and vows revenge on the Better Government Committee who put him behind bars. Members of the committee include Colonel Bogardus, owner of the World , Horace Mitchell, a candidate for mayor, and Mr. Franklin, a department store owner. First Gillette buys a rival newspaper, the Sentinel , and offers a pricey editorship to World newsman Ralph Houston, who refuses the offer on principle. That evening, Ralph and his partner, Tod Swain, are greeted at home by a creditor, and Vina Swain, Ralph's fiancée, is furious to find out he turned down Gillette's offer. When she learns Ralph went into debt to put her through college, she warns Gillette of a police raid and pays back Ralph's debt with Gillette's renumeration. When Ralph orders Vina not to work for Gillette, she breaks their engagement.
Two-Fisted Sheriff

Two-Fisted Sheriff

Jun 14, 1937
Alors qu'il ramène deux hors-la-loi qui ont pillés une diligence, le shérif Dick Houston tombe dans une embuscade tendue par un troisième larron, et n’échappe à la mort que grâce à l'intervention de son ami Bob Pearson. Quelques jours plus tard, Bob est retrouvé le fusil à la main près du corps sans vie du vacher Herrick. Bob, qui courtisait la fille de Herrick, Molly, est reconnu coupable et condamné à la pendaison, mais Molly le fait évader et Dick perds son emploi.
For the Service

For the Service

Jun 01, 1936
Cowboy star Buck Jones made his directorial debut with the Universal western For the Service. Jones is cast as Indian scout Buck O'Bryan, trying his best to keep the peace between the Native Americans and a government outpost. O'Bryan is replaced by George Murphy, the son of commanding officer Captain Murphy. Obviously unqualified for his job, Murphy proves himself a coward and a weakling, forcing O'Bryan to take over when the fort is besieged by outlaw Bruce Howard and his gang.
The Mystery of the Leaping Fish
Coke Ennyday, the scientific detective, divides his time into periods of "Sleep", "Eat", "Dope" and "Drinks". In fact, he overcomes every situation with drugs: consuming cocaine to increase his energy or injecting it in his opponents to incapacitate them. To help the police, he tracks down a contraband of opium (which he eagerly tastes) transported within "leaping fishes", saving a "fish-blower" girl from blackmail along the way.
Diane of the Follies

Diane of the Follies

Sep 24, 1916
Phillips Christy an amateur sociologist from a wealthy family, subscribes to the theory that people are shaped by their environment. When he falls in love with Diane, a showgirl from the follies, he sees a chance to prove his theory, but fate intervenes .......


Sep 04, 1916
À travers l'image d'une femme berçant un enfant, quatre épisodes de l'intolérance sont racontés dans une fresque monumentale. Un épisode moderne sur un gréviste condamné à la pendaison. Un épisode biblique lors d'une noce à Cana. Un épisode des guerres de religion au temps de Charles IX. Un épisode chaldéen. Dans tous l'intolérance l'emporte sur l'amour.
Life Begins at Forty

Life Begins at Forty

Mar 22, 1935
A small-town newspaper publisher finds himself in opposition to the local banker on the return to town of a lad jailed possibly wrongly for a theft from the bank.
Silly Billies

Silly Billies

Mar 20, 1936
The boys are a dentist and his assistant traveling to the Old West to open a new practice. Once in town, they buy a business--only to wake up the next day and see that the entire population of this bustling town had left for the California gold fields early that morning! Then, they discover an evil plot to sell out these settlers to some hostile Indians, so they spring to the rescue.
Sold for Marriage

