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May 10, 2003
Dans un Japon déchiré par la guerre, le shogun Tokugawa, désespéré de rétablir la paix à son peuple, ordonne l'assassinat des chefs de guerre hostiles. Une belle jeune femme, avec neuf autres orphelins, est élevée depuis sa naissance à devenir un assassin. Son nom est Azumi, l'assassin ultime.


Apr 28, 2009
Un humanoïde, ayant en sa possession une carte mémorielle OS "Cipher", tente de pénétrer illégalement sur Abel, une planète où les humains et les robots coexistent en harmonie. Il est aussitôt pourchassé et détruit. Cependant Apollo, un robot ayant des traits humains, et son amie Mikaru, une humaine à apparence de robot, retrouvent les restes de Cipher. Apollo charge le programme en échangeant leurs langues mais commence à agir bizarrement. Le duo, interloqué, tente de percer cet étrange mystère qui va les conduire aux différentes dimensions de l'espace-temps.
In the year 2011 the greatest tectonic disaster in the history of mankind has occurred. As a result of the catastrophic earthquakes North and South America, Eurasia, Africa and Australia have sunken underwater while the Japanese islands remain untouched.
バグマティ リバー
Natsuki, a young woman working for a publishing company, receives an anonymous postcard with a picture of Mt. Everest printed on the back. It reminds her of her brother Kenji, a well-known mountain climber who went missing 2 years ago attempting to climb Everest, who she hasn’t seen in 10 years. Why did Kenji ever go to the mountain? What kind of person was he? Natsuki realizes she doesn’t know her brother at all, but she believed the postcard to be sent by him, and decides to got to Everest to find the answers to her questions.
Swallowtail Butterfly

Swallowtail Butterfly

Sep 14, 1996
Dans un Japon d'anticipation, une jeune fille dont la mère vient de mourir est recueillie par une prostituée du nom de Glico. Elles rejoindront par la suite une troupe d'amis vivant dans Yentown, un bidonville où se terrent les exclus...


Dec 14, 2013
In Fly Me to Minami, Lim’s fourth feature film and follow-up to his Stateless Trilogy, two transnational love stories intersect. The first of these stories is between Sherine, a fashion magazine editor from Hong Kong, and Tatsuya, an amateur photographer in Osaka. The second is between Seol-a, a Korean flight attendant, and Shinsuke, a married Korean-Japanese shopkeeper in Osaka’s Korea Town.
Imago Mortis

Imago Mortis

Jan 15, 2009
On raconte que dans les années 1600, longtemps avant l’invention de la photographie, un scientifique nommé Girolamo Fumagalli était obsédé par l’idée de reproduire des images. Il avait découvert que par le meurtre d’une personne et par la suppression de ses yeux, il était possible de reproduire sur papier la dernière image imprimée sur sa rétine. Il a baptisé cette technique « thanatography ». Aujourd’hui, le même genre d’horrible et abominable crime rituel se répète dans les murs d’une école internationale de cinéma. L'histoire parle d'un étudiant en cinéma anglais fasciné par la mort qui tente de résoudre une série de meurtres bizarres commis à Rome. Ces meurtres ont pour point commun l'une des théories les plus étranges du cinéma : l'art perdu de la thanatographie (en latin, l'image de la mort).


Jun 17, 2006
A Japanese street racer looks to track down a legendary racer for revenge.


Jul 01, 2006
A Japanese street racer looks to track down a legendary racer for revenge. His quest continues.
Fireworks, Should We See It from the Side or the Bottom?
Norimichi et Yusuke semblent en pincer pour la même fille, la jolie mais discrète Nazuna. Cette dernière va alors commencer à agir étrangement : ses camarades de classe ne le savent pas encore, mais les parents de la jeune fille vont divorcer, et Nazuna devra quitter l'école et la ville pour suivre sa mère. Loin de tous ces premiers désordres amoureux, le reste de la joyeuse bande commence à se passionner pour cette journée qui doit se clôturer par un feu d'artifices. Mais une question les divise : les feux d'artifices sont-ils plats ou bien ronds, lorsqu'on les observe de côté ?
Noise ノイズ

Noise ノイズ

Mar 01, 2019
In 2008, an indiscriminate killing which shocked the whole world was carried out in the street of Akihabara. Director Yûsaku Matsumoto was inspired by the Akihabira killing to look at random acts of violence occurring in Japanese society and exploring the aftermath of one such occurrence, and the building-up to another one. By following several people—perpetrators, victims and family of both alike, he tells a human story about inhumane acts.


Jul 26, 1996
Yuko, a high school girl, receives a newspaper called Horror News, in which mysterious events of the future are written.


Sep 11, 1998
Abandoned by his mother and having had to fend for himself, Ryuu is one of many Japanese youths that have turned to a life of petty crime in order to survive in Japanese society. Life on the streets has given him a tough exterior, but it is his kind heart and his dislike for what he has become that wins over a local beauty and helps him take his first steps towards a better life. When an overzealous and less than ethical police inspector fingers Ryuu for a crime he didn't commit, he is resigned to accept his fate. However, help emerges from an unexpected source to give him the strength to fight for his freedom: a victim of one of his past crimes.
Haru e Natsu

Haru e Natsu

Oct 06, 2005
Alors que Haru émigre du Japon avec sa famille dans les plantations de café au Brésil, Natsu est laissée aux soins de parents mal intentionnés. Perdant tout contact, chacune doit faire son chemin dans un monde impitoyable. Les difficultés abondent dans la lutte pour survivre dans un Japon déchiré par la guerre et face au sentiment antijaponais au Brésil, à la ruine financière, à la pression familiale, à l'abandon et à l'amour perdu. Mais ils connaissent aussi la joie précieuse de la survie et du succès. Aujourd'hui, après 70 ans, Haru revient au Japon pour retrouver sa soeur dont elle s'est séparée.
Sore wa Totsuzen

Sore wa Totsuzen

Mar 17, 2004
Kozue Ogawa est une femme au foyer et est mariée à Hideo depuis sept ans. Ils n'ont pas d'enfants, mais comme ils vivent avec ses parents dans leur boutique de fleurs, le quotidien est toujours animé. Elle est heureuse de sa vie et de son mari, mais elle se demande si cela suffit.


