Having lost his physician's license, Dr. Louis Krantz joins a gang of hoods to treat their wounded. When his son falls ill and needs expensive medical help, Louis decides to participate in a hold-up with the gang. Unfortunately for them, the robbery goes wrong. The gang boss, persuaded that Louis has betrayed them, decides to gun him down.
Jean Nérac, médecin interne des hôpitaux, part exercer sa profession dans le Cantal, où il doit remplacer un confrère âgé. Ce dernier lui apprendra les qualités requises, et Nérac fera auprès de lui son apprentissage de médecin de campagne, et renoncera finalement au poste qu'il aurait pu prendre dans la capitale.
Having lost his physician's license, Dr. Louis Krantz joins a gang of hoods to treat their wounded. When his son falls ill and needs expensive medical help, Louis decides to participate in a hold-up with the gang. Unfortunately for them, the robbery goes wrong. The gang boss, persuaded that Louis has betrayed them, decides to gun him down.
This is the the sad story of a car manufacturer, short of the readies, who asks his wife for money (for she owns the fortune). She refuses for her dad bankrupted himself and she would not be able to stand poverty again. He contemplates suicide but someone comes to his rescue and there's still hope: they can win the "Circuit De Minuit", a motor race. Besides, there's a another woman who cares for him.
This is the the sad story of a car manufacturer, short of the readies, who asks his wife for money (for she owns the fortune). She refuses for her dad bankrupted himself and she would not be able to stand poverty again. He contemplates suicide but someone comes to his rescue and there's still hope: they can win the "Circuit De Minuit", a motor race. Besides, there's a another woman who cares for him.
Having lost his physician's license, Dr. Louis Krantz joins a gang of hoods to treat their wounded. When his son falls ill and needs expensive medical help, Louis decides to participate in a hold-up with the gang. Unfortunately for them, the robbery goes wrong. The gang boss, persuaded that Louis has betrayed them, decides to gun him down.