Ted Haggard

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Oct 01, 2008
Le maître de l'irrévérence américaine, Bill Maher, dresse un état des lieux de toutes les religions du monde en parcourant la planète et en interrogeant des spécialistes et des gens de la rue. Fascinant, instructif, décapant, hilarant, inquiétant et passionnant, Religolo est un instantané de la spiritualité humaine comme personne n'en a jamais vu...
Root of All Evil?

Root of All Evil?

Jan 09, 2006
In this two-part Channel 4 series, Professor Richard Dawkins challenges what he describes as 'a process of non-thinking called faith'. He describes his astonishment that, at the start of the 21st century, religious faith is gaining ground in the face of rational, scientific truth. Science, based on scepticism, investigation and evidence, must continuously test its own concepts and claims. Faith, by definition, defies evidence: it is untested and unshakeable, and is therefore in direct contradiction with science. In addition, though religions preach morality, peace and hope, in fact, says Dawkins, they bring intolerance, violence and destruction. The growth of extreme fundamentalism in so many religions across the world not only endangers humanity but, he argues, is in conflict with the trend over thousands of years of history for humanity to progress to become more enlightened and more tolerant.


Feb 14, 2013
An anti-western propaganda film about the influences of American visual and consumption culture on the rest of the world, as told from a North Korean perspective.
Jesus Camp

Jesus Camp

Sep 15, 2006
Les familles que vous verrez dans le film représentent une force électorale influente qui fait de plus en plus entendre sa voix dans la vie culturelle et politique américaine.Elles préparent non seulement le retour de Jésus, mais elles s'apprêtent également à "reprendre le pouvoir en Amérique au nom du Christ", entraînant avec elles leurs enfants.Des enfants qui attendent de recevoir la parole divine, et s'agitent, en transes, comme possédés, quand l'Esprit-Saint parle en eux ; des mômes qui maudissent Harry Potter - parce qu'un héros sorcier est une chose sacrilège ; des gamins qui vénèrent le leader de leur pays, et embrassent son effigie en carton..
Celebrity Wife Swap

Celebrity Wife Swap

Sep 02, 2015
Two women from celebrity families with different backgrounds trade places for one week. Not only are the moms given the opportunity to see how another celebrity chooses to raise her children and deal with the spotlight -- making them appreciate their own lives more -- but viewers are given a peek into how some controversial celebrities live their lives. At the end of each episode the couples meet and discuss how they feel about each other's life and share what they've learned from the experience.