Massimiliano Franciosa

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Corti circuiti erotici Vol.2
Rapporti Impropri: After the death of her mother, Silvia, a sexually jaunty 16-year-old girl, is welcomed for a certain period by her uncle Carlo where as a child she spent the summer holidays and of which she is always secretly in love. Silvia's goal is to be accepted and ready to do anything, even to seduce the whole family. Benedetta Transgressione: A young separated couple meets by chance on the terrace of a Roman park. The husband hardly recognizes in the woman's uninhibited and provocative behavior his ex-wife, who, realizing the exciting effect it has on her ex-spouse, even offers him a threesome. Specchio, Specchio Delle Mie Brame: Giulia, Sandro's wife, helping Walter, her husband's brother, to mount a mirror, takes advantage of the situation to betray her narcissistic spouse, too arrogant and taken to notice the affair that takes place practically under his eyes...
(Im)perfetti Criminali
Riccardo, Amir, Pietro and Massimo, four security guards, not particularly brilliant or courageous, are bound by an indissoluble friendship. When Amir, who has a large family to support, loses his job, the other three feel called to help him at any cost. Going from a bad idea to an impromptu criminal plan, the four friends will find themselves in a whirlwind of encounters, adventures and pitfalls, but also some surprises. Because our heroes still have more than one trick up their sleeve…
Per tutta la vita

Per tutta la vita

Nov 11, 2021
Four married couples find out their marriage is invalid because it was officiated by a fraudulent priest and have to decide what to do next.
Specchio, Specchio delle mie brame
A jerk husband Sandro and his young wife Giulia have moved into a new apartment. She is unpacking, and he his lounging in the bath. When his brother Walter comes over to deliver a new wall mirror. The brother makes a pass at the young wife, as he has secretly wanted to do for years.


Sep 05, 2023
Enea court après le mythe qu'il porte en son nom ; il le fait pour se sentir vivant dans une époque morte et décadente. Il le fait avec Valentino, un aviateur nouvellement baptisé. Les deux, en plus de négocier et de faire la fête, partagent la jeunesse. Amis de toujours, victimes et bourreaux d'un monde corrompu, mais animés par une vitalité incorruptible. Au-delà des frontières des règles, de l’autre côté de la morale, il y a une mer pleine d’humanité et de symboles à découvrir. Enea et Valentino le survoleront jusqu'aux extrêmes. Cependant, la drogue et la pègre sont l'ombre invisible d'une histoire sur autre chose : un père mélancolique, un frère qui se bat à l'école, une mère vaincue par l'amour et une belle fille, une fin heureuse et une mort heureuse, un palmier qui tombe sur un monde de verre.
Diaz : Un crime d'état
En 2001, pendant la dernière journée du G8 de Gênes, quelques instants avant minuit, plus de 300 officiers prennent d'assaut l'école Diaz, à la recherche des militants du Black Bloc. Dans l'établissement, se trouvent 90 activistes, dont la plupart sont des étudiants européens accompagnés de quelques journalistes étrangers, qui s'apprêtent à passer la nuit à même le sol de l'école. Alors que les forces de l'ordre font irruption, les jeunes manifestants lèvent les mains pour se rendre. Imperturbables et implacables, les policiers se livrent à des exactions préméditées d'une violence inouïe, frappant indifféremment jeunes et vieux, hommes et femmes.
Beata ignoranza

Beata ignoranza

Feb 23, 2017
Ernesto and Filippo, two high school teachers, couldn’t be more different: Filippo is a cheerful liberal who is constantly online. Handsome and youthful, he is a serial seducer on the social networks. Ernesto, instead is a stern conservative, rigorously computerless. He is probably the last person around who still has a first-generation cell phone and his teaching methods are very traditional. They used to be best friends but an unresolved fight kept them far apart, until the day fate intervened and they found themselves teaching at the same school. Their opposite viewpoints will soon and inevitably lead to a new clash. The internet will force them to deal with their past, which resurfaces in the shape of Nina, a young woman who conducts an experiment on them: Filippo must try to leave the world of Internet and Ernesto must try to enter it.
Gian Burrasca

Gian Burrasca

Nov 18, 1982
Giannino Stoppani, called Gian Burrasca, is a boy who loves bad taste jokes. A series of actions will lead him to be detested by everyone except his mother.
Romanzo Criminale

Romanzo Criminale

Dec 16, 2010
Fin des années 1970, le Libanais est une petite frappe ambitieuse à la tête d'un gang romain. Son association avec le Froid, un autre chef de gang, va lui permettre de se lancer dans un projet d'envergure : faire main basse sur la capitale. Tandis que Terrible, un caïd du milieu qui porte bien son nom, voit d'un mauvais oeil l'arrivée de ces jeunes chiens fous, un inspecteur de police nommé Scialija se fixe comme objectif de les arrêter à tout prix.
L'ispettore Coliandro

L'ispettore Coliandro

Oct 13, 2021
Italian police inspector Coliandro — an ignorant, boorish, but fundamentally kind-hearted oaf, whose entire worldview is informed by American cop movies — protects the good citizens of Bologna, routinely saving the day and foiling the plans of evildoers of all sorts by a combination of dumb luck and genuine bravery, while always falling hopelessly in love with the woman at the center of the case.