Любовь Аксёнова

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Dec 09, 2021
Andrey, the owner of a construction company, has to turn to an official he knows for help in order to win a government tender and avoid bankruptcy. Everything is ready to meet the "dear" guest, but as soon as he crosses the threshold, everything goes awry from the very first minute.
Major Grom : The Game

Major Grom : The Game

May 23, 2024
Le major de police Igor Grom est connu dans tout Saint-Pétersbourg pour son caractère percutant et son attitude intransigeante envers les criminels de tous bords. Une force incroyable, un esprit analytique et une intégrité - tout cela fait du major Thunder un véritable super-héros. Sa vie est parfaite : pendant la journée, il attrape des criminels avec son partenaire Dima Dubin et passe les soirées en compagnie de la journaliste Yulia Pchelkina. L'idylle complète est interrompue par l'apparition dans la ville d'un mystérieux méchant qui se fait appeler Ghost. Il propose à Thunder de jouer à un jeu dangereux, dont l'enjeu est la vie des gens ordinaires.
Кино про Алексеева
The film is a journey through the amazing life of Alekseyev. He drank tea with Tarkovsky, got into the KGB because of Gagarin, competed with Kalashnikov and Vysotsky. One day, he will learn more about himself than he knew and could have imagined: about his talent, about the mark that he left in the destinies of other people. You can live your life again if someone loves you.
Пьяная фирма
Comedy mini-series about doctor who cures hangoversIn the center of the plot is the story of the former doctor Grigory Mikhailovich Shtuchny, who drinks heavily and works as a security guard in an outpatient clinic. Piece - the inventor of the prescription drug, removing the cruel hangover and removing from the binge. The situation is such that the individual needs the money and he begins to earn, removing the hangover from wealthy clients. His young companion, Ilya, is looking for clients, and Piece with various degrees of success treats them.
Moscou ne dort jamais

Moscou ne dort jamais

Mar 10, 2017
MOSCOU NE DORT JAMAIS est un drame multi-narratif qui capture l'énergie cinétique de la capitale russe dans une affirmation provocatrice sur la Russie de Poutine. Le film plonge tête baissée dans les intersections volatiles de la Moscou contemporaine et les vies intimes de cinq personnes: un ENTREPRENEUR dont l'empire commercial est assiégé par de puissants bureaucrates, une ADOLESCENTE qui croupit dans la misère d'un foyer brisé, UN JEUNE HOMME forcé de choisir entre sa petite amie et sa grand-mère ; une belle CHANTEUSE déchirée par la poursuite de deux hommes et une STAR DE FILM malade qui se retrouve mêlée à un étrange enlèvement. Au cours d'une journée, leur vie va changer à jamais.


Mar 02, 2023
1945. The International Military Tribunal begins its work in Nuremberg. A huge number of people from all over the world come to the trial, which will later be called the Trial of the Century: the city is crowded with journalists, lawyers, translators, witnesses and many participants and employees of the process.


Nov 15, 2012
Le manuscrit d'un jeune écrivain arrive dans une maison d'édition et commence d'une manière mystérieuse à exercer une influence sur les membres de la rédaction et de tous ceux qui l'ouvrent et lisent ne serait-ce qu'une page. Les histoires racontées dans le livre commencent à devenir une réalité pour les héros du film. Le film comporte quatre nouvelles qui correspondent aux quatre récits du manuscrit.
Бывшие. Happy End
Yana and Ilya met during rehabilitation. According to the rules, they need to stay away from each other if they want to stay sober. But the feelings that flared up between them do not allow them to do this. They broke down, parted, sought happiness with others, but the further they ran away from love, the more they were drawn to each other. The story that Ilya and Yana will live in the film will allow them to finally get out of the vicious circle, give them a chance for recovery and give hope for a happy ending...
Nightwatchmen, les gardiens de la nuit
Pasha, jeune coursier âgé de dix huit ans, sauve Dana, une belle et mystérieuse jeune femme agressée par un groupe d’individus dotés d’une force prodigieuse. Précipité dans un tourbillon d’événements, Pasha va découvrir un monde parallèle souterrain où vivent des êtres démoniaques assoiffés de sang. La nuit tombée, les vampires sont parmi nous. La chasse ne fait que commencer…
Гуляй, Вася!

Гуляй, Вася!

