Namsrai Otgontogos

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Le signe des ancêtres
Bagi est un jeune nomade vivant dans les steppes glacées de Mongolie. Doté d'une sensibilité particulière, il se destine à devenir chaman. Mais lorsqu'une terrible épidémie frappe les animaux de sa tribu, la magie se montre impuissante. Lui et ses proches n'ont alors qu'une solution : rejoindre les petites villes minières de la région pour y trouver du travail. Une fois sur place, Bagi tente de s'habituer à cette nouvelle vie. Il croise par hasard Zolzaya, une séduisante voleuse de charbon, dont il s'éprend. Ensemble, ils découvrent que l'épidémie n'était qu'un mensonge. Mais quel était le but cette incroyable machination ?...
Ирж яваа цаг
During the socialist society, the mentality of using people in the agricultural sector as brothers, and then, disregarding the love of young people, is the ancient way of marrying off criticized what happened.
Шадар Ван

Шадар Ван

Jan 19, 1994
It tells about the heroism of Chingunjav (1710-1757), one of the leaders of the armed uprising for the independence of the Mongolian people in 1755-1758, and the disgraceful incident of Efu Tsengunjav, who betrayed him in the middle of the oath, and his henchman Guren Taiji.
Эргүнэ хонгийн домог
2,000 years ago, two families escaped from the conflict between Mongolia and Turkic provinces and were forced into the Ergune-Kun gorge, where there was no other way to enter except for a narrow path. As a result, when their descendants multiplied and their land was no longer contained by the water, they all gathered together and discussed, and by breaking the dam, they made a hole by melting the mountainside.
Ээждээ л үнсүүлэхсэн
After being imprisoned for many years, Yerol decides to change his life and live like a human after being released. So he visits his old friends, but there is no one to trust him except a stranger he has been corresponding with through letters while in prison. Although everything was good after meeting that woman, one thing always bothered him: his promise to his mother to be a good person. However, his dream of becoming a human and returning to his mother was not liked by his prison colleagues.
Амилсан хайр
A girl who became blind at the age of 13 due to improper treatment went to the hospital in despair, but her sight did not return. But she kept hoping. She regained her sight thanks to a kind-hearted person who performed bariatric surgery and energy healing. Generosity, hope, love, and the great power and dreams of an individual overcome any difficulties and create happiness and light in life.
Дурсамж төгсгөл үгүй
The film, created to commemorate the 35th anniversary of Erdenet, tells the story of the love and life of young people who come to work at the Erdenet Ore Processing Plant in the 1980s. Although they love each other, the film shows how their relationship is affected and changed by baseless lies and the reckless actions of unscrupulous people.
Зүрхэнд гэрэлтэх од
The film begins when a woman spends the night at a film crew's house after her car breaks down on a rainy night. The film expresses the love and friendship of young people through songs, such as how to make the person you love your own, how difficult it is to not be able to tell a man that you love him first, and the jealousy of girls. Sent
Ийм нэгэн дурлал 2
Three students participate in a TV competition and submit a humorous video of themselves imitating their teacher. Realizing that they were mistaken, they meet the girl to get their video back. In the meantime, many funny incidents take place between them, and eventually one of them falls in love with the girl.
Сарны гөлөг

Сарны гөлөг

Feb 18, 2013
From an outsider's perspective, the couple, their husband, and their pregnant daughter are living a normal life together. The couple never argued. However, when an unexpected guest joins their family, a fierce conflict erupts between the couple.
Хайрын үнэ цэнэ
Good bad things and happiness in life and hindrance occurs. It's always await all the brightness in the back of all that can get over love. You can love anyone. But also the option you love you too. If you choose him, "Does you don't feel the value of love and always" the idea of ​​love "


Mar 07, 2014
The film begins with Jargal, a young journalist who writes stories in the field of investigative journalism, creating a fake case for himself with the help of his teammate and minister Badral to find out the truth about a case and ending up in prison. While in prison, he encounters many unexpected events and is subjected to various pressures, ultimately leading to his death. In this way, the aim is to show the immoral and corrupt things that exist in Mongolian society through the events that happen to the young journalist.
Худалдагч Охин
Saruul, a science student, is asked by an injured classmate Namuunaa to work part-time as a substitute in an adult goods store for a month. Katya, the Russian owner, a former ballet dancer who lives an elegant life on her own, realizes that Saruul, who comes daily to deliver the proceeds, has been suppressing herself against her parents' expectations, and tries to release her secret desires and sexual curiosity. Saruul, who lives with her family with little change in her life except for the evenings when she paints her favorite pictures, is exposed to a new world through her interaction with Katya, who has a wealth of life experience, but one incident leads to a growing distrust...