1 Preparations For A Journey Dec 31, 1984 Preparations For A Journey 1984 137 min 1 vues Original music by David Sylvian. Performed by Ryuichi Sakamoto, Steve Jansen, Masami Tsuchiya. Music
7 沙耶のいる透視図 Oct 17, 1986 沙耶のいる透視図 1986 102 min 2 vues Erotic thriller about a porn photographer who has to deal with a psychopath. Horror
1 Steel Cathedrals May 17, 1985 Steel Cathedrals 1985 20 min 1 vues 20 minute music documentary shot in two days of November 1984 in, and around the outskirts of, Tokyo, Japan. A large part of the music was completed during that same month and recorded over a period of three days. Documentary