Feb 16, 2017
Mitya accidentally proposed to his girlfriend. The problem is that Mitya is already married to Vasya, who refuses to grant him a divorce. Can Mitya and his friends convince Vasya to change her mind?


Oct 15, 2015
Igor, a Russian oligarch gets into a heated argument with Eva, his estranged daughter whilst traveling on his private jet. Igor orders the plane to land. As the plane touches down Eva disappears into the Goan jungle. Thus begins Igor's desperate search for his only daughter. A search that will bring him and Eva into contact with various characters who in turn are trying to find their own paths through life. Makar, a guy from Novosibirsk, who is desperately searching for enlightenment. Alexey and Kristina are ending their marriage here, while Dimon and Lenya are raising hell and pushing Goa to its partying limits. Kosmos the Guru ("just don't call him that") dispenses the chemicals that in a bat of an eyelid will take you to an alternate reality. There are different destinies here. There are a myriad of people. But all of them have one Motherland, which is easy not to love as long it is close to you


Sep 22, 2017
URSS, juin 1985. Basé sur des faits réels. Après avoir perdu le contact avec la station spatiale Saliout 7, les cosmonautes Vladimir Dzhanibekov et Viktor Savinykh accostent avec l'engin vide et gelé pour le ramener à la vie.
Coma : Esprits prisonniers
Après un terrible et mystérieux accident, un jeune architecte talentueux se retrouve entre la vie et la mort dans un monde étrange basé sur la mémoire des personnes plongées dans un profond coma. Dans cet espace où l'Empire State Building côtoie Big Ben, rivières, glaciers et villes semblent tenir dans une seule pièce une forme de souvenir du monde réel, déformé et tordu par une perception subjective, inconstante et fragmentaire. Le jeune homme va devoir se battre contre de nouvelles lois de la physique pour survivre, rencontrer l'amour de sa vie, espérer trouver une sortie, et se réveiller.
Science Fiction
Les Maîtres de l'illusion
Un joueur de casino de talent rassemble une équipe de magiciens dotés de super-pouvoirs pour réaliser le plus gros casse de l'histoire dans un casino. Mais il va affronter un rival mystique et redoutable des griffes duquel il devra tirer toute son équipe et sa petite amie…
Русский Бес

Русский Бес

Jan 31, 2019
Contemporary Moscow. Svyatoslav, a poor boy, falls in love with Asya, a rich girl, and wants to marry her. To support her in the manner in which she is accustomed, he opens an upscale restaurant. But he soon discovers he has a unseen enemy.
Без меня

Без меня

Oct 18, 2018
Two girls, who used to be in love with the same man, are starting to get texts and other mysterious messages after his death, and the only person, who could’ve possibly sent them, is him. The messages from the gone man send two rivals to the south of the country, when they have two unravel the mystery of their mutual loved one, understand themselves and deal with their own past.


May 24, 2018
The adventurer named Sadko sets sail in search of a mythical bird of happiness...
Footballeuses à tout prix
Les joueuses d'une équipe de football féminine ont perdu plusieurs matchs, leur club se trouve en difficulté financière et elles viennent de perdre leur coach. Faisant preuve de courage et d'un esprit d'équipe hors pair, elles devront se battre pour leur passion et pour retrouver le chemin de la victoire.


Jun 15, 2019
The action unfolds in our days, in the small Volga town of Kalinov, where nothing has changed since the days of Alexander Ostrovsky’s classical play: if any rays of light do appear in the dark empire, then they are doomed to perish quietly in the general absurdity and ignorance, or shine brightly as a token of protest against lie and tyranny. The young, married girl Katerina Kabanova leads a happy life — at first sight. Only her mother-in-law Kabanikha constantly nags her and does not allow her to take things easy. Her weak-willed husband Tikhon loves his wife, but he always sides with his powerful mother. When Katerina unexpectedly falls in love with Boris, the young relative of the town’s mayor, she finds that he also has tender feelings for her…


Jun 07, 2011
The young heroine is bored as she spends the summer with her parents at their summerhouse. Then her cousin comes to visit...


Oct 22, 2020
A rather unlucky young theater director finds himself without work and means of subsistence. To somehow make ends meet, on the advice of a friend, he decides to become a director of pornographic films, using creativity and psychological aspects in his work.


