Malu Bierrenbach

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A Menina da Estrada

A Menina da Estrada

Aug 01, 2018
Love, Possession, Betrayal, Jealousy, Selfishness. And it is a reinterpretation of the traditional Stories of treasures buried during the War of the Triple Alliance, which deeply marked Brazil – especially the Pantanal people – since 1864. It is based on Alvarenga's manuscripts from when he lived among the Kadiwéu, Kinikinanau, in the village São João, between 2002 and 2004.
Bellini e o Demônio

Bellini e o Demônio

Sep 30, 2008
Tells the story of detective Remo Bellini, who gets pulled into a web of death and mysteries that take him to a world of illusions where everything is a self-created fantasy. He's taken by this evil inside that makes him lose a sense of reality with visions, anguish and loneliness - everything takes him down a path of no return. He can't understand what's happening, but the deaths surrounding him are getting closer and closer. It's a race against time before it's too late.
Duas Mulheres

Duas Mulheres

Dec 17, 2016
In a messy room, a slap knocks a woman to the floor. The attacker appears deranged, bathed in anger and tears. The reason that leads the two, apparently old acquaintances, to this state is not immediately revealed. We are quickly transported to another time, the 70s: violence, repression, dictatorship, the hippie generation, the counterculture. We met these two women, now friends, in a movie theater. Here begins a puzzle to be put together, where present, past and illusion mix and become confused.
Almoço Executivo

Almoço Executivo

Jan 01, 1996
Five friends meet for lunch. Nothing could be more mundane, but for some reason, no one stayed for dessert.
Amassa Que Elas Gostam
After watching an erotic animation in the movie theater, Ana falls in love for the lead character, the "macho man" Valdisnei. She tries to reach him through telephone, and she deceives him through an invitation to an audition. While in the audition, a tragedy happens.
Alma Corsária

Alma Corsária

Jul 07, 1993
50 years of Brazilian history seen from the point of view of a friendship among two intellectuals.
Olhos de Vampa

Olhos de Vampa

Aug 01, 1996
A beautiful woman is found dead, with a peach in her mouth, a bite in her butt and without blood in the body. When other women are found dead in the same modus-operandi, the police gives the nickname of "Vampa" to serial killer. Detective Leôncio is assigned to investigate the murder together with fetishist photographer Oscar. Without any lead, they decide to follow a sexy and popular night-club dancer on the streets of São Paulo, trying to identify possible suspects.


Oct 03, 2010
Sao Paulo, 1950. Cette cité brésilienne où les boîtes de nuit, les bandes organisées, la prostitution, l’alcool et la drogue règnent en maître, est l'une des plus dangereuses du pays. Après la mort de son père, Hiroito décide de gravir les échelons de la mafia locale pour fuir la misère...
De Pernas pro Ar

De Pernas pro Ar

Dec 31, 2010
Alice is a thirty-something woman married to João, has a son and is very successful professionally. Alice is the typical workaholic, whose work is her largest and only pleasure. On the other hand her personal life does not exist: no sexual activity, zero libido, zero personal life. The lack of a sex life in Alice's life is overflowing in Marcela's, her stunning neighbor. A true expert on the subject, Marcela is the owner of a sex shop and knows everything when the theme is the search for pleasure. Like in the typical comedy of errors, the lives of Alice and Marcela will cross and both will undergo huge transformations after this encounter.
Comme Nos Parents

Comme Nos Parents

Jul 27, 2017
Rosa fait tout pour être parfaite dans son métier, comme mère, fille, épouse et amante, mais elle peine à tout concilier. Fille d’intellectuels engagés et mère de deux filles pré-adolescentes, elle se retrouve piégée par les exigences de deux générations. De plus, son mari la laisse souvent seule pour son travail. Sa vie bascule lorsque sa mère lui révèle un secret qui la pousse à découvrir qui elle est réellement.


Nov 01, 2018
Membre des forces spéciales de la police fédérale, l’agent Montessanti fait la Une des médias avec sa dernière mission: il vient d’interpeller pour corruption le favori aux élections présidentielles. Alors qu’il pense l’affaire classée, sa fille unique est assassinée sous ses yeux. Sans le savoir, il a mis le doigt sur un puissant réseau qui contrôle les plus hautes sphères de l’Etat. Au bord de la folie, il se lance dans une croisade expéditive et impitoyable contre le crime organisé et les officiels corrompus. A son tour contraint d’enfreindre les règles, Montessanti se change en justicier d’une société au bord du chaos: il devient le NIGHTWATCHER.
Sequestro Relâmpago

Sequestro Relâmpago

Oct 19, 2018
Sao Paulo, Brazil. Isabel, a 25-year-old girl, is kidnapped. The first ATM the criminals try to withdraw money from is broken. It's almost 10:00pm. The kidnappers realize they will not be able to get to the next one on time. What was meant to be an express kidnapping becomes an all-night imprisonment.
La Plata Yvyguy - Enterros e Guardados
The Legend of the Paraguay War Legend tells that during the Paraguay War (1864-1870), families that lived near the border and soldiers who were leaving for battle used to hide their valuable belongings by burying them in secret spots, in order to safely recover them after the war. In several cases, though, the only people who knew about the secret spots of those personal treasures died before they could go back to recover them. According to inhabitants of that region, the spirits of those tormented men would reveal the location of those "buried and hidden" treasures to chosen people in their dreams, visions or by haunting them. "The Legend of the Paraguay War" approaches local legends in a historic and literary way. Those legends were born from within the biggest conflict in South America, and were developed and influenced by the local imaginary view of the world and which can be considered a relevant part of those people's identity up to this day
As Compras de Suzanne

As Compras de Suzanne

Jan 01, 1970
After an anonymous death threat, Suzanne, who is isolated at her house due to the COVID-19 pandemic, has to deal with her day-to-day life while an unknown danger surrounds her.
A Trilha dos Ratos

A Trilha dos Ratos

Jun 24, 2021
Before ending World War II, Nazi Germany, realizing it was going to lose the war, planned an escape route so that its high-ranking officers would not be convicted. Thousands of Nazis fled along these routes, with the help of the CATHOLIC CHURCH and the RED CROSS to America. Passports were issued and many criminals escaped and lived prosaically across America in exchange for German money and technology. These trails were called: RATILINES or TRACK OF THE RATS


Sep 21, 2018
Roger Sadala est un médecin publiquement respecté et renommé dans le domaine de la fécondation humaine, qui cache un autre visage sombre derrière une fausse intégrité. Lorsque sa réceptionniste Daiane brise le silence et le dénonce pour harcèlement, plusieurs autres victimes se joignent à elle avec des histoires similaires, notamment des abus sexuels. Qui donne la parole aux victimes est la journaliste Mira, qui compile les histoires racontées dans chaque épisode par d'autres femmes : Stela, Eugênia, Maria José et Vera.