Jan 20, 2007
The 64th NHK Asadora Renzoku Drama is Churasan, a story of a young woman, Kohagura Eri, who was born in Kohamajima Island, Okinawa on May 15, 1972, the day when Okinawa was returned to Japan from the U.S. Eleven years later, Kamimura Shizuko and her two sons, Kazuya and Fumiya, from Tokyo come to stay as the guests of a small inn run by Eri’s family. Eri’s fun-loving, yet eccentric family welcomes them warmly. However, Eri is shocked to hear one of the sons, Kazuya is terminally ill and Shizuko and her sons came to Okinawa to spend his last moment together in beautiful nature. Fumiya, Kazuya’s younger brother, and Eri promise to marry each other someday. However after Kazuya’s death, Fumiya and his mother leave the island to go back to Tokyo. Years later, they are reunited, Eri as a nurse and Fumiya, a doctor, working at the same hospital in Tokyo.


Jun 29, 1998
The Glass Mask drama is based on a very popular manga of the same name by Suzue Miuchi, about a young girl named Maya whose dream is to be an actress. A legendary former stage actress, Tsukikage Chigusa, watches Maya as she reenacts drama episodes she's seen on TV. She approaches Maya and has her join her acting company, Tsukikage Theater. Tsukikage holds the production rights to a legendary masterpiece called "The Crimson Goddess," in which she had played the title role until a terrible accident burnt her face beyond surgical repair. She's been searching all of these years for someone to play the role which only the most talented actress could play, and maybe she's found that someone in Maya... --synopsis by awrittensin


Mar 23, 1999
After a car accident kills both her parents, the 16-year-old Ayumi (Fukada) and her brother are adopted by their aunt and uncle respectively. Their nightmares begin after they move in with the two families. Ayumi is forced to quit school and work in Water Inn, which is owned by her aunt's husband, who seems to be filled with hatred for Ayumi. In the inn, Ayumi is surrounded by people who seems to either hate her or dislike her. Her only friend is Lin (Chen) who is an illegal foreign worker. When she runs into troubles, she has 3 guardian angels who takes turn to help her: her aunt, Lin, and Sasaoka Yuzuri, the son of a politician and who has a promising future. Yuzuri's interest in her, however, incurs the jealousy of her cousin and the wrath of her uncle who loves his own daughter Yuriko (Nakamura) very much. In the meanwhile, she also has to find ways to bring her brother under her own


Jul 11, 2009
Sur la planète Abel, les humains et les robots vivent ensembles. Un jour, sur un mystérieux navire de transport, un passager clandestin tente de s’introduire sur la planète, mais il est découvert par Apollo (Hayato Ichihara), un robot à l’apparence humaine, et Mikaru (Aya Ueto), un homme ressemblant à un robot. Le passager clandestin avait en sa possession une puce mémorielle contenant les derniers logiciels de camouflage, ainsi que le mystérieux OS, « Cipher ». Apollo s’approprie « Cipher » pour le plaisir, mais n’a aucune idée dans quoi il met les pieds. Il commence tout d’un coup à se comporter bizarrement, mais Mikaru ignore ce qui ne va pas ou même si c’est « Cipher » qui est la cause de ce changement. Qu’est-ce qu’est exactement « Cipher » ? Quelles sortes de secret détient-il ? Apollon et Mikaru vont devoir percer un mystère qui englobe le passé, le présent et l’avenir pour le découvrir.


Mar 23, 1998
DAYS takes a look at the lives of six 20-year-olds struggling to maintain their dreams in a society that has already classified and ranked them. Yabe Tetsuya is an alienated but sincere, inherently honest young man trying to overcome a background that has given him few advantages beyond his own inner strength.


Sep 14, 2018
Freelance programmer Sakagami is paralyzed in the lower half of his body and confined to a wheelchair. He sets up a company called dele.LIFE in partnership with a law firm established by his late father. At the request of clients, Sakagami works together with a freelance jack-of-all-trades Mashiba to delete all unfavorable digital records of their clients left in their computers and smartphones after they die. They are not supposed to see inside the files but when they feel something strange in the client’s death, they cannot help getting involved.


Jun 28, 1996
Two teenage boys from starkly different backgrounds find themselves joined in a common search to discover how to do the right thing and find happiness in life. One boy, whose father is an alcoholic, works hard to care for his younger brother and sister, while the other enjoys the privileges of a wealthy family, but is starved for his father's love. Their friendship reflects the sadness, pain, and sometimes cruelty that can enter into the relationships between fathers and sons in today's society.


Jun 25, 1999
Misaki decides to join the Brass Band Club having heard of its prestigious past from her father, a former member. However, Misaki finds that much has changed and the club is now full of dull and inactive students. Misaki determines to do her best to return the club to its glory days, but she must help many of the students overcome their personal problems.