Despite the soccer World Cup fever during the summer of 1998, a group of young people insist on rehearsing for a theatrical performance. The process they are getting into will form the identity of the play itself, but will also force the actors to face their own personal problems and anxieties.
In the 1950s, Grigoris and Iulia are very much in love with each other, but they are the children of feuding families. Iulia is forced to marry Giorgikis, a rich and much older man whom she does not love.
The main theme of the series is the way in which a person is led to murder while each story in the series combines elements of drama, social stories and thrillers. The duration of each episode is 45 minutes and is in the form of a psychograph. While the stories in the series are based on real events that have preoccupied public opinion, their dramatization has undergone some changes.