Jan 01, 2019
Four novels of the film-almanac are united by a common theme - all the most important happens in reality, and not on the Internet. Politicians and housewives, students and stars, adults and adolescents all over the earth take millions of selfies every day. Perhaps these photos will remain a dead weight in the phone's memory, but sometimes they can change lives. However, the heroes of the tape do not suspect anything about it...
Major Grom : Le Docteur de Peste
Le film est une adaptation de Docteur peste, le premier livre de la série, qui traite de la chasse à un mystérieux maniaque qui élimine brutalement des médecins, des hommes d'affaires et des fonctionnaires corrompus. Dans la bande dessinée, le principal méchant est un milliardaire et propriétaire d'un important réseau social qui cache ses tendances sadiques au public.
La Princesse et le monstre charmant
King est incapable de croire que son enfant bien-aimé, la princesse Barbara, est devenu adulte. Il essaie toujours de surveiller la princesse, mais Barbara, âgée de 16 ans, pique une colère lors de sa fête d'anniversaire. La princesse Barbara s'enfuit du palais et se retrouve au fond des bois. Elle tombe sur Boogey the Outlaw et son ami le Wicked Rabbit...
Третий в постели
Lyuba and Roma are tired of their long marriage, but their pregnant daughter Nastya and son-in-law Stepan decide to help their relatives keep the family together and give a tour to a five-star hotel in Turkey. Parents agree only in order not to upset their daughter, but they do not think about any restoration of relations. On the contrary, Lyuba quarrels with Roma on the plane, demands a divorce, and at the very first dinner starts flirting with the handsome Turk Emin, drinks too much, and in the morning finds a corpse in her bed ... This is how this unusual story begins, in which there is a place for dangerous and fun adventures, blackmail, exploits for the sake of loved ones and a new breath in relationships.


Apr 26, 2023
An employee of the fire department - a manipulator and a bribe-taker - is trying to get herself a kidney for a transplant. But this is not easy to do, since she lived her life in such a way that no one wants to help her.
The Тёлки

The Тёлки

Apr 14, 2022
The roaring twenties of the new century. The era of messengers, electronic cigarettes and universal digitalization. The main character is Andrey Mirkin, a promising head of a PR agency. He owes his success and beautiful life to women. Mirkin can seduce almost anyone, he is charismatic, courteous and cynically uses it. He goes head over heels, not thinking about how many lives he has ruined along the way. He just doesn't care. The cherry on the cake in the hero's career promises to be a multimillion-dollar tender. Mirkin's victory in it is guaranteed in advance. But no one knows how much dirt is behind this well-being. And in the coming days, it will overwhelm Mirkin.


Sep 09, 2014
When Vlad was five his mother was killed. And the only person whom Vlad blames for her death is his father . On the 20th anniversary of the tragedy the young man decides to gather all his relatives together to dot all the i's and cross all the t's. But at some point Vlad finds out many facts which totally change his life.
Silver Spoon

Silver Spoon

Aug 20, 2022
Contraint de devenir apprenti flic, le playboy arrogant Igor découvre qu'il a le don pour le travail policier. Mais son travail l'emmène bientôt sur un sombre chemin personnel.
Цыплёнок жареный
Spring of 1921. NEP (New Economic Policy) initiation rapidly changes Petrograd which was lifeless after wars and revolution. Marches and hymns are mixed with foxtrot and chanson. Well-dressed people appear on river quays, as well as thugs who are ready to rob them of money. So the chaos starts and it is invincible for police: shops are robed five times per day. Then the criminal world of Petrograd headed by Uncle Kolya comes to defend NEPmen and starts to run a protection racket on them. But not all the NEPmen are ready to pay for these services what makes Uncle Kolya to send his combat groups to these people. The most famous and productive of these groups is the Rodya’s gang. Rodya is former anarchist, sharp thug, fancy pants and ladykiller.
Преступление и наказание
Summer, St. Petersburg of the XXI century. Student Rodion Raskolnikov is exhausted by lack of money, unemployment and thoughts about the meaninglessness of his existence. But the idea is maturing in his mind that some people have the "right" to do the most vile things if they make great discoveries and move the world forward. To test the theory on himself, he kills an old woman-a micro-lender. Investigator Porfiry Petrovich is on the trail of Raskolnikov, who wants to get a sincere confession from him.


