Tyrone Tann

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Cocaine Cougar

Cocaine Cougar

Apr 15, 2023
A Black Cougar high on cocaine escapes an animal testing facility and wreaks havoc on Los Angeles.
It's a Digital World

It's a Digital World

Jun 25, 1994
Tiny Town, the place where all nursery rhymes happened, is in BIG trouble in the here and now. They have all the communication devices but no one can communicate. They need a super-hero. Enter Digi Digital, who is only programmed to play and have fun.
Sharks N Da Hood

Sharks N Da Hood

Jan 01, 1970
The streets of Compton are flooded during a Monsoon, unleashing a horde of ravenous Sharks on the local community.
Science Fiction
Réactions en chaîne

Réactions en chaîne

Aug 30, 1996
Un couple se rend au cinéma, mais très vite, la séance de cinéma dégénère. A leur retour, ils découvrent leur enfant malade. Puis une panne d'électricité plonge les environs dans l'obscurité. Les ennuis s'accumulent...
When It Rings

When It Rings

Oct 03, 2023
Years after the tragic death of his sister, Zach returns to his childhood home. There he finds an old toy phone he used to "talk" to his dead sister, setting off a series of terrifying events, making him question what, and who, is real.
The Fantastic Santa Monaco
Aqua is a young performance artist, a self-styled bohemian among a community of fellow young women artists. The story follows her efforts to pursue her passion, despite pushback from her community and complications when she falls in love with her best friend, Becca, despite already having a boyfriend. Aqua is forced to confront difficult questions about who she is and what she wants in life before finally making her choice and living with the consequences. Aqua’s dream is to perform at upscale galleries and museums, but for now, she is performing on beach sidewalks, at farmer’s markets, and even at an art store.
Social Misfits

Social Misfits

Jun 19, 2001
Directed by Rene Villar Rios, this teen drama takes place at a tough love work camp for teens that is a cross between The Lord of the Flies and The Breakfast Club. As the cruel warden and brutal guards make their lives miserable, the ensemble of troubled teens confront each other and numerous problems facing their generation.
L'Affaire Amy Fisher : Désignée coupable
Amy Fisher, une bien jolie demoiselle, tombe amoureuse au premier regard de Joey Buttafuoco, le carrossier du quartier, qu'une récente cure de désintoxication exigée par sa femme, Mary Jo, a rendu à la vie et à l'amour des siens. Amy n'a aucune peine à convaincre le jeune homme de céder à ses charmes manifestes mais se heurte à un refus net et clairement formulé lorsqu'elle lui suggère de quitter son épouse et ses enfants. La patience n'étant pas son fort, Amy tire une balle dans la tête de Mary Jo. Celle-ci survit à sa blessure et Amy est jetée en prison. Pour se défendre, elle prétend que c'est Joey lui-même qui l'a poussée à s'en prendre à sa femme...
The Roller Blade Seven
In a futuristic society, a sword-wielding roller skater fights evil ninjas, punk roller skaters and is sent on an important rescue mission.
Legend of The Roller Blade Seven
In a post-apocalyptic world where rollerblading is the chief means of travel, the evil Pharoah sends his minions outside the Wheel Zone to abduct a psychic. The psychic has been trained in the way of the samurai, but has shunned her training to become a Passive. Once abducted, her brother joins forces with others to try and rescue her, but they face many challenges from the Dark Side.
Science Fiction
Starship Troopers

Starship Troopers

Nov 07, 1997
Au XXIVe siècle, une fédération musclée fait régner sur la Terre l’ordre et la vertu, exhortant sans relâche la jeunesse à la lutte, au devoir, à l’abnégation et au sacrifice de soi. Mais aux confins de la galaxie, une armée d’arachnides se dresse contre l’espèce humaine et ces insectes géants rasent en quelques secondes la ville de Buenos‐Aires. Cinq jeunes gens, cinq volontaires à peine sortis du lycée, pleins d’ardeurs et de courage, partent en mission dans l’espace pour combattre les envahisseurs. Ils sont loin de se douter de ce qui les attend.
Social Misfits

Social Misfits

Jun 19, 2001
Directed by Rene Villar Rios, this teen drama takes place at a tough love work camp for teens that is a cross between The Lord of the Flies and The Breakfast Club. As the cruel warden and brutal guards make their lives miserable, the ensemble of troubled teens confront each other and numerous problems facing their generation.
Social Misfits

Social Misfits

Jun 19, 2001
Directed by Rene Villar Rios, this teen drama takes place at a tough love work camp for teens that is a cross between The Lord of the Flies and The Breakfast Club. As the cruel warden and brutal guards make their lives miserable, the ensemble of troubled teens confront each other and numerous problems facing their generation.
When It Rings

When It Rings

Oct 03, 2023
Years after the tragic death of his sister, Zach returns to his childhood home. There he finds an old toy phone he used to "talk" to his dead sister, setting off a series of terrifying events, making him question what, and who, is real.
Zombie Flesh Eaters 5

Zombie Flesh Eaters 5

Jul 01, 2022
A young woman rescues her undead Father from an island where he's been put under a spell. But soon he escapes into the city of Los Angeles, leaving a trail of blood and guts behind. This is an alternate cut of Dustin Ferguson’s ‘Zombi VIII: Urban Decay’
Arachnado 2: Flaming Spiders
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, the Arachnado has returned, this time as a "Firenado" with Flaming Spiders. It's up to a renegade Sergeant Preston and the Janitor from the original film to overthrow the corrupt Lieutenant Gallagher and put the fire out.
Zombi VIII: Urban Decay
When the body of a dead scientist, infected with a stolen chemical, is cremated by the US military, a virus is unintentionally released into the atmosphere of a grimy urban wasteland.
Diagnostic : Meurtre

Diagnostic : Meurtre

May 11, 2001
Le docteur Mark Sloan aide un service de police à résoudre des enquêtes criminelles, en tant que consultant. Son fils Steve Sloan, policier très compétent, lui demande un coup de main pour résoudre les affaires difficiles. Mark travaille au Community General Hospital de Los Angeles avec Amanda Livingstone, puis Bentley, qui est une de ses amies, et sur qui il peut compter pour résoudre les enquêtes. Pendant les deux premières saisons, Jack Stewart assiste Mark, Steve et Amanda puis décide de partir exercer dans le Colorado. À partir de la troisième saison, Jesse Travis prend la relève.


Apr 02, 2009
À Chicago, l'hôpital Cook County dispose d'un service des urgences dans lequel œuvre une équipe de médecins dévoués et courageux, sous la houlette du docteur Mark Greene. Leur quotidien est ponctué de drames et de victoires, mais aussi de difficultés personnelles, professionnelles ou sentimentales.