Rafael Aviña

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Ni Muy, Muy... ni Tan, Tan... simplemente Tin Tan
"Ni Muy Muy, Ni Tan Tan, Sim­ple­men­te, Tin Tan. Tin Tan was one of the grea­test com­de­dian-​ac­tors in the his­tory of Me­xi­can Ci­ne­ma. He be­gan his film ca­reer du­ring the early years of what be­ca­me the Gol­den Age of Me­xi­can Ci­ne­ma. Th­roughout the ma­jo­rity of his mo­vies he plays the cha­rac­ter of a pa­chu­co; the Chi­cano/Me­xi­cano in zoot suit, th­ro­wing out the ti­ri­li ph­ra­ses and words, and jam­min the jitty-​bug. With the sty­le and the slang down to a tee, he was pi­cked up in Cd. Jua­rez Chihuahua by an ac­ting trou­pe. Tou­ring ex­ten­si­vely th­rough-​out Me­xi­co with the trou­pe lan­ded him in Me­xi­co City with film con­tracts. It was in tho­se films that Tin Tan ex­po­sed the ima­ge of the pa­chu­co, which Me­xi­can Youth adop­ted. From the de­sert bor­der-​towns of Jua­rez y El Pa­so the sty­le took off in va­rious parts of the coun­try, most no­ta­bly in Me­xi­co City
Borrar de la Memoria

Borrar de la Memoria

Oct 14, 2010
A love story turned assassination against the backdrop of the 1968 student massacre whose unresolved status is finally resolved in tense life threatening conditions. The story of a stubborn journalist who undertakes the clarification and bringing to justice of the heinous murder of one student forty years later represents a dedicated effort to force a country from denial to reconciliation and closure of tragic social and political events in a country´s history. A nation cannot allow official cover-ups that seek to delete and erase from the collective memory events that prevent a nation´s march towards social justice.