Mar 11, 2021
Addicted is an ensemble drama set in New Home, a leading rehab centre run by a brilliant team of experts; psychologists, doctors and counsellors. Lead character Yana is a junkie. After getting herself into serious trouble she’s forced to choose between therapy or jail. Reluctantly she chooses rehab, where she meets Ilya, a newbie consultant therapist assigned to her case. Observing other patients helps Yana understand her situation better, re-discover her self-worth, and gradually recover her health and her life. As her treatment progresses, so does their friendship, presenting an ethical and moral dilemma for both.


Dec 26, 2024
Yury Dud interviews famous figures, including musicians (mainly rappers), politicians, journalists, film directors, and businesspeople.
Вокально – криминальный ансамбль
Criminal 70s drama about the musicians involved in the theft and trafficking of stolen arts and antiques. Using their touring life as a cover, they evade police for years. Their suspected leader is a well-known celebrity singer. To catch the thieves, the police form an under-cover band led by a brave young officer, a former professional guitarist. By a lucky coincidence, the under-cover musicians become the supporting band for the main suspect, the singer. They need to find the evidence of his involvement in a life of crime, but money, fame, and other temptations get in the way. Will they stay loyal to the police or will they choose the seductive celebrity lifestyle built on breaking the law?


Jan 02, 2025
Former military pilot Shaposhnikov is investigating the case of the disappearance of a passenger plane in 1998. The case unexpectedly develops in the present, when one of the passengers of the disappeared flight gets through to his family. Anna, a journalist, is involved in the case, who knows this mysterious story firsthand.


Jun 24, 2021
Childless for many years, Tolya suddenly has three pregnant women on his hands: his wife Rita, his mistress Natasha, and a one-night stand, Milana. He decides to have all three live together with him under one roof.
Обнимая небо
The film begins in 1985 in a military garrison, where a fighter aviation regiment is stationed. Two tenth graders - the daughter of the deputy commander of the regiment, Zhenya Lugovaya, and the son of the waitress of the flight canteen, Vanka Kotov - are covered with a feeling of first mutual love. Harsh dramatic events separate the characters, their life paths diverge, and they lose each other for many, many years. Vanka Kotov becomes a test pilot, Zhenya Lugovaya becomes a military surgeon. One day, fate brings the heroes together again...


Jan 06, 2023
Tomsk in 2021, 2025 and 2030. The characters actively use social networks and literally can't imagine how to live without them. Having the opportunity to communicate with the whole world, people feel more lonely.
Убойный отпуск
After 30 years, Roma and Luba's marriage is bursting at the seams. Their pregnant daughter Nastya gives her parents a ticket to a five—star Turkish hotel for the anniversary - to establish relations and really relax. However, the vacation is not set literally from the first minutes: Roma and Lyuba swear on the plane and decide to divorce upon arrival. They will have to play the role of loving spouses for the whole vacation, so as not to upset their pregnant daughter, who worries and calls every hour.
Безопасные связи
An anthology style drama series looking at relationships during a pandemic ‘lockdown’. Each episode looks at a different relationship with a different story, some positive and some less so. Isolation doesn’t necessarily mean being alone…
Soderzhanki (Russian Affairs)
A Moscou de nos jours, Dasha, une historienne spécialisée dans l’art fraîchement arrivée dans la capitale, rêve d'une vie nouvelle et meilleure, mais un incident mystérieux et cruel va tout changer.
Настя, соберись!
Meet Nastya, 29 years old, designer-architect, married. Five completely different inner selves get along in it. This is the inner child; the hostess responsible for the attacks of all general cleaning; the control-obsessed demanding parent; the goddess of pleasure and a self-confident, daring careerist. Each of them has their own interests and ideas about happiness. They cheat, argue and fight among themselves. But when Nastya simultaneously loses her job, husband and best friend, the five will face a difficult task. They will have to learn how to negotiate with each other and make compromises — all in order for Nastya to be able to say with confidence: "I love myself all!"
Жить жизнь

Жить жизнь

Nov 14, 2024
Anna is an educated and bright young woman, with lots of friends and a successful career in marketing. The tragic death of her tyrannical husband a year ago hasn’t broken her – indeed she vowed that nothing would stop her from living her life to the full. Despite having many admirers, Anna takes time to start new relationships and rethink her values. Until she meets Matvey. A young surgeon working at a luxury clinic, he initially seems to be an ideal candidate for Anna. However, Matvey soon reveals himself to be a professional manipulator, well versed in a variety of the most dangerous psychological techniques. Anna quickly realizes that this has happened to her before. She intends to end this cycle of unhealthy relationships and defeat Matvey at his own cruel game.