Sold for Marriage

Apr 15, 1916
A poor Russian girl's beauty leads her unscrupulous uncle to bring her to the United States. There he is going to sell her into a marriage with a rich old man she has never met. But her lover, an returning immigrant visiting Russia from the U.S., sails on the same ship. When they arrive he learns, to his surprise, that the American police, unlike those of his native country, are not oppressors of the poor, but friends that will aid in securing the release of his beloved Marfa.
Naissance d'une nation
Pendant la guerre de Sécession aux États-Unis, deux familles sont mises à l'épreuve : les Stoneman, favorables au Nord, et les Cameron, des sudistes. Le retour de la paix ne calme pas les esprits. Lincoln est assassiné. Les troubles naissent des politiciens véreux et des Noirs livrés à eux-mêmes. Par réaction se crée le Ku Klux Klan justicier et vengeur.
The Savage

The Savage

Nov 19, 1917
When Marie Louise, the daughter of the town factor, returns home from school, Julio Sandoval, a reckless young half-breed ruled by his animal instincts, develops a passion for the girl, even though she is engaged to Captain McKeever of the mounted police. Meeting Marie when she is alone in the woods one day, the half-breed carries her to his cabin on the mountain top where he collapses from an attack of mountain fever brought on by overexertion.
The Little Yank

The Little Yank

Jan 14, 1917
Sallie is a beautiful Kentucky girl who belongs to a family of Union sympathizers. Her brother is a lieutenant in the Union army, and on a visit home brings Major Rushton, his superior officer, who falls in love with Sallie, "the little Yank."
The Failure

The Failure

May 27, 1915
Theatrical manager Isaac Shuman has a reputation for "taking advantage" of young girls who want to become stars on Broadway. Reporter Tom Warder investigates these stories and exposes Shuman in his newspaper.
The Gown Of Destiny

The Gown Of Destiny

Dec 30, 1917
Rejected by the army because of his petite size, French dress designer Andre Leriche conceives the idea of designing a gown that will aid his country. His employer, Madame Felice, sells the gown to Mrs. Mortimer Reyton, a middle-aged woman who is gradually losing the love of her husband. The gown so transforms her that, in honor of their wedding anniversary, Reyton buys three ambulances for France. Mrs. Reyton then sends the gown to her cousin Natalie. The garment so inspires Englishman Neil Cunningham that, to win Natalie's love, he returns home to enlist. In France, Neil proves himself a hero and, while leading an attack on a German stronghold, saves Andre's father, the mayor of the town, from death. Thus, the gown made a reality of Andre's dream to serve his country.
The Three Brothers

The Three Brothers

Jan 10, 1915
Three brothers: Bob, Will and Charlie, all are in love with Mae. Bob, the eldest, is sullen and revengeful, and Mae is afraid of him. Will, the middle brother, is a happy-go-lucky boy with whom she falls in love, and Charlie, the youngest, sacrifices his own feelings for Will, who loves Charlie devotedly. Will and Mae are engaged. During his absence in the city, where he is trying to get a hold in business, so that he and Mae can marry, Bob makes violent love to his brother's fiancée. Charlie comes to her rescue. Learning of the episode, Will later has word sent home that he is dead, and Mae marries Charlie. Some time after this, Will cannot resist coming home to see his mother and Charlie, though he intends that Mae shall not know of his return. Before he can slip away, however, an incident occurs in which he is called upon to save Charlie's life. His presence and his heroism become known to Mae. The inference is that she had a good deal of a struggle to overcome vain regrets.
Into Her Kingdom

Into Her Kingdom

Aug 08, 1926
In Czarist Russia, a young peasant boy is sent to Siberia for insulting the Grand Duchess. Released years later, he joins the fighting to overthrow the royal family. The entire royal family is condemned to death when fighting ceases.
A Sister of Six

A Sister of Six

Oct 29, 1916
A young woman and her five little brothers and sisters are left orphans by the murder of their father over gold found on his ranch. Together the seven offspring fight against their greedy neighbors to keep what is rightfully theirs.
Judy of Rogues' Harbor
Judy, an orphaned waif, lives with Grandpap Ketchel, a cruel and often brutal man. The sole protector of little Denny, Ketchel's grandson, Judy is forced to accept the attentions of Jim Shuckles, whom she abhors and who has compromised her sister Olive.